#TextMate/Sublime Language Definition for VSCode
This package provides syntax highlighting for the SublimeText JSON/YAML tmlanguage files in VsCode. The syntax highlighting uses tmLanguage files sourced from https://github.com/SublimeText/PackageDev. Coffee script language information is sourced from https://github.com/aponxi/sublime-better-coffeescript/blob/master/CoffeeScript.tmLanguage
This package can now convert between JSON/YAML and standard PLIST tmLanguage files.
The functionality in this extension is inspired by SublimeText PackageDev, and the lack functionality around tmLanguage files, even though it's a recommended format for VSCODE syntax highlighting.
##Currently Included
###Syntax Highlighting and Snippets for JSON-tmLanguage files
###Syntax Highlighting and Snippets for YAML-tmLanguage files
###Conversion between tmLanguage file variants
Included commands are:
- Convert to JSON-tmLanguage file - Converts to JSON from YAML/PLIST
- Convert to tmLanguage file - Converts to PLIST from YAML/JSON
- Convert to YAML-tmLanguage file - Converts to YAML from JSON/PLIST
Please raise any issues with this extension through GitHub