build Toyama heat absorber with absolute y-offset
build Toyama heat absorber with absolute y-offset
don't build colC (later will be moved upstream)
don't build colC (later will be moved upstream)
add ProxiShieldB and its Pipe (dummy dimensions)
add ProxiShieldB and its Pipe (dummy dimensions)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/GunTestFacility' into TomoWISE
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/GunTestFacility' into TomoWISE
split back/front flanges into simple cells to fix lost particles
split back/front flanges into simple cells to fix lost particles
Evaluate the BackCapMat variable only if needed (to avoid printing it…
Evaluate the BackCapMat variable only if needed (to avoid printing it…
nan-depth treatment moved to the variable generator
nan-depth treatment moved to the variable generator
WIP: adjust BremCollPipe dimensions
WIP: adjust BremCollPipe dimensions
add a comment about wrong RingDoor placement if a beamline is built a…
add a comment about wrong RingDoor placement if a beamline is built a…
construct/Torus -> construct/torusUnit (to avoid confusion with geom/…
construct/Torus -> construct/torusUnit (to avoid confusion with geom/…
construct/Torus -> construct/torusUnit (to avoid confusion with geom/…
construct/Torus -> construct/torusUnit (to avoid confusion with geom/…
WHAT(3) of EMFCUT with empty SDUM set to an empty value
WHAT(3) of EMFCUT with empty SDUM set to an empty value
put window into the flange center
put window into the flange center
implement leftFlangeCapWindow Thickness
implement leftFlangeCapWindow Thickness
update of lengths as of new AR measurements
update of lengths as of new AR measurements
update BellowCLength to avoid offset of downstream components due to …
update BellowCLength to avoid offset of downstream components due to …
WIP: fixing the chamber wall geometry
WIP: fixing the chamber wall geometry
gapThick reduced to 0.5 mm
gapThick reduced to 0.5 mm
YagUnit: simplify the outer surface
YagUnit: simplify the outer surface