diff --git a/Twitter Analysis/AquamanPetition_Analysis/Twitter_AquamanPetition_Analysis.html b/Twitter Analysis/AquamanPetition_Analysis/Twitter_AquamanPetition_Analysis.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..441bd79a --- /dev/null +++ b/Twitter Analysis/AquamanPetition_Analysis/Twitter_AquamanPetition_Analysis.html @@ -0,0 +1,35795 @@ + + +
+ +import pandas as pd
+import os
+pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import seaborn as sb
+import matplotlib.dates as mdates
+import plotly.express as px
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import pickle
+import re
+import warnings
+import datetime
+%matplotlib inline
+import plotly.io as pio
+# pio.renderers.default = "svg"
+svg_renderer = pio.renderers["svg"]
+svg_renderer.width = 950
+svg_renderer.height = 550
+# To Apply helpers updates without resarting the kernel
+import importlib
+import helpers
+from load_data import *
+# # To keep track of any module updates
+# %load_ext autoreload
+# %autoreload2
+%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
# Filtered Data on Aquaman petition Links
(55324, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4434 | +2860 | +2018-03-16 21:52:09 | +I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | +2016-06-29 18:06:35 | +748216104565235712 | +Morgan | +False | +NaN | +177 | +https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | +can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | +656 | +974765287080853508 | +mdragonfly89 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +21 | +625 days 03:45:34 | +625 | +225.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +6.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
4577 | +4654 | +2018-03-18 22:06:17 | +Daily film news, intellectually stimulating ed... | +2018-02-17 08:29:20 | +964778778143555585 | +Le Cinรฉphiles | +False | +Le Cinรฉma | +17786 | +https://t.co/TexAcEQbue | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/96477877... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1035011501... | +breaking: amber heard reportedly grew a mustac... | +528 | +975493621917954048 | +LeCinephiles | +2018-03-18 | +2018 | +Mar | +18 | +22 | +29 days 13:36:57 | +29 | +816.95 | +44.0 | +5.0 | +177.0 | +9.0 | +53.0 | +
aquaman_petition.created_at.dt.date.min(), aquaman_petition.created_at.dt.date.max()
(datetime.date(2018, 3, 16), datetime.date(2022, 4, 28))+
# Users Tweeted with "Aquaman Petition Links"
(38396, 13) ++
+ | user_id | +user_created_at | +username | +user_screen_name | +n_followers | +n_friends | +n_statuses | +user_url | +user_description | +user_location | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +is_verified | +
26 | +70083 | +2006-12-15 10:35:38 | +marul69 | +marul69 | +2952 | +1043 | +43859 | +NaN | +Not here to please you. | +Brunei Darussalam | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/70083/16... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/5195113944... | +False | +
41 | +671883 | +2007-01-20 18:31:59 | +Martin Edelius | +MartinNr5 | +51 | +36 | +5744 | +NaN | +Life's too short. | +In the Floda woodlands! | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3707406681... | +False | +
+ +NOTE:
+- 38396 users tweeted with "aquaman petition" related links
+ +Tweets Metrics¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ ++Tweets Metrics¶
df_daily_metrics = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['date', 'year', 'month', 'dayofmonth'])
+ .agg({'text':'count', 'user_id': 'nunique', 'total_retweets': 'sum', 'like_count': 'sum', 'reply_count': 'sum'})
+ .reset_index().rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets', 'user_id': 'by_#accounts'})
+df_daily_metrics.sort_values('total_retweets', ascending=False).head(10)
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
1100 | +2022-04-28 | +2022 | +Apr | +28 | +3231 | +3067 | +19208.0 | +129141.0 | +2035.0 | +
694 | +2021-02-28 | +2021 | +Feb | +28 | +494 | +470 | +14106.0 | +105434.0 | +954.0 | +
586 | +2020-11-12 | +2020 | +Nov | +12 | +3197 | +2902 | +7044.0 | +32154.0 | +1421.0 | +
580 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +849 | +748 | +5442.0 | +10344.0 | +214.0 | +
846 | +2021-07-30 | +2021 | +Jul | +30 | +112 | +109 | +5256.0 | +14052.0 | +3051.0 | +
302 | +2020-02-02 | +2020 | +Feb | +2 | +1654 | +1597 | +3288.0 | +11527.0 | +187.0 | +
224 | +2019-11-11 | +2019 | +Nov | +11 | +179 | +175 | +3238.0 | +860.0 | +69.0 | +
