Assembling, linking and execution in just one script.
NASM Assembler
Download the executable from releases.
sudo cp easm /opt && echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt" >> .bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
___ _ _ _
| __|__ _ ____ _ /_\ ______ ___ _ __ | |__| |___ _ _
| _|/ _` (_-< || | / _ \ (_-<_-</ -_) ' \| '_ \ / -_) '_|
|___\__,_/__/\_, | /_/ \_\/__/__/\___|_|_|_|_.__/_\___|_|
BY: M.H Aghaee - 0xTFS
Usage: asm <filename.s/.asm> [Switches]
-nof | --no-output-file .o and executable files will be deleted
after running the code.
-g | --gdb-debug run the assembly through gdb.
-v | --verbose verbose mode.
easm helloworld.asm -nof -v -g
easm helloworld.asm --no-output-file --verbose --gdb-debug
Just got tired of assembling, linking and executing step by step, so i built this🤷♂️
Hope you find it useful!