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Random Date API

This directory consists of two examples of .NET applications, one instrumented with dd-trace-dotnet and the other with OTel .NET. Both applications expose the following API:

GET /randomdate
Returns a random date.
curl 'http://localhost:5077/randomdate'


Docker Compose

Retrieve your API_KEY from datadoghq, and expose your key through a shell env varabile:

export DD_API_KEY=xx

The following command will bring up the .NET service alongside the Datadog Agent. The .NET service is instrumented with dd-trace.

docker compose -f docker-compose-dd.yaml up

The following command will bring up the .NET service alongside the Datadog Agent. The .NET service is instrumented with OTel.

docker compose -f docker-compose-otel.yaml up

The following command will bring up two .NET services alongside the Datadog Agent. One .NET service is instrumented with OTel and one is instrumented with dd-trace

docker compose -f docker-compose-dd-otel.yaml up