815 | +2021-06-29 | +2021 | +Jun | +29 | +98 | +85 | +2510.0 | +8851.0 | +197.0 | +
581 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +1565 | +1387 | +2345.0 | +7606.0 | +162.0 | +
695 | +2021-03-01 | +2021 | +Mar | +1 | +161 | +148 | +1945.0 | +3805.0 | +693.0 | +
# importlib.reload(helpers)
title = 'A Heat Map for the Count of "Aquman Petition" ReTweets in Each Day'
+helpers.facet_heat(df_daily_metrics, title, heat_col='total_retweets', n_col=3, vmax=1000)
df_years_retweet = df_daily_metrics.groupby('year')['total_retweets'].sum().reset_index()
helpers.bar(df_years_retweet, "year", "total_retweets", "Number of 'Aquaman Petition Links' ReTweets over Years", text=0, margin=25000)
df_metrics_month = (
+ df_daily_metrics.groupby(['month', 'year'])[['total_retweets', 'like_count', 'reply_count']]
+ .sum().reset_index()
+helpers.facet_day_month(df_metrics_month, "month", "total_retweets", facet_on='year', n_col=5)
df_daily_metrics.sort_values('like_count', ascending=False).head(10)
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
1100 | +2022-04-28 | +2022 | +Apr | +28 | +3231 | +3067 | +19208.0 | +129141.0 | +2035.0 | +
694 | +2021-02-28 | +2021 | +Feb | +28 | +494 | +470 | +14106.0 | +105434.0 | +954.0 | +
586 | +2020-11-12 | +2020 | +Nov | +12 | +3197 | +2902 | +7044.0 | +32154.0 | +1421.0 | +
846 | +2021-07-30 | +2021 | +Jul | +30 | +112 | +109 | +5256.0 | +14052.0 | +3051.0 | +
302 | +2020-02-02 | +2020 | +Feb | +2 | +1654 | +1597 | +3288.0 | +11527.0 | +187.0 | +
1096 | +2022-04-24 | +2022 | +Apr | +24 | +75 | +69 | +1706.0 | +11259.0 | +425.0 | +
580 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +849 | +748 | +5442.0 | +10344.0 | +214.0 | +
692 | +2021-02-26 | +2021 | +Feb | +26 | +78 | +76 | +1513.0 | +9965.0 | +118.0 | +
815 | +2021-06-29 | +2021 | +Jun | +29 | +98 | +85 | +2510.0 | +8851.0 | +197.0 | +
581 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +1565 | +1387 | +2345.0 | +7606.0 | +162.0 | +
# importlib.reload(helpers)
title = 'A Heat Map for the Count of "Aquman Petition" Tweets Likes in Each Day'
+helpers.facet_heat(df_daily_metrics, title, heat_col='like_count', n_col=3, vmax=2000)
df_years_likes = df_daily_metrics.groupby('year')['like_count'].sum().reset_index()
helpers.bar(df_years_likes, "year", "like_count", "Number of 'Aquaman Petition Links' Likes over Years", text=0, margin=25000)
helpers.facet_day_month(df_metrics_month, "month", "like_count", facet_on='year', n_col=5)
df_daily_metrics.sort_values('reply_count', ascending=False).head(10)
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
846 | +2021-07-30 | +2021 | +Jul | +30 | +112 | +109 | +5256.0 | +14052.0 | +3051.0 | +
1100 | +2022-04-28 | +2022 | +Apr | +28 | +3231 | +3067 | +19208.0 | +129141.0 | +2035.0 | +
586 | +2020-11-12 | +2020 | +Nov | +12 | +3197 | +2902 | +7044.0 | +32154.0 | +1421.0 | +
694 | +2021-02-28 | +2021 | +Feb | +28 | +494 | +470 | +14106.0 | +105434.0 | +954.0 | +
695 | +2021-03-01 | +2021 | +Mar | +1 | +161 | +148 | +1945.0 | +3805.0 | +693.0 | +
587 | +2020-11-13 | +2020 | +Nov | +13 | +2493 | +2292 | +1456.0 | +6018.0 | +509.0 | +
1096 | +2022-04-24 | +2022 | +Apr | +24 | +75 | +69 | +1706.0 | +11259.0 | +425.0 | +
847 | +2021-07-31 | +2021 | +Jul | +31 | +75 | +68 | +338.0 | +2003.0 | +417.0 | +
601 | +2020-11-27 | +2020 | +Nov | +27 | +339 | +316 | +326.0 | +1564.0 | +288.0 | +
90 | +2019-04-19 | +2019 | +Apr | +19 | +79 | +62 | +471.0 | +973.0 | +226.0 | +
# importlib.reload(helpers)
title = 'A Heat Map for the Count of "Aquman Petition" Tweets Replies in Each Day'
+helpers.facet_heat(df_daily_metrics, title, heat_col='reply_count', n_col=3, vmax=200)
df_years_replies = df_daily_metrics.groupby('year')['reply_count'].sum().reset_index()
helpers.bar(df_years_replies, "year", "reply_count", "Number of 'Aquaman Petition Links' Replies over Years", text=0, margin=2000)
helpers.facet_day_month(df_metrics_month, "month", "reply_count", facet_on='year', n_col=5)
+ ++Tweets Metrics¶
A count of how many times the Tweet has been Retweeted.
+Please note: This does not include Quote Tweets (โRetweets with commentโ).
A count of how many times the Tweet has been Retweeted with a new comment (message).
+Please note: This does not include Retweets.
To get the โRetweets and commentsโ total as displayed on the Twitter clients, simply add retweet_count and quote_count.
+This will return the total count of Quote Tweets. There are no Quote Tweets from a paid context so all Quote Tweets are organic.
