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Alexandre Rademaker edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 6 revisions

Documentação UD Português

Importante: Uma proposta de documentação inicial deste projeto encontra-se em proposta.pdf. Este PDF deve ser considerado como fonte mais atual de informação do que se encontra neste wiki. A documentação completa será consolidada em


The secret to understanding the design and current success of UD is to realize that the design is a very subtle compromise between approximately 6 things:

  1. UD needs to be satisfactory on linguistic analysis grounds for individual languages.
  2. UD needs to be good for linguistic typology, i.e., providing a suitable basis for bringing out cross-linguistic parallelism across languages and language families.
  3. UD must be suitable for rapid, consistent annotation by a human annotator.
  4. UD must be suitable for computer parsing with high accuracy.
  5. UD must be easily** comprehended and used by a non-linguist**, whether a language learner or an engineer with prosaic needs for language processing. We refer to this as seeking a habitable design, and it leads us to favor traditional grammar notions and terminology.
  6. UD must support well downstream language understanding tasks (relation extraction, reading comprehension, machine translation, …).

It’s easy to come up with a proposal that improves UD on one of these dimensions. The interesting and difficult part is to improve UD while remaining sensitive to all these dimensions.

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