Textcat::XML contains the XML parser and serializer.
XML stands for "Extensible Markup Language".
Specification for XML:
Specification for DOM:
- Easy to use. Textcat::XML provides both SAX and DOM style API.
- High-performance. Textcat::XML learned from RapidXml and RapidJSON, which are probably the fastest choices for XML and JSON. Under the same condition, it is sometimes even faster than RapidXml.
- Header-only. Textcat::XML is lightweight, and only require [Corecat][Corecat], which is the core of The Cats Project and is also header-only.
#include <iostream>
#include "Cats/Textcat/XML.hpp"
using namespace Cats::Textcat::XML;
int main() {
char data[] = R"(<list><person name="SuperSodaSea" gender="male" age="17"/></list>)";
XMLDocument document;
std::cout << document << std::endl;
return 0;