+ ++
+- total_retweets: is the total retweet count (Retweets + Quote Tweets)
top_retweet = aquaman_petition.sort_values('total_retweets', ascending=False)
+with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
+ display(top_retweet[['text', 'total_retweets', 'reply_count', 'like_count', 'date', 'username', 'days_diff']].head(15))
+ | text | +total_retweets | +reply_count | +like_count | +date | +username | +days_diff | +
1695958 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | +4999.0 | +299.0 | +35472.0 | +2022-04-28 | +Infos Sรฉries | +1937 | +
836080 | +so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | +4526.0 | +274.0 | +33708.0 | +2021-02-28 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +3266 | +
1696491 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | +4204.0 | +160.0 | +37850.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | +2136 | +
1692581 | +while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | +3017.0 | +339.0 | +11492.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2470 | +
485149 | +more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \nwhere is the justice?!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | +2938.0 | +56.0 | +3824.0 | +2020-11-06 | +Mango | +1433 | +
593861 | +over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | +2937.0 | +506.0 | +13515.0 | +2020-11-12 | +Fandom | +4989 | +
124243 | +์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | +2866.0 | +2.0 | +393.0 | +2019-11-11 | +justme | +2232 | +
836002 | +me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | +2456.0 | +76.0 | +15633.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Red Ranger Chris | +1145 | +
836273 | +just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | +2042.0 | +48.0 | +17025.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Akash Bhadauria | +387 | +
1088217 | +peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \n\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\n\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | +2036.0 | +884.0 | +3652.0 | +2021-07-30 | +DiscussingFilm | +1767 | +
1048149 | +johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | +1964.0 | +106.0 | +7257.0 | +2021-06-29 | +Ankeshkumar sharma | +419 | +
844973 | +amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\n\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\n\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | +1758.0 | +597.0 | +3070.0 | +2021-03-01 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +1196 | +
1693964 | +over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | +1751.0 | +109.0 | +13794.0 | +2022-04-28 | +ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | +3430 | +
156986 | +me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | +1709.0 | +52.0 | +6709.0 | +2020-02-02 | +ImProbablyManic | +1240 | +
1693170 | +2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | +1627.0 | +332.0 | +10392.0 | +2022-04-28 | +NDTV News feed | +4517 | +
helpers.barh(top_retweet[['tweet_id', 'total_retweets']].head(15),
+ 'Top Retweeted Tweets with "aquaman petition links"', c='red')
la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq 1 +so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf 1 +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne 1 +while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb 1 +more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \nwhere is the justice?!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t 1 +over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y 1 +์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi 1 +me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb 1 +just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy 1 +peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \n\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\n\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai 1 +johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw 1 +amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\n\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\n\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb 1 +over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk 1 +me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 1 +2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
1695958 Infos Sรฉries +836080 ๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ +1696491 ๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ +1692581 ๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ +485149 Mango +593861 Fandom +124243 justme +836002 Red Ranger Chris +836273 Akash Bhadauria +1088217 DiscussingFilm +1048149 Ankeshkumar sharma +844973 Culture Crave ๐ฟ +1693964 ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด +156986 ImProbablyManic +1693170 NDTV News feed +Name: username, dtype: object+
tweets[tweets.username == 'Le Cinรฉphiles'].text.value_counts().head()
breaking: amber heard reportedly grew a mustache after filming and is contractually obligated to keep it for her next film. the โaquamanโ reshoots will digitally remove her mustache using cgi. https://t.co/sbm0khiixn 1 +breaking: warner bros officially announces that johnny depp will play mera in โaquaman 2,โ replacing amber heard. https://t.co/fhywf8hqu0 1 +breaking: amber heard has been cast as grindelwald in โfantastic beasts 3.โ https://t.co/wmgcjscena 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Le Cinรฉphiles", n=30, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Le Cinรฉphiles": 3 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'S'].text.value_counts().head(20)
#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +amber heard 2 +amber heard ni bodo gak ek. disebabkan kontroversi kau la johnny dah tak cast untuk fantastic beast. 1 +amber heard trying to use โi did not punch you, i was just hitting youโ as an excuse after repeatedly hitting her man in the face is batty as hell 1 +johnny deppโs trial proves that society is uncomfortable with admitting that men are victims of domestic violence and that drugs, dysfunction & foul language doesnโt always equate to wife beating. childhood trauma will make us normalize the worst behavior #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +her ลeye raฤmen eskiden aลฤฑk olduฤu kadฤฑn hakkฤฑnda tek kรถtรผ bir ลey bile sรถylemedi, baลkalarฤฑnฤฑn yapamadฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑ yapฤฑp o mahkemede duygularฤฑnฤฑn arkasฤฑnda olduฤunu savundun ya harika bir adamsฤฑn sen #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +in this trial, even after recounting horrific instances of abuse he suffered, it took an audio of him being on the verge of self-harm to make him break. he knows how broken he was at the end of that abusive relationship. he never deserved that. #johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +that audio made him fucking cry. he was the one in pain. he was begging for a way out of that abuse. how dare she think recording a man in a vulnerable state is ever okay. disgusting #johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +heโs obviously upset by this audio. the fact she was recording him while he was emotionally destroyed. he was begging for a way out and nearly/did resort to self harming. sheโs horrible. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +โofficer square headโ fuck off ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +iโm sorry... if you want to see how innocent johnny depp is please watch his cross examination. they have out of context texts and audio of her admitting to hitting him. thats it. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +on that audio johnny clearly says โwhat if i show them this... or this... or this...โ i presume he was pointing to injuries. sheโs insane, her tone was crazy almost psychopathic... \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +wait... that audio just confirms she did throw the can of mineral spirits at him!!! #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +amber heard is the reham khan of hollywood 1 +je suis fascinรฉe par ce procรจs รงa paraรฎt irrรฉel #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +somebody called amber heard is promoting (unsuccessfully it appears) the multi-million dollar usaid-funded #regimechange ngo, sams; principal suspects behind the #omrandaqneesh scam, #khansheikoun and #douma. https://t.co/snnaot44z1 1 +amber heard is prime example of white women crocodile tears 1 +fuck amber heard me and all my girls hate amber heard. yaa heard me 1 +is this the moaning video?? #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +at the end of the day, truth always wins #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "S", n=2, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "S": 124 ++
+ ++Tweets Metrics¶
top_liked = aquaman_petition.sort_values('like_count', ascending=False)
+with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
+ display(top_retweet[['text', 'like_count', 'reply_count', 'total_retweets', 'date', 'username', 'days_diff']].head(15))
