The ABLATE library is built upon a solver paradigm where individual solvers are instantiated and responsible for setting up the domain. The high level view of setting up a problem is:
Create a Domain
- The Domain holds a DMPlex
- Create the mesh
- Define any required labels/subDomains
- Add any required ghost cells/nodes or boundary cells/nodes
Initialize any solvers
- Define if the solver runs on the entire or subsection of the domain
- Define any fields that must be stored in the domain/dmPlex
- Integrate with time stepping
Create the timeStepper
- Handles time-stepping
- Controls monitors
- Holds the serialization controller
Each solver can function independently but must support integrating in the same domain. At a minimum solvers must implement the following:
- Define a region in which they apply through Region Label
- Register any required fields with the Domain
void Register(std::shared_ptr<ablate::domain::SubDomain> subDomain)
- Setup any functions and time stepping
void Setup()
- Initialize the solution fields
void Initialize()
The three basic types of solvers that are currently supported are:
- finiteVolume: A finite volume implementation with support of computed fluxes between cells
- finiteElement: A finite element implementation with current support for lowMach and incompressible flows
- particles: Support for Lagrangian particles that interact with an Eulerian solver