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Oracle WebLogic Operator Tutorial

Install and configure Operator

An operator is an application-specific controller that extends Kubernetes to create, configure, and manage instances of complex applications. The Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator (the "operator") simplifies the management and operation of WebLogic domains and deployments.

Install the Operator operator with a Helm chart

In order to use Helm to install and manage the operator, you need to ensure that the service account that Tiller uses has the cluster-admin role. The default would be default in namespace kube-system. You can give that service account the necessary permissions with this command:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: helm-user-cluster-admin-role
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
  namespace: kube-system

The output has to be the following:

clusterrolebinding "helm-user-cluster-admin-role" created

Kubernetes distinguishes between the concept of a user account and a service account for a number of reasons. The main reason is that user accounts are for humans while service accounts are for processes, which run in pods. WebLogic Operator also requires service accounts. If service account not specified, it defaults to default (for example, the namespace's default service account). If you want to use a different service account, then you must create the operator's namespace and the service account before installing the operator Helm chart.

Thus create operator's namespace in advance:

kubectl create namespace sample-weblogic-operator-ns

Create the service account:

kubectl create serviceaccount -n sample-weblogic-operator-ns sample-weblogic-operator-sa

Make sure before execute operator helm install you are in the WebLogic Operator's local Git repository folder.

cd /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/

Use the helm install command to install the operator Helm chart. As part of this, you must specify a "release" name for their operator.

You can override default configuration values in the operator Helm chart by doing one of the following:

  • Creating a custom YAML file containing the values to be overridden, and specifying the --value option on the Helm command line.
  • Overriding individual values directly on the Helm command line, using the --set option.

Using the last option simply define overriding values using the --set option.

Note the values:

  • name: name of the resource
  • namespace: where the operator deployed
  • image: the prebuilt WebLogic Operator 2.0 image. Available on public Docker hub.
  • serviceAccount: service account required to run operator
  • domainNamespaces: namespaces where WebLogic domains deployed in order to control. Note WebLogic domain is not yet deployed so this value will be updated when namespaces created for WebLogic deployment.

Execute the following helm install:

helm install kubernetes/charts/weblogic-operator \
  --name sample-weblogic-operator \
  --namespace sample-weblogic-operator-ns \
  --set image=oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator:2.0 \
  --set serviceAccount=sample-weblogic-operator-sa \
  --set "domainNamespaces={}" \

The result has to be similar:

NAME:   sample-weblogic-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb  4 13:10:56 2019
NAMESPACE: sample-weblogic-operator-ns

==> v1beta1/Deployment
weblogic-operator  1        1        1           1          14s

==> v1/Secret
NAME                       TYPE    DATA  AGE
weblogic-operator-secrets  Opaque  0     15s

==> v1/ClusterRole
NAME                                                                      AGE
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrole-domain-admin    15s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrole-general         14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrole-namespace       14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrole-nonresource     14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrole-operator-admin  14s

==> v1/Role
weblogic-operator-role  14s

==> v1/Service
NAME                            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)   AGE
internal-weblogic-operator-svc  ClusterIP  <none>       8082/TCP  14s

==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                  DATA  AGE
weblogic-operator-cm  2     15s

==> v1/ClusterRoleBinding
NAME                                                                             AGE
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrolebinding-nonresource     14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrolebinding-auth-delegator  14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrolebinding-discovery       14s
sample-weblogic-operator-ns-weblogic-operator-clusterrolebinding-general         14s

==> v1/RoleBinding
NAME                                     AGE
weblogic-operator-rolebinding-namespace  14s
weblogic-operator-rolebinding            14s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                               READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
weblogic-operator-f669874df-sl9cn  1/1    Running  0         14s

Check the operator pod:

$ kubectl get po -n sample-weblogic-operator-ns
NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
weblogic-operator-f669874df-sl9cn   1/1       Running   0          1m

Check the operator helm chart:

$ helm list sample-weblogic-operator
NAME                    	REVISION	UPDATED                 	STATUS  	CHART              	NAMESPACE                  
sample-weblogic-operator	1       	Mon Feb  4 19:10:56 2019	DEPLOYED	weblogic-operator-2	sample-weblogic-operator-ns

The WebLogic Operator has been installed. You can continue to deploy WebLogic domain.