Cadence Skill Cadence® SKILL is a high-level, interactive programming language based on the popular artificial intelligence language, Lisp. Because SKILL supports a more conventional C-like syntax, novice users can learn to use it quickly, and expert programmers can access the full power of the Lisp language.
SKill can be written both in Algebraic notation style, func(arg1, arg2, ...)
and prefix notation style like in Lisp: (func arg1 arg2 ...)
SKill shares many list manipulaion functions with Franz lisp dialect and borrows Common Lisp's notation for list construction from templaters
, or "]
to closing all right bracket)
syntax style:
- C style strcat("May" " flower")
- lisp style ( strcat "May" " flower")
- ??? strcat "May" " flower"
Data Type: integer 5 floating point 5.1 ;;; 10.0, 10., 0.5, .5, 1e10, 1e-10, 1e10 text string "5.1" variable bBox list (1 2 3)
return value -> t (true) nil (empty list)
x = 5
x_list = '(1 2 3 4 5) == list(1 2 3 4 5) ;; ' single quote
function/procedure: (primitive | build-in)
1 define/build list nil == () ==(nil) '(1 2 3) == list(1 2 3) result = '( 1 2) cons( 1 result) => ( 1 1 2) append( '(1) result) => (1 1 1 2)
access list car(result) -> 1 cdr(result) -> (1 1 2) nth(0 result) == car(result) -> 1 nth(3 result) -> 2 member(4 result) -> nil ; only top level of the list, not deeper in the hierachical list length(result) => 4
modify list 3.1 aCoordinate x = 300 y = 400 aCoordinate = x:y ==> (300 400) 3.2 bounding box bBox = list(300:400 500:450) lowerLeft = 300:400 upperRight = 500:450 bBox = list( lowerLeft, upperRight) bBox = '(( 300 400 ) ( 500 450))
lower_left_corner = car(bBox) upper_right_corner = cadr(bBox) = car( cdr(bBox))
x_coord_of_lower_left_corner =llx = caar(bBox)=car(car(bBox)) y_coord_of_lower_left_corner =lly = cadar(bBox)=car(cdr(car(bBox)))
x_coord_of_upper_right_corner =urx = caadr(bBox)=car(car(cdr(bBox))) y_coord_of_upper_right_corner =ury = cadadr(bBox)=car(cdr(car(cdr(bBox]
file I/O:
- display print() println printf
for(i 1 3 print("hi")) for(i 1 3 println("hi")) aList='(1 2 3) printf("\nThis is a list: %L" aList) => t This is a list: (1 2 3)
myPort = outfile( "/tmp/myFile" ) ;; a full path with the outfile function. for( i 1 3 println( list( "Number:" i) myPort ) ) close( myPort )
myPort = outfile( "/tmp/myFile" ) for( i 1 3 fprintf( myPort "Number: %d\n" i ) ) close( myPort )
2.3 read text file (Skill parser imposes a limit of 6000 on the number of elements that can be in a list being read in)
inPort = infile( "~/.cshrc" ) ;;; infile for set a file port
when( inPort
while( gets( nextLine inPort ) ;;; gets( ) for nextLine
println( nextLine )
while( fscanf( inPort "%s" word )
println( word )
close( inPort )
boundp('trMessages) && trMessages userName || "noName"
;; if(
;; then
;; else
;; )
if( shapeType =="rect"
println( "Shape is a rectangle" )
println( "Shape is not a rectangle")
;;; when and unless
when( shapeType == "rect"
println( "Shape is a rectangle" )
) ; when
;;; unless
unless( shapeType == "rect" || shapeType == "line"
println( "Shape is miscellaneous" )
) ; unless
;;; case
case( shapeType
( "rect"
println( "Shape is a rectangle" )
( "line"
println( "Shape is a line" )
( "label"
println( "Shape is a label" )
( t ;; default
println( "Shape is miscellaneous" )
) ; case
;;; for
sum = 0
for( i 1 5
sum = sum + i
println( sum )
;;; foreach ---> on each element in the list of a lisp
rectCount = lineCount = polygonCount = 0
shapeTypeList = '( "rect" "polygon" "rect" "line" )
foreach( shapeType shapeTypeList
case( shapeType
( "rect" ++rectCount )
( "line" ++lineCount )
( "polygon" ++polygonCount )
( t ++miscCount )
) ;case
) ; foreach
;;; result
=> ( "rect" "polygon" "rect" "line" )
- group several statements { }
;;; computes the pixel height of bBox and assigns it to the bBoxHeight variable
bBoxHeight = {
bBox = list( 100:150 250:400)
ll = car( bBox )
ur = cadr( bBox )
lly = yCoord( ll )
ury = yCoord( ur )
ury - lly }
;;; declaring function
procedure( ComputeBBoxHeight( )
bBox = list( 100:150 250:400)
ll = car( bBox )
ur = cadr( bBox )
lly = yCoord( ll )
ury = yCoord( ur )
ury - lly
) ; procedure
bBoxHeight = ComputeBBoxHeight()
;;; function parameters
procedure( ComputeBBoxHeight( bBox )
ll = car( bBox )
ur = cadr( bBox )
lly = yCoord( ll )
ury = yCoord( ur )
ury - lly
) ; procedure
;;; To execute your function, you must provide a value for the parameter.
bBox = list( 100:150 250:400)
bBoxHeight = ComputeBBoxHeight( bBox )
;;; prefixes... 1) "tr" -> indicate for training purposes 2) "tc" -> for technology file administration ... unique prefix for your own functions
editor = "xterm -e vi"
editor2 = "xterm -e e28"
ed( "")
trSamplesPath = list(
prependInstallPath( "etc/context" )
prependInstallPath( "local" )
prependInstallPath( "samples/local" )
;;; result
setSkillPath( append( trSamplesPath getSkillPath() ) )
y = 1
'(x y z) => (x y z)
'(x ,y z) => (x 1 z)
x= 1
y = '(a b c)
'(,x ,y z) => (1 (a b c) z)
'(,x ,@y z) => (1 a b c z)
Here’s an example of a simple macro implemented with backquote:
defmacro(myWhen (@rest body)
••••••'if( ,car( body) progn( ,@cdr(body))))
;;; The expression
a= 2
b= 7
myWhen( eq( a b ) printf( "The same\n" ) list( a b ))
;;; expands to
if( eq( a b ) progn( printf( "The same\n" ) list( a b )))
procedure( trAdd( x y )
printf( "Adding %d and %d ... %d \n" x y x+y )
) => trAdd
trAdd( 6 7 ) => 13
trAddWithMessageFun = lambda( ( x y )
printf( "Adding %d and %d ... %d \n" x y x+y )
;;; => funobj:0x1814b90
;;; You can subsequently pass a function object to the apply function together with an argument list. For example:
apply( trAddWithMessageFun '( 4 5 ) )
;;;=> 9
You can use the let
function to establish temporary values for local variables.
procedure( trGetBBoxHeight( bBox )
let( ( ll ur lly ury ) ;;; local variables only known inside let function, set to nil first
ll = car( bBox )
lly = cadr( ll )
ur = cadr( bBox )
ury = cadr( ur )
ury - lly
) ; let ;;; return value `ury - lly`
) ; procedure
procedure( trGetBBoxHeight( bBox )
let( ( ( ll car( bBox ) ) ( ur cadr( bBox ) ) lly ury )
lly = cadr( ll )
ury = cadr( ur )
ury - lly
) ; let
) ; procedure