Automatic takeoff in both modes (1 and 2). Press 1 to "hand and key control" and 2 to play the camera game.
Control the drone with the keyboard:
- w : move forward 20 cm
- s : move back 20 cm
- a : move left 20 cm
- d :> move right 20 cm
- SPACE : move up 20 cm
- SHIFT : move down 20 cm
- t : takeoff
- l : land
- b : prints battery
- i : prints tello current state (info)
- LEFT (<-) : flip left
- RIGHT (->) : flip right
- UP : flip forward
- DOWN : flip back
- e : sends the drone to have speed 0
- BACKSPACE : stop all motors (emergency)
- k : checks tello connection
- ESCAPE : leaves the loop
- In hand and key control, the mediapipe accepted commands are:
- High Five -> follow the hand
- Thumb -> side flips
- Indicator -> front flips
- Hang-loose, V and rock -> take a picture
- L -> land
- 3 -> rotate
- 4 -> square
- In camera game, follow the instructions printed in the terminal.