VAuthenticator needs of a lot of infrastructure to run: dynamo, kms, redis and an email server. It can be a barrier to adopt VAuthenticator.
That's way we provide one docker image with all the needed to install a new tenant with an admin account for the management ui together with a
client app for admin M2M purpose.
- default admin client application for M2M:
- username: admin
- password: secret
- default client application for configure the sso login for the admin ui:
- username: vauthenticator-management-ui
- password: secret
- default admin user
- link:
- username: [email protected]
- password: secret
In order to have all the needed infrastructure you can avail on the docker-compose.yml`, while it is possible to instantiate a container to install a new tenant usable for local development using the command:
docker run --pull=always --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it mrflick72/vauthenticator-local-tenant-installer:latest
if you need a specific branch docker image you can use the following command
docker run --pull=always --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -it mrflick72/vauthenticator-local-tenant-installer:$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
add on your local hosts file the following configurations
in order to configure your app to run from your preferred ide you can start your app with the option --spring.config.additional-location=application.yml
and key.master-key=MASTER_KEY
is shown in the std out of the mrflick72/vauthenticator-local-tenant-installer:tag execution like below:
MASTER_KEY: c3415e13-7d3b-4807-88a1-5e7009c94668
TABLES_SUFFIX: _Local_Staging
KMS_ENDPOINT: http://host.docker.internal:4566
DYNAMO_DB_ENDPOINT: http://host.docker.internal:4566
kms_endpoint http://host.docker.internal:4566
default user password: secret
client id: admin
client secret: secret
client id: vauthenticator-management-ui
client secret: secret
Local User IAM VAuthenticator AccessKeyId: LKIAQAAAAAAABPAIE4RX
Local User IAM VAuthenticator SecretAccessKey: U2lSO7CfwtxQJdAyoP15ccz9y4PEFtTm/bK+8SKw
In order to make simple the ui assets build for local development take in consideration to enable the following spring configuration properties:
engine: file-system
fs-base-path: dist
in order to be sure to have the asset files in the correct path execute this script:
cd ..
rm -rf dist
mkdir -p dist/static-asset/content/asset/
mkdir -p dist/mail/templates
cd src/main/frontend
npm install
npm run-script build
cd dist/asset
cp * ../../../../../dist/static-asset/content/asset/
cd ../../../../../communication/default/mail
cp * ../../../dist/mail/templates
Postgres and plain java key management is an available option
In order to activate aws native service usage like KMS, DynamoDB and so on please use the spring profile '''aws''' default otherwise