Rootless Backups: maybe Shizuku could be useful in this matter.
More functionality for AppSheet: kill app, share backup, clear data (for now...).
Multi-Backups support
Add options upon choosing Backup from AppSheet: external/obb/cache.
External Storage/SAF support: my idea on it is splitting Backup-Actions into more steps(vice versa for Restore)
SymLinks and "special" Files backup: fixing errors on some "unique" apps.
Reformat Date handling in schedules
Customize tags icons' colors
Columnize batch backup preference
Fully support for Special Backups: Accounts, SMS, Bluetooth, Wifi (for now...).
Compatibility with Work Profiles: making Backup/Restore-Task profiles-sensitive. NEEDS TESTING
Handle the error about disabling "verify apps over USB".
Replace deprecated Classes/Methods:
- AsyncTask
- ProgressDialog
kill or not kill: all system apps, uids < 10000 or blacklisting...
TargetSDK 30 & updated StorageManger on SDK29: on test
Improve on performance in aftermath of using SAF (maybe more can be done?)
Enable encryption direct shortcut
Not responding to clicks after long time in background
Use DataBinding/BindingAdapter where useful
Refactore Batch & Schedules handling
Migrate to Kotlin
Use Kotlin style explicitly: a process taking place with each class refactored
ViewModel where useful
Main & Batch
Rewrite Help text
Add Flashable Zip feature
(re)add OpenGPG
Legacy Backup mode