All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Linux implementation of spotify client based on dbus is broken. #141 (kudos to TheFern2 (Fernando B) for debugging the issue).
- Seek to position in currently playing track #119
- Include song title on lyrics sheet
- Spotify in sidebar expanding on start #78
- Lyrics functionality doesn't work #133
- Focus on song #56
- Do not poll spotify if window is not focused on Mac OS (reducing CPU load).
- Smaller icon size in Activity bar #58
- Invalid version in changelog.
- Invalid showLyricsButtonSignInButton, showLyricsButtonSignOutButton params.
- Missing option for show signIn and signOut button #54 (kudos to negebauer(Nicolás Gebauer))
- Tooltip Missing Album Name in Tree Track. #52 (kudos to mikqi(Muhammad Rivki))
- Spotify Web Api implementation to enable this extension on Windows.
- Playlist/tracks custom view TreeDataProviders.
- Refactored state to use Redux.
- Spotilocal is not initialized. #46
- Installed vscode-spotify extension but not working #43
- Status Bar Icons Disappeared #42
- Utilize the new Spotify Player API #27
- Fixed Play, Pause, PlayPause, Volume controlls on linux. ONLY on Linux(dbus)
- Fixed performance issue on MacOs(to manny querys)
- Fix for Status Bar Icons Disappeared (#42). ONLY on Linux(dbus)
- Emergency fix for Status Bar Icons Disappeared (#42). ONLY on MacOS
- Use dbus on Linux (improved linux support) (#14) (kudos to audstanley(Richard Stanley)(
- Change default mac keybindings for play previous/next (#34) (kudos to ecbrodie(Evan Brodie)( @see the reasoning behind this at #34
setting has no effect (#30) (kudos to realbizkit(András Szepes)(
- Increasing volume at max makes it go to 0 (#15)
- Show album title (via config spotify.trackInfoFormat) #28 (kudos to @mrcasals(Marc Riera) (
- Lyrics in split panel window (via spotify.openPanelLyrics) #22 (kudos to @xeBuz(Jesús Roldán) (
- Remember last successfully used port (initialize speed up) #21 (kudos to @levrik(Levin Rickert) (
- When Spotify is not open: "Failed to initialize vscode-spotify. We'll keep trying every 20 seconds." #20
- useCombinedApproachOnMacOS is now true by default.
- Updated info in
- Implemented status long-polling on Windows and Linux #19 (kudos to @levrik(Levin Rickert) (
- Experimental applescript + http implementation of spotify client to reduce CPU usage on MacOs and improve status updating. Set spotify.useCombinedApproachOnMacOS to true to try out! (fixes #12)
- High CPU usage on MacOS #12 (via spotify.useCombinedApproachOnMacOS)
- Failed to initialize vscode-spotify. We'll keep trying every 20 seconds. (New VSCode Insiders / New Spotify ?) #17
- Added lyrics button(via Genius API). @see
- Added prefix 'vscode-spotify' for all messages from this extension.
- Added statusCheckInterval param.
- initial implementation of windows & linux support.
- added dynamic colors for buttons
- added spotify.toggleRepeating and spotify.toggleShuffling commands
- added buttons to status bar
- Extension reopens Spotify if it gets closed. #4
- Sometimes there is error (unexpected tocken u), that hides all the buttons. #3
- Wrong stopped/playing state #2
- initial release