diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7329ffa..b2b6c97 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
# PHP Radio
-Streaming audio files like Icecast or Shoutcast, but with PHP only.
+Streaming audio files like Icecast or Shoutcast, but with PHP only.
Media players are also supported.
### How it works
-The script randomly chooses mp3 files from the folder and streams them to all connected clients.
+The script randomly chooses mp3 files from the folder and streams them to all connected clients.
All clients will hear the same.
### Installation
Just put files into any folder on your server.
### Requirements
-Only PHP. No database or something else required.
+Only PHP. FFMPEG is optional, but not necessary.
+No database or something else required.
-All mp3 files should be converted to bitrate 128 kbps (prevents desynchronization on lower bitrates and stoppings on higher bitrates) and sampling rate 44KHz (prevents distortion while switching tracks). Also I recommend you to remove covers from the ID3 tags (to prevent pauses while script streams cover data).
-Run script with GET-parameter **?test** to view all incompatible files.
+All mp3 files should be converted to bitrate 128 kbps (prevents desynchronization on lower bitrates and stoppings on higher bitrates) and sampling rate 44KHz (prevents distortion while switching tracks). Also I recommend you to remove covers from the ID3 tags (to prevent pauses while script streams cover data).
+Run script with GET-parameter **?test** to view all incompatible files.
If you have **ffmpeg** installed, you can click "Automatic conversion" and all incompatible files will be converted automatically
### Configuration
-Open **config.php** and change the next parameters:
-audioFiles - the path to folder with your audio. All inner folders will be processed. Run script with GET-parameter ?refresh to scan folder.
-debug - this parameter will show you debugging info in the interface. Also the script will send debug info in stream metadata after the title of current track in format "123/456, d: 255, s: 4, t: 211", which means "current chunk number / total chunks in current file, **d**uration of current file, **s**leep pauses remained, **t**otal chunks sent to you since your connection".
-locale - specify locale for supporting non-standard alphabets (such as cyrillic and etc.)
\ No newline at end of file
+Open **config.php** and change the next parameters:
+`audioFiles` - the path to folder with your audio. All inner folders will be processed. Run script with GET-parameter ?refresh to scan folder.
+`debug` - this parameter will show you debugging info in the interface. Also the script will send debug info in stream metadata after the title of current track in format `123/456, d: 255, s: 4, t: 211`, which means "current chunk number / total chunks in current file, **d**uration of current file, **s**leep pauses remained, **t**otal chunks sent to you since your connection".
+`locale` - specify locale for supporting non-standard alphabets (such as cyrillic and etc.)