A virtual reality web app demonstration, using A-Frame.
It pulls a set of photos from Flickr dynamically and displays them in a circular carousel. (Llama photos are optional, but recommended).
Click to spin the carousel to the next photo, or just look around with a WebVR-compatible headset on.
Please note that the index.html
file in this folder is intended to be transformed by Jekyll,
to fit in well with the rest of this collection of demos. See the README at the root of this
repository for instructions.
If you would prefer to view the version with raw HTML, without requiring Jekyll, it is available at: github.com/poshaughnessy/aframe-flickr-carousel.
Please update the Flickr API key in index.html.
To generate a new one, visit: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.photos.search.