dart:core 内置类, 集合和其他核心功能. 这个库自动导入到每个Dart程序中
dart:async 支持异步编程, 如Future和Stream类
dart:math 数学常量和函数, 加上随机数的生成
dart:convert JSON和UTF-8数据的编码和反编码
print()方法中传入一个参数(任一对象), 然后打印对象的字符串值(toString()的返回值)
print('I drink $tea.');
num, int 和 double 类, 有同一个基础的工具来处理数字
使用int和double的parse()方法, 将string转int
assert(int.parse('42') == 42);
assert(int.parse('0x42') == 66);
assert(double.parse('0.50') == 0.5);
使用num的parse()方法, 将string转int或者double
assert(num.parse('42') is int);
assert(num.parse('0x42') is int);
assert(num.parse('0.50') is double);
assert(int.parse('42', radix: 16) == 66);
- 使用toString()方法, 将int或者double转成string.
- 使用 toStringAsFixed()来明确小数点的精度.
- 使用 toStringAsPrecision()来明确小数点的个数.
// Convert an int to a string.
assert(42.toString() == '42');
// Convert a double to a string.
assert(123.456.toString() == '123.456');
// Specify the number of digits after the decimal.
assert(123.456.toStringAsFixed(2) == '123.46');
// Specify the number of significant figures.
assert(123.456.toStringAsPrecision(2) == '1.2e+2');
assert(double.parse('1.2e+2') == 120.0);
Dart中的字符串是一个不可变的UTF-16序列. 可以使用正则表达式(RegExp 对象)来搜索字符串中的内容或者替换部分字符串
String类定义了split(), contains(), startsWith(), endsWith()等方法
// 是否包含
assert('Never odd or even'.contains('odd'));
// 是否以什么开头
assert('Never odd or even'.startsWith('Never'));
// 是否以什么结尾
assert('Never odd or even'.endsWith('even'));
// 获取字符串所在的位置
assert('Never odd or even'.indexOf('odd') == 6);
提取子字符串, 将字符串分成一个子字符串数组
// Grab a substring.
assert('Never odd or even'.substring(6, 9) == 'odd');
// Split a string using a string pattern.
var parts = 'structured web apps'.split(' ');
assert(parts.length == 3);
assert(parts[0] == 'structured');
// Get a UTF-16 code unit (as a string) by index.
assert('Never odd or even'[0] == 'N');
// Use split() with an empty string parameter to get
// a list of all characters (as Strings); good for
// iterating.
for (var char in 'hello'.split('')) {
// Get all the UTF-16 code units in the string.
var codeUnitList =
'Never odd or even'.codeUnits.toList();
assert(codeUnitList[0] == 78);
// Convert to uppercase.
assert('structured web apps'.toUpperCase() ==
// Convert to lowercase.
assert('STRUCTURED WEB APPS'.toLowerCase() ==
'structured web apps');
该方法不适用所有语言. 如土耳其语可能转换失败...
删除左右两边的空格. 使用isEmpty校验一个字符串是否为空
// Trim a string.
assert(' hello '.trim() == 'hello');
// Check whether a string is empty.
// Strings with only white space are not empty.
assert(' '.isNotEmpty);
字符串是不可变的, 只能创建不能更改. 如replaceAll()方法返回了一个新的字符串.
var greetingTemplate = 'Hello, NAME!';
var greeting =
greetingTemplate.replaceAll(RegExp('NAME'), 'Bob');
// greetingTemplate didn't change.
assert(greeting != greetingTemplate);
使用StringBuffer生成一个字符串. StringBuffer不会生成一个新的字符串对象. 除非调用toString()方法. writeAll() 方法有一个可选的第二个参数, 允许指定分隔符(如空格)
var sb = StringBuffer();
..write('Use a StringBuffer for ')
..writeAll(['efficient', 'string', 'creation'], ' ')
var fullString = sb.toString();
assert(fullString ==
'Use a StringBuffer for efficient string creation.');
// Here's a regular expression for one or more digits.
var numbers = RegExp(r'\d+');
var allCharacters = 'llamas live fifteen to twenty years';
var someDigits = 'llamas live 15 to 20 years';
// contains() can use a regular expression.
// Replace every match with another string.
var exedOut = someDigits.replaceAll(numbers, 'XX');
assert(exedOut == 'llamas live XX to XX years');
var numbers = RegExp(r'\d+');
var someDigits = 'llamas live 15 to 20 years';
// Check whether the reg exp has a match in a string.
