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Jannik edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 12 revisions

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google drive syncronisation

fist setup

to set up the cloud syncronisation, switch cloud sync button to on and allow cemu_UI to acces your cloud files to upload the savegames. cemu_UI uploads all your savegames to the cloud and checks from now on startup, whether a sync is needed.

adding a new installation of cemu

if you want to add a new installation of cemu to the cloud sync, switch cloud sync button to on and allow cemu_UI to acces your cloud files. cemu_UI will download all synced savgames from the cloud, it's highly recommendet not to have any savgames in this -new- installation of cemu otherwise it's possible to lose the synced savegames. (If you added a installation with new savgames to the cloud sync you can delet the cloud cemu_UI folder to prevent the other installations from downloading these files and overwriting your "real" savegames.)

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