Use this README to rebuild the plugin according to your ES version.
brew install sbt
cd under the original repo elasticsearch for the following steps
git clone
./scripts/ mecab-ko-dic-2.0.1-20150920
sed 's/\$es_version_for_rebuild/"your_es_version"/' ~/elasticsearch-analysis-seunjeon/seunjeon-patch.diff | git apply
sbt -J-Xmx2G "runMain org.bitbucket.eunjeon.seunjeon.DictBuilder"
sbt elasticsearch/esZip
The above two steps might fail if your es version does not work with certain types or dependencies the original plugin used. You may need to manually change certain parts in the plugin code to make the build pass as mentioned in Limit of this rebuild
If you could make your build work, please contribute to this repo by making your changes into a git diff patch file and make a pull request!
Now you should be able to see inside of /elastic/target folder. And you are good to install it.
In your Elasticsearch cluster
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///elasticsearch/target/