// Loop through all matches.
for (var match in numbers.allMatches(someDigits)) {
print(match.group(0)); // 15, then 20
lists, sets, and maps
可以使用字面量直接初始化一个List, 也可以使用任意一个List的构造函数进行初始化.
// Use a List constructor.
var vegetables = List();
// Or simply use a list literal.
var fruits = ['apples', 'oranges'];
// Add to a list.
// Add multiple items to a list.
fruits.addAll(['grapes', 'bananas']);
// Get the list length.
assert(fruits.length == 5);
// Remove a single item.
var appleIndex = fruits.indexOf('apples');
assert(fruits.length == 4);
// Remove all elements from a list.
assert(fruits.length == 0);
var fruits = ['apples', 'oranges'];
// Access a list item by index.
assert(fruits[0] == 'apples');
// Find an item in a list.
assert(fruits.indexOf('apples') == 0);
排序sort(). 提供一个排序函数来比较两个对象. (This sorting function must return < 0 for smaller, 0 for the same, and > 0 for bigger)
var fruits = ['bananas', 'apples', 'oranges'];
// Sort a list.
fruits.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
assert(fruits[0] == 'apples');
// This list should contain only strings.
var fruits = List<String>();
var fruit = fruits[0];
assert(fruit is String);
var ingredients = Set();
ingredients.addAll(['gold', 'titanium', 'xenon']);
assert(ingredients.length == 3);
// Adding a duplicate item has no effect.
assert(ingredients.length == 3);
// Remove an item from a set.
assert(ingredients.length == 2);
使用 contains()和 containsAll() 来检查集合中是否包含某些元素
var ingredients = Set();
ingredients.addAll(['gold', 'titanium', 'xenon']);
// Check whether an item is in the set.
// Check whether all the items are in the set.
assert(ingredients.containsAll(['titanium', 'xenon']));
var ingredients = Set();
ingredients.addAll(['gold', 'titanium', 'xenon']);
// Create the intersection of two sets.
var nobleGases = Set.from(['xenon', 'argon']);
var intersection = ingredients.intersection(nobleGases);
assert(intersection.length == 1);
类似字典或哈希表, 无序的键值对集合.
// Maps often use strings as keys.
var hawaiianBeaches = {
'Oahu': ['Waikiki', 'Kailua', 'Waimanalo'],
'Big Island': ['Wailea Bay', 'Pololu Beach'],
'Kauai': ['Hanalei', 'Poipu']
// Maps can be built from a constructor.
var searchTerms = Map();
// Maps are parameterized types; you can specify what
// types the key and value should be.
var nobleGases = Map<int, String>();
add, get, set, remove()
var nobleGases = {54: 'xenon'};
// Retrieve a value with a key.
assert(nobleGases[54] == 'xenon');
// Check whether a map contains a key.
// Remove a key and its value.
var hawaiianBeaches = {
'Oahu': ['Waikiki', 'Kailua', 'Waimanalo'],
'Big Island': ['Wailea Bay', 'Pololu Beach'],
'Kauai': ['Hanalei', 'Poipu']
// Get all the keys as an unordered collection
// (an Iterable).
var keys = hawaiianBeaches.keys;
assert(keys.length == 3);
// Get all the values as an unordered collection
// (an Iterable of Lists).
var values = hawaiianBeaches.values;
assert(values.length == 3);
assert(values.any((v) => v.contains('Waikiki')));
使用containsKey() 来判断是否包含某个key. map值可能为空, 因此通过key取值是否为空来判断key是否存在.
var hawaiianBeaches = {
'Oahu': ['Waikiki', 'Kailua', 'Waimanalo'],
'Big Island': ['Wailea Bay', 'Pololu Beach'],
'Kauai': ['Hanalei', 'Poipu']
putIfAbsent(), 只能map中不存在该key时, 才会添加到map中
var teamAssignments = {};
'Catcher', () => pickToughestKid());
assert(teamAssignments['Catcher'] != null);
isEmpty 和 isNotEmpty
var coffees = [];
var teas = ['green', 'black', 'chamomile', 'earl grey'];
使用forEach(), 实现集合中的每个元素都调用某个方法
var teas = ['green', 'black', 'chamomile', 'earl grey'];
teas.forEach((tea) => print('I drink $tea'));
hawaiianBeaches.forEach((k, v) {
print('I want to visit $k and swim at $v');
// I want to visit Oahu and swim at
// [Waikiki, Kailua, Waimanalo], etc.
map()方法, 返回一个集合对象
var teas = ['green', 'black', 'chamomile', 'earl grey'];
var loudTeas = teas.map((tea) => tea.toUpperCase());
map()返回的可迭代的对象是懒加载的. 当访问对象中的某个元素时, map()函数才会调用.
