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The design of a trustworthy ecosystem around media sharing

Martijn de Vos edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 27 revisions

In this living document, we describe the design of a trustworthy ecosystem around media sharing in Tribler. This ecosystem addresses a key problem in Tribler: free-riding on bandwidth. Specifically, many users that use Tribler to fetch their media content only leech resources from the network, without contributing anything back. Our ecosystem rewards structural good behaviour while punishing free-riding behaviour. We will describe the required components, associated research questions, and implementation challenges.

The design described in the document is written for an integration in Tribler, our academic testbed for research in decentralized technologies. Even though the ideas in this document most likely also apply to other systems, we try to keep the current design focussed and self-contained. The described ecosysystem is an amalgamation of existing ideas and components that work together to address free-riding behaviour at scale. I tried to integrate as much of the existing lab research as possible.

A note on terminology - Even though the original ticket is using the term “token economy”, I’m adopting the term “ecosystem” instead, for the following two reasons. First, it is inaccurate to summarise the whole ecosystem with the term “tokens”. Tokens are only a small part of the entire system and are utilised during the accounting of bandwidth contributions and consumptions. Individual contributions and consumptions are fed to a reputation mechanism, that outputs a (subjective) ranking of trustworthiness. Second, using the term “economy” is misleading since users might think that our system is designed around trade-based incentives (e.g., as in FileCoin). Though we will describe some ideas on making reputation tradable, our system is mostly based on trust-based incentives.

Problem Description

Tribler is our academic testbed that is is downloaded by over 1.5 million users. Our software features an onion-routing overlay that tunnels BitTorrent traffic through relay and exit nodes to provide anonymity. Specifically, a downloader creates a circuit with zero or more relay nodes that ends with one exit node. The number of hops in a circuit refers to the total number of exit and relay nodes used. Each relay node adds an additional layer of encryption, and an exit node proxies traffic from the Internet into our darknet. Users themselves can input how many hops they wish to utilise for their download. Downloading over circuits with more hops features better anonymity but impacts download speed.

Our anonymous overlay suffers from an undersupply of exit nodes, leading to frequent network congestions and an overall degradation of download speeds for all users. This is not entirely unexpected since running an exit node is often not without legal risks. As such, we consider our exit node capacity as a scarce resource, that must be allocated amongst users in a fair manner in case of undersupply. Similarly, we require relay nodes when one wishes to include one or more relay nodes in its circuits. By default, every Tribler user operates a relay node by default since there are minimal legal risks involved with running a relay node. The full protocol description is provided in this document.

In summary, we want to reward good behaviour (providing anonymous bandwidth to the network) and punish bad behaviour (structurally leeching anonymous bandwidth from the network, e.g., free-riding).

Design Goals

Given our problem description, we now state three design requirements for our ecosystem.

Incentivise structural good behaviour - TODO

Minimal user intervention - TODO

No centralised components - TODO

Ecosystem Overview

Our ecosystem consists of four mechanisms, as given in the figure below.


Accounting Mechanism

The first component that we introduce is an accounting mechanism, used to securely record community contributions and consumptions, referred to as interactions, on a distributed ledger. These interactions describe the bandwidth downloaded from or uploaded to other users. A new interaction is recorded when a circuit is destroyed, e.g., due to a timeout or when the maximum traffic amount is reached (250MB).

A basic accounting mechanism is currently implemented and integrated in Tribler. Our primitive ledger, named TrustChain, is capable of tamper-proof recording of events and has superior scalability compared to state-of-the-art blockchain ledgers. Instead of maintaining a fully shared log of records, TrustChain equips each user with its own individual ledger, fully maintained by that user themself. Individual ledgers are cryptographically linked when two users interact. We specifically avoid the need for network-wide consensus, since such a mechanism is unable to scale to Internet-level communities. Instead, bilateral agreement is reached between interacting participants. At the time of writing, TrustChain has recorded over 141 million transactions, created by over 80.000 unique participants. TrustChain is currently being used as a primitive component for decentralized applications, including self-sovereign identity and secure payments between strangers.

