This role installs Talend Job Server.
Make sure you have completed the requirements listed in the Root README file.
Before running the script, you can change the following variables in the defaults/main.yml file:
Note: You can find details about each application installed using these Ansible roles in the corresponding RPM documentation on Talend Help Center.
Parameter | Description | Value |
app_install_systemd |
Whether to install as a systemd service | Supported values: yes or no |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_command_server_port |
TCP/IP port used to launch commands | Default value: 8000 |
js_file_server_port |
TCP/IP port used for file transfers | Default value: 8001 |
js_monitoring_port |
TCP/IP port used for monitoring the server state | Default value: 8888 |
js_process_message_port |
TCP/IP port used for the execution of process messages publisher | Default value: 8555 |
js_enabled_process_message |
Whether to enable the process message publisher | Supported values: true (default) or false |
js_local_host |
Host used by Log Server | Default value: localhost |
js_use_ssl |
Whether to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to establishing an encrypted link between the Job Server and its clients | Supported values: false (default) or true |
js_disabled_cipher_suites |
Comma-separated list of disabled cipher suites to improve security. | Supported values: yes or no Used when js_use_ssl is set to true , otherwise ignored |
js_max_concurrent_connections |
Number of concurrent connections | Default value: 1000 |
It is possible have finer-grained control of the users who run jobs with the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_run_as_whitelist |
Comma-separated list of OS users allowed to run jobs | If the list of allowed users is specified, all other users will not be allowed to run jobs An empty string (default) allows all users to run jobs |
js_run_as_user_validation_regexp |
Regular expression for the validation of the user name variable |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_root_path |
Path to the directory with Talend Job Server input files | Default value: ./TalendJobServersFiles |
js_checkFileCountBeforeFire |
Maximum number of times Job Server scans the files in js_root_path (once a second). The file will be processed by Job Server when this maximum number is reached |
Default value: 10 (sufficient in most cases) |
js_execute_unsigned_job_token |
Token allowing Job Server to execute unsigned jobs | |
js_force_load |
Whether to force the loading of native libraries. This should generally only be used for the testing of native libraries, and not in production environments | Supported values: true or false (recommended for production environments) |
js_launch_shell_script |
Whether to use a shell for running jobs. In most cases, this is not required (Job Server uses a direct call to Java) Note: Using a shell prevents jobs from terminating properly |
Supported values: false (default) or true |
js_shell_linux |
Path to shell | Only used when js_launch_shell_script is set to true Example: /bin/sh |
job_launcher_path |
Java executable path used to run jobs | An empty string (default) uses auto-detection. Example: /usr/bin/java |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_frequency_clean_action |
Time in seconds between each cleaning action | Default value: 600 Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
js_min_number_job_executions_before_release |
Number of executions after which the job execution release process occurs | Default value: 50 |
js_max_duration_before_job_execution_release_normal_case |
Duration (in milliseconds) of a normal execution before it is ready to be released | Default value: 300000 (5 min) |
js_max_duration_before_job_execution_release_abnormal_case |
Duration (in milliseconds) of an abnormal execution before it is ready to be released | Default value: 86400000 (24 hours)Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
js_max_duration_before_cleaning_old_executions_logs |
Duration (in seconds from the creation date) before cleaning executions logs | Default value: 7776000 (3 months)Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
js_max_old_executions_logs |
Maximum number of execution logs to keep | Default value: 1000 Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
js_max_duration_before_cleaning_old_jobs |
Duration (in seconds from the creation date) before cleaning archived and deployed jobs | Default value: 7776000 (3 months)Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
js_max_old_jobs |
Maximum archived and deployed jobs to keep | Default value: 200 Set to 0 to disable cleaning |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_security_mode |
Whether to activate authorization for all Job Server commands | Supported values: true or false |
js_tac_urls |
Comma-separated list of TAC servers used for authorization | Required if js_security_mode is set to true Example: http://host1:8080/org.talend.administrator,http://host2:8080/org.talend.administrator |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_remote_server_ssl_authenticate |
Whether to enforce certificate-based client authorization for Job Server | Supported values: false (default) or true . Unset is false |
js_remote_server_ssl_keyStore |
Path to the file with SSL keystore | |
js_remote_server_ssl_keyStorePassword |
Password of the SSL keystore | |
js_remote_server_ssl_trustStore |
Path to the file with SSL truststore | |
js_remote_server_ssl_trustStorePassword |
Password of the SSL truststore | |
js_remote_server_ssl_enabled_cipher_suites |
Cipher suites used while negotiating SSL connection | An empty value (default) means no limitation from Job Server |
Parameter | Description | Value |
js_jmxmp_useSSL |
Whether to enforce using SSL for JMX monitoring server | Supported values: false (default) or true |
js_jmxmp_ssl_authenticate |
Whether to enforce using authorization with SSL for JMX monitoring server (in this case user needs to setup keystore/truststore properly) | Supported values: false (default) or true |
js_jmxmp_ssl_keyStore |
Path to the file with SSL keystore | |
js_jmxmp_ssl_keyStorePassword |
Password of the SSL keystore | |
js_jmxmp_ssl_keyStoreType |
Type of keystore | Examples: JKS (default), PKCS12 |
js_jmxmp_ssl_trustStore |
Path to the file with SSL truststore | |
js_jmxmp_ssl_trustStorePassword |
Password of the SSL truststore | |
js_jmxmp_ssl_trustStoreType |
Type of truststore | Examples: JKS (default), PKCS12 |
js_jmxmp_ssl_enabled_protocols |
Available SSL protocols to use for connection establishing phase | An empty value (default) means no limitation from Job Server Example: TLSv1 |
js_jmxmp_ssl_enabled_cipher_suites |
Cipher suites used while negotiating SSL connection | An empty value (default) means no limitation from Job Server |
The following roles must be used to successfully install and deploy Job Server:
- java
- talend-repo
The dependency roles listed above must be defined before the jobserver role in the playbook For example:
- hosts: jobserver-host
become: yes
- java
- talend-repo
- jobserver