Clue | -Possible Words | -
“Are you the other word in a two-word maze module?” | -- Blind, Boolean, Factory, Module, Polyhedral, Scrambler, USA - | -
“Are you the last word of a module that requires audio?” | -- Code, Coffeebucks, Fogey, Hedgehog, Kudosudoku, Listening, Safe, Samples, Sequence, Sequencer, Sounds - | -
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Square’ in it?” | -- Button, Colored, Decolored, Discolored, Divided, Mystic, Uncolored, Varicolored - | -
“Are you a needy module?” | -- Aa, Alpha, Determinants, Edgework, Filibuster, Knob, Math, Pong, Tetris, Wingdings - | -
“Are you a modded port in KTaNE?” | -- AC, HDMI, PCMCIA, USB, VGA - | -
“Are you a vanilla indicator label?” | -- BOB, CAR, CLR, FRK, FRQ, IND, MSA, NSA, SIG, SND, TRN - | -
“Are you a modded module with rule-seed support?” | -- Bitmaps, Boggle, FizzBuzz, Friendship, Mahjong, Radiator - | -
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Button’ or ‘Buttons’ in it?” | -- Bamboozling, Broken, Complicated, Grid, Logical, Masher, Morse, Rapid, Sequence, Spinning, Square, The, Triangle - | -
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Wire’ or ‘Wires’ in it?” | -- Complicated, Perplexing, Placement, Risky, Sequence, Seven, Skinny, Spaghetti, The - | -
“Are you a one-word solvable module without the letters ‘E’ or ‘A’?” | -- Cooking, Countdown, FizzBuzz, Functions, Gridlock, Hunting, Instructions, Kudosudoku, Logic, Modulo, Plumbing, Rhythms, Scripting, Sink, Skyrim, Synonyms, Zoni, Zoo - | -
“Are you the last word of a music-related module?” | -- Chords, Jukebox, Keys, Qualities, Rhythms, Samples, Sequence, Sequencer, Sings - | -
Continued on next page...