Here there are all the needed scripts to orchestrate all the process to configure yor AWS account to test locally VAuthenticator and VAuthenticator Management UI.
add on your local hosts file the following configurations
make sure that you have a clean installation
- docker-compose down
- docker-compose rm
- docker-compose up
create an .env file like this:
IS_PRODUCITON=False DYNAMO_DB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4566 KMS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4566 ACCOUNT_ID=000000000000 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxx AWS_REGION=xxxx TABLES_SUFFIX=_Local_Staging VAUTHENTICATOR_BUCKET=vauthenticator-local-dev-document-bucket VAUTHENTICATOR_MANAGEMENT_UI_BUCKET=vauthenticator-management-ui-local-dev-document-bucket MASTER_KEY=will be available on the aws console or in the terraform resource apply console log
run the
After that the is executed in the AWS console on KMS section you can see the Key ID of your key. It is the master key to insert in the configuration file configuration/vauthenticator.yml.
- configure your app
- Property name is:
key.master-key: ${MASTER_KEY}
- create the IAM key and set up the required environment variables like below
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=it is irrelevant AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=it is irrelevant AWS_REGION=could be whatever aws region you would like to configure.. in local stack all will be local
- Property name is:
- configure your app
run the After that the is executed you will have configured.
- default admin client application for M2M:
- username: admin
- password: secret
- default client application for configure the sso login for the admin ui:
- username: vauthenticator-management-ui
- password: secret
- default management ui client application
- link:
- username:
- password: secret
- default admin client application for M2M:
to reset all the environment you can destroy your local compose environment
please remember that the setup script will override the file in order to override aws endpoint keep in mind it