- 🖥️ Downloading FlatRedBall
- 🏗️ Building FlatRedBall From Source
- ❓ Need Help?
- ✨ FlatRedBall Features
- 🎓 Tutorials
- Introduction To FlatRedBall
- Quick Start Guide
- Beefball - A Full FlatRedBall Tutorial Project
- Platformer Tutorials
- Damage Dealing
- Entity Variants Using Inheritance
- FlatRedBall.Forms
- Top Down Games
- Post Processing
- Rock Blaster - A Full FlatRedBall Tutorial Project
- Code-Only Projects (No Editor)
- Code Tutorials
- 3D Camera Setup
- Adding FlatRedBall to a MonoGame/FNA Project
- Adding WPF to an Existing Game
- async and await
- CLR Profiler
- Collision Jitter
- Culling
- Customizing Cursor Visuals
- Depth Buffer Z Fighting
- Dictionaries and Enum Keys
- FlatRedBall XNA in Windows Form
- Improving Performance
- Object Sorting
- Pix
- Rendering Sprites with Shaders
- Tile-Based Movement
- Velocity
- Distribution
- FlatRedBall and Velcro Physics
- FlatRedBall Editor Plugins
- Additional FlatRedBall Editor Tutorials
- Math Tutorials
- Overworld Tutorials
- 🎞️ Videos
- 📐 FlatRedBall Editor
- Display Settings
- Entities
- BaseEntity
- Constructor
- ConvertToManuallyUpdated
- CreatedByOtherEntities
- CustomActivity
- CustomDestroy
- CustomInitialize
- Destroying Entities
- Entity Performance
- Export Entity
- Implements IClickable
- Implements ICollidable
- Implements IDamageArea
- Implements IDrawableBatch
- Implements IGumCollidable
- Implements IVisible
- Implements IWindow
- Import Entity
- Inheriting from FlatRedBall Types
- LayerProvidedByContainer
- MoveToLayer
- PooledByFactory
- Top Down Movement
- Use Global Content
- Events
- Factories
- Files
- File Types
- Accessing Files in Code
- Adding File Objects to Managers
- Destroy on Unload
- File Build Tool
- Folders
- Global Content Files
- IsDatabaseForLocalizing
- IsManuallyUpdated
- IncludeDirectoryRelativeToContainer
- LoadedAtRuntime
- LoadedOnlyWhenReferenced
- Name
- Platform Inclusions
- Project Specific Files
- RuntimeType
- SourceFile
- UseContentPipeline
- Wildcard Files
- FileVersion (.gluj)
- Generated Code
- Global Content Files
- Live Edit
- Menu
- Multi-Platform
- Objects
- Plugins
- Profiling
- Screens
- States
- Variables
- Visual Studio Project (.csproj)
- 🏃♀️ Animation Editor
- Tiled
- Tiled Basics
- Tiled Files in Entities
- TileEntityInstantiator
- Using TiledObjects.Generated.xml
- LayeredTileMap
- MapDrawableBatch
- TiledMapSave
- TileShapeCollection
- AddCollisionAtWorld
- AddCollisionFrom
- AddCollisionFromTilesWithProperty
- AddMergedCollisionFromLayer
- AddMergedCollisionFromTilesWithProperty
- AdjustRepositionDirectionsOnAddAndRemove
- CollideAgainst
- CollideAgainstClosest
- GetRectangleAtPosition
- InsertCollidables
- LastCollisionAxisAlignedRectangles
- Rectangles
- RemoveFromManagers
- RemoveSurroundedCollision
- 🟩 Gum
- 🦴 Spine
- ⏸️ Aseprite
- 🏫 API Documentation
- FlatRedBall Engine
- AI
- Audio
- Camera
- AbsoluteRightXEdge
- AbsoluteRightXEdgeAt
- AddLayer
- AddSpriteToBillboard
- AspectRatio
- AttachTo
- BackgroundColor
- CameraCullMode
- ClearMinimumsAndMaximums
- ClearsDepthBuffer
- DestinationRectangle
- DrawsShapes
- DrawsToScreen
- DrawsWorld
- FarClipPlane
- FieldOfView
- FixAspectRatioYConstant
- ForceUpdateDependencies
- GetViewport
- IsSpriteInView
- KeepSpriteInScreen
- Layer
- Layers
- Main
- MaximumX
- Orthogonal
- OrthogonalHeight
- OrthogonalWidth
- PixelsPerUnitAt
- Position
- PositionRandomlyInView
- RelativeXEdgeAt
- RemoveLayer
- RotationMatrix
- SetBordersAtZ
- SetLookAtRotationMatrix
- SetSplitScreenViewport
- UpdateViewProjectionMatrix
- UpVector
- UsePixelCoordinates
- UsePixelCoordinates3D
- View
- Content
- Debugging
- Entities
- FlatRedBallServices
- Graphics
- Gui
- Input
- Instructions
- IO
- Localization
- Managers
- Math
- IAttachableRemovable
- AttachableList
- Collision
- Geometry
- AxisAlignedCube
- AxisAlignedRectangle
- Capsule2D
- Circle
- Colliding a List of Shapes Against Itself
- FloatRectangle
- ICollidable
- IScalable
- Line
- Point
- Polygon
- AbsolutePointPosition