+ | text | +like_count | +reply_count | +total_retweets | +date | +username | +days_diff | +
1695958 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | +35472.0 | +299.0 | +4999.0 | +2022-04-28 | +Infos Sรฉries | +1937 | +
836080 | +so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | +33708.0 | +274.0 | +4526.0 | +2021-02-28 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +3266 | +
1696491 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | +37850.0 | +160.0 | +4204.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | +2136 | +
1692581 | +while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | +11492.0 | +339.0 | +3017.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2470 | +
485149 | +more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \nwhere is the justice?!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | +3824.0 | +56.0 | +2938.0 | +2020-11-06 | +Mango | +1433 | +
593861 | +over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | +13515.0 | +506.0 | +2937.0 | +2020-11-12 | +Fandom | +4989 | +
124243 | +์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | +393.0 | +2.0 | +2866.0 | +2019-11-11 | +justme | +2232 | +
836002 | +me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | +15633.0 | +76.0 | +2456.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Red Ranger Chris | +1145 | +
836273 | +just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | +17025.0 | +48.0 | +2042.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Akash Bhadauria | +387 | +
1088217 | +peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \n\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\n\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | +3652.0 | +884.0 | +2036.0 | +2021-07-30 | +DiscussingFilm | +1767 | +
1048149 | +johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | +7257.0 | +106.0 | +1964.0 | +2021-06-29 | +Ankeshkumar sharma | +419 | +
844973 | +amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\n\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\n\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | +3070.0 | +597.0 | +1758.0 | +2021-03-01 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +1196 | +
1693964 | +over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | +13794.0 | +109.0 | +1751.0 | +2022-04-28 | +ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | +3430 | +
156986 | +me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | +6709.0 | +52.0 | +1709.0 | +2020-02-02 | +ImProbablyManic | +1240 | +
1693170 | +2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | +10392.0 | +332.0 | +1627.0 | +2022-04-28 | +NDTV News feed | +4517 | +
helpers.barh(top_liked[['tweet_id', 'like_count']].head(15),
+ 'Top Liked Tweets with "aquaman petition links"', c='red')
1696491 ๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ +1695958 Infos Sรฉries +836080 ๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ +836273 Akash Bhadauria +836002 Red Ranger Chris +1693964 ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด +593861 Fandom +836821 LynneG +836306 Rishi๐ +1692581 ๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ +1568820 _Rott!๐๏ธ +1693170 NDTV News feed +1048149 Ankeshkumar sharma +156986 ImProbablyManic +590329 Culture Crave ๐ฟ +Name: username, dtype: object+
+ ++Tweets Metrics¶
top_replies = aquaman_petition.sort_values('reply_count', ascending=False)
+with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
+ display(top_retweet[['text', 'reply_count', 'like_count', 'total_retweets', 'date', 'username', 'days_diff']].head(15))
+ | text | +reply_count | +like_count | +total_retweets | +date | +username | +days_diff | +
1695958 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | +299.0 | +35472.0 | +4999.0 | +2022-04-28 | +Infos Sรฉries | +1937 | +
836080 | +so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | +274.0 | +33708.0 | +4526.0 | +2021-02-28 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +3266 | +
1696491 | +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | +160.0 | +37850.0 | +4204.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | +2136 | +
1692581 | +while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | +339.0 | +11492.0 | +3017.0 | +2022-04-28 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2470 | +
485149 | +more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \nwhere is the justice?!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | +56.0 | +3824.0 | +2938.0 | +2020-11-06 | +Mango | +1433 | +
593861 | +over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | +506.0 | +13515.0 | +2937.0 | +2020-11-12 | +Fandom | +4989 | +
124243 | +์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | +2.0 | +393.0 | +2866.0 | +2019-11-11 | +justme | +2232 | +
836002 | +me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | +76.0 | +15633.0 | +2456.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Red Ranger Chris | +1145 | +
836273 | +just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | +48.0 | +17025.0 | +2042.0 | +2021-02-28 | +Akash Bhadauria | +387 | +
1088217 | +peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \n\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\n\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | +884.0 | +3652.0 | +2036.0 | +2021-07-30 | +DiscussingFilm | +1767 | +
1048149 | +johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | +106.0 | +7257.0 | +1964.0 | +2021-06-29 | +Ankeshkumar sharma | +419 | +
844973 | +amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\n\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\n\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | +597.0 | +3070.0 | +1758.0 | +2021-03-01 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +1196 | +
1693964 | +over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | +109.0 | +13794.0 | +1751.0 | +2022-04-28 | +ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | +3430 | +
156986 | +me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | +52.0 | +6709.0 | +1709.0 | +2020-02-02 | +ImProbablyManic | +1240 | +
1693170 | +2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | +332.0 | +10392.0 | +1627.0 | +2022-04-28 | +NDTV News feed | +4517 | +
helpers.barh(top_replies[['tweet_id', 'reply_count']].head(15),
+ '"aquaman petition links" Tweets with Most Replies', c='red')
1088217 DiscussingFilm +844973 Culture Crave ๐ฟ +1089460 GameSpot +593861 Fandom +1568820 _Rott!๐๏ธ +1089241 Entertainment Weekly +1089717 Fandom +1092818 GameSpot +1692581 ๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ +1693170 NDTV News feed +1695958 Infos Sรฉries +836080 ๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ +1090360 Pop Crave +660577 TheWrap +590329 Culture Crave ๐ฟ +Name: username, dtype: object+
tweets[tweets.username == 'DiscussingFilm'].text.value_counts().head()
dcโs โaquamanโ will reportedly diverge from comic canon, and will make dolph lundgren's king nereus and amber heard's mera father and daughter. (via @aquamanshrine) https://t.co/gpkbwztq2o 1 +amber heard is set to join the cast of 'gully', with the film marking the directorial debut of nabil elderkin. the film is set in a dystopian version of los angeles and follows three teenagers, all victims of childhood trauma, who are running a riot. (source: @variety) https://t.co/itaqjyqxga 1 +amber heard has joined the cast of bow and arrow entertainmentโs โher smellโ. (source: @variety) https://t.co/h6iktsshjr 1 +amber heard has explained why she almost turned down playing mera in the dceu:\n\nโi had a limited experience, or exposure, to women in that world and then zack snyder explained this badass, kickass warrior queen to me and then i thought โsword and a crown, okayโโ (source: @etnow) https://t.co/mdqnqz0bca 1 +amber heard has said she would love to team up with gal gadotโs wonder woman in a future dc film. (source: https://t.co/llozrwobsu) https://t.co/6fqiezmicc 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "DiscussingFilm", n=30, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "DiscussingFilm": 14 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'Culture Crave ๐ฟ'].text.value_counts().head()
amber heard says she wants to see mera and wonder woman team up and 'kick some ass'\n\n(via @celebfanfest) https://t.co/owkb7ne65m 1 +amber heard is currently shooting new scenes for zack snyder's 'justice league' ๐ฑ\n\n(via @thr) https://t.co/dbdnzj5fxe 1 +over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/yem8gxketd 1 +amber heard confirms she will return for 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\n\n(via @ew) https://t.co/dlzeg1nkwe 1 +amber heard has wrapped reshoots on 'zack snyder's justice league' and is hyped for fans to see it ๐ฑ\n\n'i just love nerds. i fucking love nerds'\n\n(via @comicbook) https://t.co/vfxmghkoyk 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Culture Crave ๐ฟ", n=30, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Culture Crave ๐ฟ": 10 ++
+ +Users Tweets Metrics¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ ++Users Tweets Metrics¶
A count of how many times the Tweet has been Retweeted.
