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Flamegraph by example

Flamegraphs are a useful way to look at how an application is spending its time, by sampling across all threads periodically and aggregating the results.

They have the following characteristics:

  • Horizontal order doesn't have any meaning, but horizontal width corresponds to the number of samples that were spent in the method call.
  • Vertical height is the depth of the call stack (and order is relevant).

Building this project will create an image flamegraph-influxdb:2.7.4 (based on the influxdb image) with a couple of useful scripts and some code gluing them together for easy deployment. There's also an java application used in the examples below.

TODO: The image is currently broken because the older code relies on Python 2, which is no longer supported in many repositories.


Running the launcher

# Either of the commands build the image.
mvn package -Ddocker.verbose=true -Dflamegraph.docker.skip=false
docker build -t flamegraph-influxdb:2.7.4 src/main/docker/

# Run the server in one process
docker run --rm \
    --name influxdb \
    -p 8086:8086 \
    -e INFLUXDB_DB=profiler \

# If necessary, get the profiler java agent out of the image.  
docker cp influxdb:/opt/flamegraph/statsd-jvm-profiler-2.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar $JAVAAGENT_DIR/

# If the process to bench is in another container, copy the java agent there.
docker cp /tmp/statsd-jvm-profiler-2.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar $DKR:$JAVAAGENT_DIR

# Run the application to profile, with the javaagent below.
INFLUX_HOST=$(docker inspect -f {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}} influxdb)
java -javaagent:$JAVAAGENT_DIR/statsd-jvm-profiler-2.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar=server=$INFLUX_HOST,port=8086,reporter=InfluxDBReporter,database=profiler,username=profiler,password=profiler,prefix=$PREFIX,tagMapping=$TAG_MAPPING -jar $(pwd)/target/flamegraph-by-example-*-SNAPSHOT.jar sieve 1000000 --super --happy --sexy --count
# This should take a few minutes, use a smaller number for a shorter example.

# Generate the flame graph.
****docker exec influxdb sh $TAG_MAPPING $PREFIX > /tmp/flamegraph.svg****

The Java Agent

Uses the $JAVA_AGENTDIR to locate the jar, and $TAG_MAPPING, $PREFIX to uniquely identify the samples.


Future work

  • Update the versions.