This sample loads JSON and then queries values from it using a combination of Argon.JToken.SelectToken(System.String)
and LINQ operators.
var o = JObject.Parse(
'Stores': [
'Lambton Quay',
'Willis Street'
'Manufacturers': [
'Name': 'Acme Co',
'Products': [
'Name': 'Anvil',
'Price': 50
'Name': 'Contoso',
'Products': [
'Name': 'Elbow Grease',
'Price': 99.95
'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',
'Price': 4
var storeNames = o.SelectToken("Stores").Select(s => (string) s).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", storeNames));
// Lambton Quay, Willis Street
var firstProductNames = o["Manufacturers"].Select(m => (string) m.SelectToken("Products[1].Name"))
.Where(n => n != null).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", firstProductNames));
// Headlight Fluid
var totalPrice = o["Manufacturers"].Sum(m => (decimal) m.SelectToken("Products[0].Price"));
// 149.95