+Please note: This does not include Quote Tweets (โRetweets with commentโ).
A count of how many times the Tweet has been Retweeted with a new comment (message).
+Please note: This does not include Retweets.
To get the โRetweets and commentsโ total as displayed on the Twitter clients, simply add retweet_count and quote_count.
+This will return the total count of Quote Tweets. There are no Quote Tweets from a paid context so all Quote Tweets are organic.
+ ++
+- total_retweets: is the total retweet count (Retweets + Quote Tweets)
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4434 | +2860 | +2018-03-16 21:52:09 | +I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | +2016-06-29 18:06:35 | +748216104565235712 | +Morgan | +False | +NaN | +177 | +https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | +can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | +656 | +974765287080853508 | +mdragonfly89 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +21 | +625 days 03:45:34 | +625 | +225.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +6.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
top_retweet_u = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['user_id', 'username', 'user_created_at'], as_index=False)
+ ['total_retweets', 'like_count', 'reply_count'].sum()
+ .sort_values('total_retweets', ascending=False)
+ | user_id | +username | +user_created_at | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
33507 | +817437085191827456 | +Infos Sรฉries | +2017-01-06 18:26:03 | +5192.0 | +35764.0 | +358.0 | +
28953 | +531577673 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +2012-03-20 19:42:58 | +4526.0 | +33708.0 | +274.0 | +
31622 | +745369183517548544 | +๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | +2016-06-21 21:33:56 | +4204.0 | +37850.0 | +160.0 | +
12955 | +1332121 | +Fandom | +2007-03-17 03:28:55 | +3670.0 | +15512.0 | +887.0 | +
24480 | +3309371255 | +TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | +2015-06-05 15:21:16 | +3641.0 | +10903.0 | +467.0 | +
33179 | +805207070270259201 | +Mango | +2016-12-04 00:28:20 | +3137.0 | +4858.0 | +132.0 | +
36781 | +932786452739407872 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +2017-11-21 01:43:15 | +3024.0 | +9236.0 | +758.0 | +
24875 | +3389710995 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2015-07-23 18:58:08 | +3017.0 | +11492.0 | +339.0 | +
17039 | +1920027500 | +justme | +2013-09-30 13:05:19 | +2866.0 | +393.0 | +2.0 | +
27616 | +4583281223 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +2015-12-23 23:22:52 | +2488.0 | +11016.0 | +240.0 | +
37264 | +950895831313510401 | +Red Ranger Chris | +2018-01-10 01:03:27 | +2456.0 | +15633.0 | +76.0 | +
1862 | +1063791963378315264 | +Kirst๐ | +2018-11-17 13:52:23 | +2220.0 | +6698.0 | +92.0 | +
7843 | +1225378925594869761 | +Akash Bhadauria | +2020-02-06 11:24:26 | +2042.0 | +17025.0 | +48.0 | +
32561 | +780460754910732288 | +DiscussingFilm | +2016-09-26 17:35:19 | +2036.0 | +3652.0 | +884.0 | +
9209 | +1257551453628981248 | +Ankeshkumar sharma | +2020-05-05 06:03:35 | +1964.0 | +7257.0 | +106.0 | +
# # Check duplicates in user_id --> users that changed their usernames
+# top_retweet_u.duplicated(subset='user_id').sum()
# top_retweet_u[top_retweet_u.user_id.duplicated()]
helpers.barh(top_retweet_u[['username', 'total_retweets']].head(15),
+ 'Top Retweeted Users with "aquaman petition links"', c='red')
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Infos Sรฉries'].text.value_counts().head()
amber heard s'exprime sur la pรฉtition ร plus d'un million de signatures pour demander son dรฉpart du film 'aquaman 2' :\n\n''les rumeurs et campagnes sur les rรฉseaux sociaux ne dictent pas les dรฉcisions de casting car elles n'ont aucun fondement dans la rรฉalitรฉ." https://t.co/0cqrneqqqe 1 +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Infos Sรฉries", n=9, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Infos Sรฉries": 63 ++
tweets[tweets.username == '๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ'].text.value_counts().head(20)
so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf 1 +so i genuinely did not expect this tweet to do go beyond my handful of friends\n\ni never meant to start any arguments about johnny depp & amber heard\n\ni just really liked the idea of seeing jason momoa and emila clarke back acting together \n\nโค๏ธ please be kind to one another โค๏ธ 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ": 2 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == '๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ'].text.value_counts().head(20)
la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ", n=10, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ": 9 ++
+ ++Users Tweets Metrics¶
top_liked_u = top_retweet_u.sort_values('like_count', ascending=False)
+ | user_id | +username | +user_created_at | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
31622 | +745369183517548544 | +๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | +2016-06-21 21:33:56 | +4204.0 | +37850.0 | +160.0 | +
33507 | +817437085191827456 | +Infos Sรฉries | +2017-01-06 18:26:03 | +5192.0 | +35764.0 | +358.0 | +
28953 | +531577673 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +2012-03-20 19:42:58 | +4526.0 | +33708.0 | +274.0 | +
7843 | +1225378925594869761 | +Akash Bhadauria | +2020-02-06 11:24:26 | +2042.0 | +17025.0 | +48.0 | +