如果要强制立刻执行map()函数, 使用map().toList() 或 map().toSet()
var loudTeas =
teas.map((tea) => tea.toUpperCase()).toList();
使用Iterable中的where()方法, 来获取所有符合条件的元素. 使用any() 和 every()检查某些元素是否匹配某个条件.
var teas = ['green', 'black', 'chamomile', 'earl grey'];
// Chamomile is not caffeinated.
bool isDecaffeinated(String teaName) =>
teaName == 'chamomile';
// Use where() to find only the items that return true
// from the provided function.
var decaffeinatedTeas =
teas.where((tea) => isDecaffeinated(tea));
// or teas.where(isDecaffeinated)
// 判断是否至少一个元素满足条件
// Use any() to check whether at least one item in the
// collection satisfies a condition.
// 判断是否所有元素满足条件
// Use every() to check whether all the items in a
// collection satisfy a condition.
encodeFull() 和 decodeFull(), 编码和解码除特殊含义(/, :, &, #)外的所有字符
var uri = 'http://example.org/api?foo=some message';
var encoded = Uri.encodeFull(uri);
assert(encoded ==
var decoded = Uri.decodeFull(encoded);
assert(uri == decoded);
encodeComponent() 和 decodeComponent(), 编码和解码所有字符, 连同特殊字符(/, :, &, #)一起
var uri = 'http://example.org/api?foo=some message';
var encoded = Uri.encodeComponent(uri);
assert(encoded ==
var decoded = Uri.decodeComponent(encoded);
assert(uri == decoded);
var uri =
assert(uri.scheme == 'http');
assert(uri.host == 'example.org');
assert(uri.path == '/foo/bar');
assert(uri.fragment == 'frag');
assert(uri.origin == 'http://example.org:8080');
var uri = Uri(
scheme: 'http',
host: 'example.org',
path: '/foo/bar',
fragment: 'frag');
uri.toString() == 'http://example.org/foo/bar#frag');
// Get the current date and time.
var now = DateTime.now();
// Create a new DateTime with the local time zone.
var y2k = DateTime(2000); // January 1, 2000
// Specify the month and day.
y2k = DateTime(2000, 1, 2); // January 2, 2000
// Specify the date as a UTC time.
y2k = DateTime.utc(2000); // 1/1/2000, UTC
// Specify a date and time in ms since the Unix epoch.
y2k = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(946684800000,
isUtc: true);
// Parse an ISO 8601 date.
y2k = DateTime.parse('2000-01-01T00:00:00Z');
millisecondsSinceEpoch属性, 返回“Unix epoch”—January 1, 1970, UTC至今的毫秒值(时间戳)
// 1/1/2000, UTC
var y2k = DateTime.utc(2000);
assert(y2k.millisecondsSinceEpoch == 946684800000);
// 1/1/1970, UTC
var unixEpoch = DateTime.utc(1970);
assert(unixEpoch.millisecondsSinceEpoch == 0);
Duration类, 计算两个日期的时间差, 也可以获取相差几天前后的日期
var y2k = DateTime.utc(2000);
// Add one year.
var y2001 = y2k.add(Duration(days: 366));
assert(y2001.year == 2001);
// Subtract 30 days.
var december2000 = y2001.subtract(Duration(days: 30));
assert(december2000.year == 2000);
assert(december2000.month == 12);
// Calculate the difference between two dates.
// Returns a Duration object.
var duration = y2001.difference(y2k);
assert(duration.inDays == 366); // y2k was a leap year.
实现Comparable接口来比较两个对象, 通常用来排序(The compareTo() method returns < 0 for smaller, 0 for the same, and > 0 for bigger.)
class Line implements Comparable<Line> {
final int length;
const Line(this.length);
int compareTo(Line other) => length - other.length;
void main() {
var short = const Line(1);
var long = const Line(100);
assert(short.compareTo(long) < 0);
每个对象都提供一个integer类型的哈希值, 可以做为map中的key. 也可以冲下hashCode的getter方法来自定义的哈希值. 如果重写哈希值, 也需要重写== operator. 通过 == 方法判断对象是都有同一个哈希值. 哈希值不一定要是唯一的
class Person {
final String firstName, lastName;
Person(this.firstName, this.lastName);
// Override hashCode using strategy from Effective Java,
// Chapter 11.
int get hashCode {
int result = 17;
result = 37 * result + firstName.hashCode;
result = 37 * result + lastName.hashCode;
return result;
// You should generally implement operator == if you
// override hashCode.