TrustChain orients around fraud detection instead of prevention. Whereas attempt to prevent fraudulent behaviour (e.g., double spending), this comes at a significant performance loss and a requirement for transaction fees to reward the effort of miners. This makes blockchain technology unsuitable for accounting purposes. Fraud in TrustChain is optimistically detected through the exchange of random records, and by checking the validity of incoming records against known records. Each record is non-reputable since the digital signature of the creator is included. This way, an adversarial user that has secretly forked its personal ledger can be exposed with minimal computational effort and bandwidth overhead. We provide full details on our fraud detection mechanism in an upcoming article.

TODO: Mention Bami, elaborate on the differences between Bami and TrustChain. Why is Bami a better fit for Tribler?

Accounting Bandwidth Traffic with TrustChain

We now describe how bandwidth traffic is accounted using TrustChain. In our ecosystem, each user earns bandwidth tokens by forwarding traffic as a relay or exit node. When downloading content, the user compensates the used relay and exit nodes. In the figure below, we show how a downloader pays tokens to others nodes after downloading a 50 Megabyte file over a two-hop circuit.


When the circuit is destroyed, the downloader accounts a transfer of 250MB to the first relay node using TrustChain (MB is the unit of this bandwidth token). The first relay node then transfers 150MB to the next relay node, earning 100MB. The rationale behind our payout scheme is that we reward relay and exit nodes for performing the cryptographic operations on the forwarded data. Currently, we only perform a payout when the circuit has at least transferred 1MB of data. Relays that do not forward the payout to the next hop will be blacklisted by the previous hop, lowering their opportunity to earn bandwidth tokens. Each record in a personal ledger contains the token amount transferred in that interaction, and the total bandwidth uploaded and downloaded by that user. By requesting the last record in the personal ledger of a user, we can quickly determine the total amount of data uploaded and downloaded.

Reputation Mechanism

The second component is a reputation mechanism that estimates the trustworthiness of agents in a digital community. Trust is a cardinal requirement for sustainable management of a common good since the reputation of individual and others heavily influence the incentives of agents to show good behaviour. We envision that each user locally computes trustworthiness scores, based on the discovered records in the global DAG. The output of the reputation mechanism is a trustworthiness ranking. The reputation mechanism requires a reputation algorithm, for example, (modifications of) PageRank or max-flow.

Tribler currently has no integrated reputation mechanism. In the past, we used BarterCast to prevent free-riding in our BitTorrent network, however, BarterCast has been removed. It is important to select a reputation algorithm that is (1) computationally efficient, and (2) Sybil-resistant. We require computational efficiency to minimise the impact of Tribler on user hardware. We cannot make assumptions on the computational capabilities of consumer hardware.

Allocation Mechanism

Our third component is an allocation mechanism, that determines who gets access to a shared resource. These local decisions are driven using trust scores computed by reputation algorithms. Allocation is at the core of commons management since improper allocation policies will still lead to a collapse of the community. Our allocation policies do not require mediation by a centralized authority; instead, community members work together to ensure fair and efficient allocation amongst all members.

Security Analysis

We now describe different attacks on our ecosystem and elaborate on possible solutions for each attack.

Uncontrolled Token Minting

Whitewashing Attack

Sybil Attack

The Sybil Attack is one of the most challenging attacks in open decentralized systems. It involves an adversary that operates multiple, fake identities in order to subvert the network. This attack mostly happens when the cost of creating a new identity is negligible. Within Tribler, a peer can mount a Sybil Attack to leech resources from the network.

We are well-aware of the threats that Sybils pose to our network integrity. Addressing the Sybil Attack is a cardinal research direction of our lab. Existing proposals to address Sybil Attacks at the network layer include the adoption of a Proof-of-(useful)-Work, leveraging self-sovereign identities, exploiting geographic proximity and building a latency-diverse neighbourhood in the overlay. In addition, the adopted reputation mechanism should address Sybils in some form. We require adequate protection against Sybils at different layers in our stack. This includes defence mechanisms in both the network layer and in the adopted reputation mechanisms.



Scientific Challenges

  • What is the effect of partial/imperfect accounting? We cannot assume that every user possesses the most recent version of the global work graph at any time. Therefore, the adopted reputation mechanism must be able to deal with partial information, e.g., a user might be not know some contributions/consumptions.