37264 | +950895831313510401 | +Red Ranger Chris | +2018-01-10 01:03:27 | +2456.0 | +15633.0 | +76.0 | +
12955 | +1332121 | +Fandom | +2007-03-17 03:28:55 | +3670.0 | +15512.0 | +887.0 | +
38393 | +991924602 | +ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | +2012-12-05 22:41:01 | +1751.0 | +13794.0 | +109.0 | +
37195 | +948421868 | +LynneG | +2012-11-14 20:15:43 | +1588.0 | +12687.0 | +133.0 | +
28760 | +512966078 | +Rishi๐ | +2012-03-03 09:02:31 | +1227.0 | +11629.0 | +27.0 | +
24875 | +3389710995 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2015-07-23 18:58:08 | +3017.0 | +11492.0 | +339.0 | +
13063 | +1337522797275459585 | +_Rott!๐๏ธ | +2020-12-11 22:21:56 | +1613.0 | +11049.0 | +412.0 | +
27616 | +4583281223 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +2015-12-23 23:22:52 | +2488.0 | +11016.0 | +240.0 | +
24480 | +3309371255 | +TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | +2015-06-05 15:21:16 | +3641.0 | +10903.0 | +467.0 | +
37803 | +96900937 | +NDTV News feed | +2009-12-15 03:10:27 | +1627.0 | +10392.0 | +332.0 | +
36781 | +932786452739407872 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +2017-11-21 01:43:15 | +3024.0 | +9236.0 | +758.0 | +
helpers.barh(top_liked[['username', 'like_count']].head(15),
+ 'Users with Most Likes on "aquaman petition links" Tweets', c='red')
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Infos Sรฉries'].text.value_counts().head(20)
amber heard s'exprime sur la pรฉtition ร plus d'un million de signatures pour demander son dรฉpart du film 'aquaman 2' :\n\n''les rumeurs et campagnes sur les rรฉseaux sociaux ne dictent pas les dรฉcisions de casting car elles n'ont aucun fondement dans la rรฉalitรฉ." https://t.co/0cqrneqqqe 1 +la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\n\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Infos Sรฉries", n=9, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Infos Sรฉries": 63 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Akash Bhadauria'].text.value_counts().head(20)
just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Akash Bhadauria", n=9, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Akash Bhadauria": 1 ++
+ ++Users Tweets Metrics¶
top_replies_u = top_retweet_u.sort_values('reply_count', ascending=False)
+ | user_id | +username | +user_created_at | +total_retweets | +like_count | +reply_count | +
30855 | +7157132 | +GameSpot | +2007-06-29 17:54:14 | +789.0 | +3822.0 | +898.0 | +
12955 | +1332121 | +Fandom | +2007-03-17 03:28:55 | +3670.0 | +15512.0 | +887.0 | +
32561 | +780460754910732288 | +DiscussingFilm | +2016-09-26 17:35:19 | +2036.0 | +3652.0 | +884.0 | +
36781 | +932786452739407872 | +Culture Crave ๐ฟ | +2017-11-21 01:43:15 | +3024.0 | +9236.0 | +758.0 | +
24480 | +3309371255 | +TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | +2015-06-05 15:21:16 | +3641.0 | +10903.0 | +467.0 | +
13063 | +1337522797275459585 | +_Rott!๐๏ธ | +2020-12-11 22:21:56 | +1613.0 | +11049.0 | +412.0 | +
15970 | +16312576 | +Entertainment Weekly | +2008-09-16 16:13:23 | +713.0 | +599.0 | +383.0 | +
33507 | +817437085191827456 | +Infos Sรฉries | +2017-01-06 18:26:03 | +5192.0 | +35764.0 | +358.0 | +
24875 | +3389710995 | +๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | +2015-07-23 18:58:08 | +3017.0 | +11492.0 | +339.0 | +
37803 | +96900937 | +NDTV News feed | +2009-12-15 03:10:27 | +1627.0 | +10392.0 | +332.0 | +
26246 | +3911239745 | +Perez | +2015-10-09 18:29:57 | +90.0 | +480.0 | +309.0 | +
28953 | +531577673 | +๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | +2012-03-20 19:42:58 | +4526.0 | +33708.0 | +274.0 | +
27329 | +4429003533 | +Pop Crave | +2015-12-09 18:00:33 | +454.0 | +1571.0 | +258.0 | +
14871 | +14892220 | +Screen Rant | +2008-05-24 16:20:49 | +686.0 | +2487.0 | +252.0 | +
27616 | +4583281223 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +2015-12-23 23:22:52 | +2488.0 | +11016.0 | +240.0 | +
helpers.barh(top_replies_u[['username', 'reply_count']].head(15),
+ 'Users with Most Replies on "aquaman petition links" Tweets', c='red')
tweets[tweets.username == 'GameSpot'].text.value_counts().head()
although aquaman 2 has not been officially greenlit by warner bros., amber heard says she'll return for the sequel, adding that the production hopes to get underway sometime in 2021. https://t.co/i1kraooib5 1 +aquaman 2 filmmakers won't remove amber heard from the movie because of johnny depp fans. https://t.co/nevlomaww0 https://t.co/p5eoo0jdvt 1 +aquaman 2 filmmakers won't remove amber heard from the movie because of johnny depp fans. https://t.co/ver63xlnc7 https://t.co/m3hvyhv0zx 1 +amid controversy between johnny depp and amber heard, aquaman 2 filmmakers make it clear that the twitter-verse doesn't dictate the story they want to tell. https://t.co/eivblzy1e2 https://t.co/gqgksqmn1x 1 +the johnny depp and amber heard saga continues... https://t.co/edk1salcia 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "GameSpot", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "GameSpot": 8 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'Fandom'].text.value_counts().head()