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! Person) return false;
Person person = other;
return (person.firstName == firstName &&
person.lastName == lastName);
void main() {
var p1 = Person('Bob', 'Smith');
var p2 = Person('Bob', 'Smith');
var p3 = 'not a person';
assert(p1.hashCode == p2.hashCode);
assert(p1 == p2);
assert(p1 != p3);
Iterable 和 Iterator 支持 for-in 循环. 当创建的类想要提供Iterators在for-in循环中使用, 可以继承或者实现Iterable. 实现Iterator来实现实际的迭代能力.
class Process {
// Represents a process...
class ProcessIterator implements Iterator<Process> {
Process get current => ...
bool moveNext() => ...
// A mythical class that lets you iterate through all
// processes. Extends a subclass of [Iterable].
class Processes extends IterableBase<Process> {
final Iterator<Process> iterator = ProcessIterator();
void main() {
// Iterable objects can be used with for-in.
for (var process in Processes()) {
// Do something with the process.
- NoSuchMethodError 找不到方法
- ArgumentError 传入方法的参数错误
class FooException implements Exception {
final String msg;
const FooException([this.msg]);
String toString() => msg ?? 'FooException';
异步编程通常使用回调函数. Dart提供一种不同方案: Future 和 Stream 对象. Future预设在未来某个时间会提供一个结果值. Stream用来获取一系列值(如事件).
异步编程, 没有必要一定要使用Future 或 Stream, 也可以使用async 和 await关键字
导入库 (dart 2.1中不需要导入)
import 'dart:async';
Future对象, 通常通过异步方法返回. 当预期执行完毕, 它的值就可以使用了.
使用Future的then()方法, 异步处理
runUsingFuture() {
// ...
findEntryPoint().then((entryPoint) {
return runExecutable(entryPoint, args);
另一种实现方案, 使用await表达式异步处理, 看起来更像同步代码
runUsingAsyncAwait() async {
// ...
var entryPoint = await findEntryPoint();
var exitCode = await runExecutable(entryPoint, args);
await flushThenExit(exitCode);
var entryPoint = await findEntryPoint();
try {
var exitCode = await runExecutable(entryPoint, args);
await flushThenExit(exitCode);
} catch (e) {
// Handle the error...
then(), Future执行完后, 提供字符串结果值, 然后执行then后面的代码
HttpRequest.getString(url).then((String result) {
catchError(), 捕获Future对象可能抛出的异常
HttpRequest.getString(url).then((String result) {
}).catchError((e) {
// Handle or ignore the error.
按一定顺序执行多个异常函数. 如果一个回调的返回值是Future, 那么它注册的then()返回同一个Future. 如果该回调返回其他类型的值, then()会创建一个带该值的Future.
Future result = costlyQuery(url);
.then((value) => expensiveWork(value))
.then((_) => lengthyComputation())
.then((_) => print('Done!'))
.catchError((exception) {
/* Handle exception... */
try {
final value = await costlyQuery(url);
await expensiveWork(value);
await lengthyComputation();
} catch (e) {
/* Handle exception... */
如果等待多个异步结果值, 才能继续执行代码. 可以使用Future.wait()的静态方法来管理多个Futures, 等待他们执行完毕.
Future deleteLotsOfFiles() async => ...
Future copyLotsOfFiles() async => ...
Future checksumLotsOfOtherFiles() async => ...
await Future.wait([
print('Done with all the long steps!');
Stream对象表示一系列数据. 如Html的按钮点击事件就是通过steams来传递的. 读取文件时也是通过steam传递的.
void main(List<String> arguments) {
// ...
FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(searchPath).then((isDir) {
if (isDir) {
final startingDir = Directory(searchPath);
recursive: argResults[recursive],
followLinks: argResults[followLinks])
.listen((entity) {
if (entity is File) {
searchFile(entity, searchTerms);
} else {
searchFile(File(searchPath), searchTerms);
使用await for
Future main(List<String> arguments) async {
// ...
if (await FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(searchPath)) {
final startingDir = Directory(searchPath);
await for (var entity in startingDir.list(
recursive: argResults[recursive],
followLinks: argResults[followLinks])) {
if (entity is File) {
searchFile(entity, searchTerms);
} else {
searchFile(File(searchPath), searchTerms);
await for 或 listen()
// Find a button by ID and add an event handler.
querySelector('#submitInfo').onClick.listen((e) {
// When the button is clicked, it runs this code.
onClick属性是 “submitInfo”按钮提供的流对象
如果只需要监听一个事件, 可以使用 first, last, or single. 如果处理事件前想要做一些校验, 可以使用firstWhere(), lastWhere(), or singleWhere()
事件的子集, skip(), skipWhile(), take(), takeWhile(), and where()
var lines = inputStream
异步for循环, 使用try-catch捕获异常
Future readFileAwaitFor() async {
var config = File('config.txt');
Stream<List<int>> inputStream = config.openRead();
var lines = inputStream
try {
await for (var line in lines) {
print('Got ${line.length} characters from stream');
print('file is now closed');
} catch (e) {
Stream API, 使用onError监听错误
var config = File('config.txt');
Stream<List<int>> inputStream = config.openRead();
.listen((String line) {
print('Got ${line.length} characters from stream');
}, onDone: () {
print('file is now closed');
}, onError: (e) {
...dart:io tour
Math库中包含一些常用功能, 如.正弦/余弦, 最大值/最小值, 常量pi, e. 大部分Math库中函数都是顶级函数.
import 'dart:math';
// Cosine
assert(cos(pi) == -1.0);
// Sine
var degrees = 30;
var radians = degrees * (pi / 180);
// radians is now 0.52359.
var sinOf30degrees = sin(radians);
// sin 30° = 0.5
assert((sinOf30degrees - 0.5).abs() < 0.01);
assert(max(1, 1000) == 1000);
assert(min(1, -1000) == -1000);
// See the Math library for additional constants.
print(e); // 2.718281828459045
print(pi); // 3.141592653589793
print(sqrt2); // 1.4142135623730951
var random = Random();
random.nextDouble(); // Between 0.0 and 1.0: [0, 1)
random.nextInt(10); // Between 0 and 9.
var random = Random();
random.nextBool(); // true or false
JSON 和 UTF-8 转换
import 'dart:convert';
使用jsonDecode(), 将JSON字符串转Dart对象
// NOTE: Be sure to use double quotes ("),
// not single quotes ('), inside the JSON string.
// This string is JSON, not Dart.
var jsonString = '''
{"score": 40},
{"score": 80}
var scores = jsonDecode(jsonString);
assert(scores is List);
var firstScore = scores[0];
assert(firstScore is Map);
assert(firstScore['score'] == 40);
使用jsonEncode(), 将JSON字符串转Dart对象
var scores = [
{'score': 40},
{'score': 80},
{'score': 100, 'overtime': true, 'special_guest': null}
var jsonText = jsonEncode(scores);
assert(jsonText ==
只有以下类型: int, double, String, bool, null, List, or Map (key值必须为字符串). List 和 Map 会递归编码.
不能直接编码的对象有两种处理方式. 第一种是调用encode(), 传入第二个参数(一个返回能够直接编码的对象的函数). 另一种是省略第二个参数, 这种情况下会调用对象的toJson()方法.
List<int> utf8Bytes = [
0xc3, 0x8e, 0xc3, 0xb1, 0xc5, 0xa3, 0xc3, 0xa9,
0x72, 0xc3, 0xb1, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0xc5, 0xa3, 0xc3,
0xae, 0xc3, 0xb6, 0xc3, 0xb1, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0xc4,
0xbc, 0xc3, 0xae, 0xc5, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0xc5,
0xa3, 0xc3, 0xae, 0xe1, 0xbb, 0x9d, 0xc3, 0xb1
var funnyWord = utf8.decode(utf8Bytes);
assert(funnyWord == 'Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ');
To convert a stream of UTF-8 characters into a Dart string, specify utf8.decoder to the Stream transform() method:
var lines = inputStream
try {
await for (var line in lines) {
print('Got ${line.length} characters from stream');
print('file is now closed');
} catch (e) {
Use utf8.encode() to encode a Dart string as a list of UTF8-encoded bytes:
List<int> encoded = utf8.encode('Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ');
assert(encoded.length == utf8Bytes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < encoded.length; i++) {
assert(encoded[i] == utf8Bytes[i]);