title |
Upload Plugin API |
Please note that maximum allowed plugin size is 200 MB.
- userName is a plugin author username used to access the JetBrains Plugin Repository (JetBrains Account username or email).
- password is a plugin author password used to access the JetBrains Plugin Repository (JetBrains Account password).
- pluginId is a numeric ID of the plugin, can be retrieved from the plugin repository URL. e.g. Scala plugin ID is 1347. (pluginXmlId can be used instead)
- pluginXmlId is an unique identifier of the plugin specified as in plugin.xml. Can be found as a Plugin XML ID parameter on the right of the plugin's individual update page and in the plugin.xml. (pluginId can be used instead)
- channel is a release channel the update is published to (empty channel means default Stable channel) (optional)
Using pluginId
Provide file as file contents. Curl command template:
curl -k -i -F userName=<userName> -F password=<password> -F pluginId=<pluginId> -F file=@<path to plugin .jar/.zip file> -F channel=<channel> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/uploadPlugin
Curl command example:
curl -k -i -F userName=pluginrobot -F password=123456 -F pluginId=5047 -F [email protected] -F channel=nightly https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/uploadPlugin
Using pluginXmlId
Provide file as file contents. Curl command template:
curl -k -i -F userName=<userName> -F password=<password> -F xmlId=<pluginXmlId> -F file=@<path to plugin .jar/.zip file> -F channel=<channel> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/uploadPlugin
Curl command example:
curl -k -i -F userName=pluginrobot -F password=123456 -F xmlId=ro.redeul.google.go -F [email protected] -F channel=nightly https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/uploadPlugin