jason momoa & amber heard grace the @totalfilm november cover ahead of #aquaman release ๐ฑ\n\n(via @creepypuppet)\n\nhttps://t.co/s7yyefytx9 1 +#aquaman's amber heard is ready for a mera spinoff โ 'i'd love to team up with wonder woman. that would be a kickass duo right there'\n\n(via @thr) https://t.co/k5bseckyim 1 +amber heard shares a bts photo of mera above water while filming #aquaman https://t.co/p171ev6j1k 1 +james marsden and amber heard are in talks to star in stephen kingโs โthe stand' series for cbs all access\n\n(via @collider | https://t.co/nbocbpoxby) https://t.co/eujew7r7nu 1 +โthe standโ confirms four actors for the cbs all access series: james marsden, amber heard, odessa young, and henry zaga will join the 10-episode series, which stephen king will write the finale for\n\n(via @ew | https://t.co/jgezpfdkhu) 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Fandom", n=30, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Fandom": 13 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'DiscussingFilm'].text.value_counts().head()
dcโs โaquamanโ will reportedly diverge from comic canon, and will make dolph lundgren's king nereus and amber heard's mera father and daughter. (via @aquamanshrine) https://t.co/gpkbwztq2o 1 +amber heard is set to join the cast of 'gully', with the film marking the directorial debut of nabil elderkin. the film is set in a dystopian version of los angeles and follows three teenagers, all victims of childhood trauma, who are running a riot. (source: @variety) https://t.co/itaqjyqxga 1 +amber heard has joined the cast of bow and arrow entertainmentโs โher smellโ. (source: @variety) https://t.co/h6iktsshjr 1 +amber heard has explained why she almost turned down playing mera in the dceu:\n\nโi had a limited experience, or exposure, to women in that world and then zack snyder explained this badass, kickass warrior queen to me and then i thought โsword and a crown, okayโโ (source: @etnow) https://t.co/mdqnqz0bca 1 +amber heard has said she would love to team up with gal gadotโs wonder woman in a future dc film. (source: https://t.co/llozrwobsu) https://t.co/6fqiezmicc 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "DiscussingFilm", n=30, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "DiscussingFilm": 14 ++
+ +Tweeting Duration After Account Creation¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ +Days and Hours Distribution¶
+- Distribution
+- Same Hour
+- Same Day
+- Same Week
+- Same Month
# mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0) & (aquaman_petition.minutes_diff <= 60)
+# aquaman_petition[mask].shape[0]
# mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0) & (aquaman_petition.minutes_diff <= 120)
+# aquaman_petition[mask].shape[0]
diff_d = aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0]
+diff_d['cluster'] = diff_d['minutes_diff'].floordiv(60).astype(int) + 1 # .factorize()[0]
+diff_d_counts = diff_d.groupby('cluster').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+# diff_d_counts['n_tweets'] = diff_d_counts['n_tweets'].cumsum()
+# diff_d_counts['cluster'] = diff_d_counts['cluster'] + 1 # not needed as we summed up 1 above
+ | cluster | +n_tweets | +
0 | +1 | +92 | +
1 | +2 | +20 | +
2 | +3 | +10 | +
3 | +4 | +10 | +
4 | +5 | +9 | +
print(f'\nTotal "aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same Day of Account Creation: {diff_d_counts.n_tweets.sum()}') # iloc[-1]
+title = '"aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same Day of Account Creation'
+helpers.bar_peaks(diff_d_counts, title, threshold=0, xlabel='Tweeting Duration After Account Creation (Hours)')
+Total "aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same Day of Account Creation: 273 ++
+ +NOTE:
+- 109 tweets were tweeted in the same hour of account creation (by 100 new accounts)
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0) & (aquaman_petition.minutes_diff <= 60)
petition_diff_m = aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.days_diff < 30]
+petition_diff_count = petition_diff_m.groupby('days_diff').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+# petition_diff_m
print(f'\nTotal "aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same month of Account Creation: {petition_diff_count.n_tweets.sum()}')
+title = '"aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same month of Account Creation'
+helpers.bar_peaks(petition_diff_count, title, threshold=0, xlabel='Tweeting Duration After Account Creation (Days)')
+Total "aquaman petition" Tweets Within the same month of Account Creation: 2401 ++
+ +NOTE:
+- 321 "aquaman petition" related tweets were tweeted in the same day of account creation (by 260 users)
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0)
+ +Same Hour¶
+- Distribution
+- Same Hour
+- Same Day
+- Same Week
+- Same Month
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0) & (aquaman_petition.minutes_diff <= 60)
+same_hour = aquaman_petition[mask]
+n_users = same_hour.user_id.nunique()
+n_tweets = same_hour.shape[0]
+print(f'The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same hour they was created! ({n_users}) \nTweeted ({n_tweets}) Tweets')
The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same hour they was created! (83) +Tweeted (92) Tweets ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
127443 | +1 | +2019-11-29 03:40:59 | +NaN | +2019-11-29 03:00:44 | +1200248042290601985 | +jenneb7 | +False | +NaN | +1 | +NaN | +es | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1200248546... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +9 | +1200258325121785857 | +jenneb71 | +2019-11-29 | +2019 | +Nov | +29 | +3 | +0 days 00:40:15 | +0 | +40.25 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