- Clone
- CollideAgainstBounce
- CollideAgainstMove and Attachments
- CollideAgainstMove
- Color
- CreateEquilateral
- CreateRectangle
- ForceUpdateDependencies
- IsPointInside
- LastMoveCollisionReposition
- OptimizeRadius
- Points
- Position
- ProjectParentVelocityOnLastMoveCollisionTangent
- ScaleBy
- Thin Polygon Problem
- VectorFrom
- Visible
- Z
- Segment
- Shape
- ShapeCollection
- ShapeManager
- ShapeMerger
- Shapes and 2D Collision
- Sphere
- IAttachable
- IRotatable
- MathFunctions
- Paths
- PositionedObjectList
- Splines
- Performance
- PositionedObject
- Acceleration
- AttachTo
- Children
- Clone
- Drag
- ForceUpdatedependencies
- ForceUpdatedependenciesDeep
- Initialize
- KeepTrackOfReal
- LastPosition
- Mirrored properties
- ParentRotationChangesPosition
- ParentRotationChangesRotation
- Position
- RelativePosition
- RelativeRotationZ
- RelativeVelocity
- RemoveSelfFromListsBelongingTo
- RotationZ
- SetRelativeFromAbsolute
- TimedActivity
- TopParent
- UpdateDependencies
- Velocity
- Z
- Screens
- Sprite
- Alpha
- AnimateSelf
- AnimationChains
- AnimationSpeed
- Bottom
- BottomTextureCoordinate
- Changing a Sprite's Origin
- ColorOperation
- CurrentChainName
- CurrentFrameIndex
- IgnoreAnimationChainTextureFlip
- Inheriting from the Sprite Class
- JustCycled
- LeftTextureCoordinate
- PixelSize
- Position
- RightTextureCoordinate
- SetAnimationChain
- SetScaleXRatioToY
- Sorting and Overlapping
- Sprite vs Texture2d
- Texture Coordinates
- Texture
- TextureAddressMode
- TextureCoordinate
- TextureFilter
- TextureScale
- TimeIntoAnimation
- TopTextureCoordinate
- UseAnimationRelativePosition
- Vertices
- VerticesForDrawing
- Visible
- SpriteList
- SpriteManager
- AddDrawableBatch
- AddManagedInvisibleSprite
- AddManualSprite
- AddParticleSprite
- AddPositionedObject
- AddSprite
- AddToLayer
- AddZBufferedDrawableBatch
- AddZBufferedSprite
- AutomaticallyUpdatedSprites
- Camera
- ConvertToAutomaticallyUpdated
- ConvertToManagedInvisible
- ConvertToManuallyUpdated
- ConvertToZBufferedSprite
- DrawableBatches
- ManagedPositionedObjects
- ManualUpdate
- MaxParticleCount
- MoveToBack
- OrderedSortType
- OrderedSprites
- RemoveDrawableBatch
- RemoveLayer
- RemovePositionedObject
- RemoveSprite
- RemoveSpriteOneWay
- SortTexturesSecondary
- SortYSpritesSecondary
- UnderAllDrawnLayer
- TimeManager
- Utilities
- FlatRedBall.Forms
- FlatRedBall Editor Plugin
- customvariable
- Introduction
- flatredball-glue-elements-objectfinder
- flatredball-glue-guidisplay-propertygriddisplayer
- Introduction
- flatredball-glue-projectmanager
- Introduction
- flatredball-glue-saveclasses-namedobjectsave
- flatredball-glue-saveclasses-referencedfilesave
- flatredball-glue
- plugins
- flatredball-glue-exportedinterfaces-igluestate
- flatredball-glue-exportedinterfaces-igluxcommands-addreferencedfiletoglobalcontent
- flatredball-glue-exportedinterfaces-igluxcommands
- Introduction
- flatredball-glue-exportedinterfaces-iprojectcommands-makeabsolute
- flatredball-glue-exportedinterfaces-iprojectcommands
- flatredball-glue-interfaces-icodegeneratorplugin
- flatredball-glue-interfaces-imenustripplugin
- Introduction
- flatredball-glue-pluginbase-getfilesreferencedby
- flatredball-glue-pluginbase
- Introduction
- vshelpers
- plugins
- FlatRedBall Editor (Glue)
- Live Edit
- Gum Runtime
- iOS
- Microsoft.Xna.Framework
- NAudio
- SkiaGum
- State Interpolation
- FlatRedBall Engine
- 🏘️ Contributing
- 🎮 FlatRedBall Games
- angry-boy
- avatar-skate
- avatar-word-wave
- bobble-biker
- box-the-gopher
- cargo-crush
- combo-red-moon-rising
- cubism
- eat-my-shuriken-and-die
- elemento
- food-battler
- free-towels
- gravi-dot
- hyperdodge
- juice-factory
- operation-sd-space-defense
- picture-puzzle-revolution
- prismatic
- quarantine
- quest-for-freshness
- star-stepper
- steambirds
- sticky-bump
- tile-trip
- trashman
- tumble-heads
- udder-chaos
- without-escape
- games-oniro
- 🔴 FlatRedBall Logo
- Installing XNA in Visual Studio 2017