128607 | +313 | +2019-12-04 13:37:24 | +NaN | +2019-12-04 13:19:41 | +1202215838616559618 | +mary fakhoury | +False | +NaN | +2 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +4 | +1202220361179381761 | +maryfakhoury3 | +2019-12-04 | +2019 | +Dec | +4 | +13 | +0 days 00:17:43 | +0 | +17.72 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
132551 | +102 | +2020-01-11 13:41:09 | +NaN | +2020-01-11 13:01:27 | +1215981952387440642 | +DCU TV | +False | +NaN | +2 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/12159819... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1228251124... | +petitions to getting amber heard removed from ... | +1 | +1215992040615530501 | +fandom456732201 | +2020-01-11 | +2020 | +Jan | +11 | +13 | +0 days 00:39:42 | +0 | +39.70 | +0.0 | +5.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
174786 | +9 | +2020-02-02 15:27:40 | +NaN | +2020-02-02 15:26:56 | +1223990659809341441 | +ๅพๅพ | +False | +NaN | +0 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1223991789... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +1 | +1223991381774888961 | +a3sqaXG5zyylSGH | +2020-02-02 | +2020 | +Feb | +2 | +15 | +0 days 00:00:44 | +0 | +0.73 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
178281 | +2 | +2020-02-02 17:25:35 | +ๅๅญๅฐๅฅณ | +2020-02-02 17:11:28 | +1224017463622266880 | +้ ทๅฟๆฉ | +False | +ๆตๆฑ, ไธญๅไบบๆฐๅ ฑๅๅฝ | +3 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/12240174... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1224023014... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +2 | +1224021053829070848 | +horsetears | +2020-02-02 | +2020 | +Feb | +2 | +17 | +0 days 00:14:07 | +0 | +14.12 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- these accounts are not banned.
image = "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png"
+same_hour_def = same_hour[same_hour['profile_image_url'] == image]
+n_tweets = same_hour_def.shape[0]
+n_users_def = same_hour_def.user_id.nunique()
+print(f'\n({n_users_def}) users (with the default profile image) made a total of ({n_tweets}) "aquaman petition" tweets,\n in the same hour of account creation\n')
+(21) users (with the default profile image) made a total of (23) "aquaman petition" tweets, + in the same hour of account creation + ++
title = 'Peak contributions of the accounts tweeted "aquaman petition links" the same hour they were created'
+df = same_hour.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(2), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
helpers.bar_peaks(df[2:].head(3), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/4gijaruqou vรญa @changeorglatino 1 +remove amber heard from aquaman 2 https://t.co/xyxhva82fh 1 +warner brothers: keep amber heard in aquaman - sign the petition! https://t.co/psg2sg8ms8 via @change 1 +changeโ.โorg : petitions to remove amber heard from aquaman perpetuates abuse towards women who speak up - sign the petition! https://t.co/atrvnruc8a via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/11imskko2c via @cdnchange 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
same_hour_users = same_hour.username.value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'username', 'username':'n_tweets'})
+title = 'Top users tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same hour they were created!'
+helpers.barh(same_hour_users.head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
Wonder Woman RSVP 5 +Queen Mera 2 +Winston Churchill aka Ralph White 2 +CrisM 2 +Janet 2 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
RSVP85596737 5 +MeraQueenDC 2 +SirWChurchill1 2 +CrisM53748301 2 +Janet40877868 2 +Name: user_screen_name, dtype: int64+
tweets[(tweets['username'] == 'CrisM') & (tweets['date'] == '2020-11-06')].text.value_counts()
#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisinnocent #johnnydeppismygrindelwald 1 +all decent human beings who believe in justice: boycott warner brothers for removing johnny depp but keeping amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/mbjavpsucb via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/edf26tjxjd via @change 1 +#boycottwarnerbrothers #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp \n#johnnydeppismygrindelwald \n#johnnydeppisasurvivor \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar #amberhearddoesnotspeakforme 1 +#amberheardisaliar 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
df_CrisM = tweets[tweets['username'] == 'CrisM']
+df_CrisM.created_at.min(), df_CrisM.created_at.max()
(Timestamp('2020-11-06 17:59:02'), Timestamp('2021-02-12 19:11:06'))+
Timestamp('2020-11-06 17:50:35')+
#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #goshjohnnydepp 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp 2 +#thankyoudior #justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisinnocent #johnnydeppismygrindelwald 1 +#amberheardisanabuser \naclu: to remove an unsuitable proven abuser from being an advocate for domestic violence - sign the petition! https://t.co/q9wosxg5vp via @change 1 +this ridiculous woman. is no one allowed to have their own thoughts anymore? instead, we must be bots or paid. ๐คฆ๐ปโโ๏ธ #wejustdontlikeyouamber #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar #amberheardistherealabuser 1 +#wejustdontlikeyouamber #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@samjrakoh @adam_waldman @thesun @timesoflondon she had a voice. and she used it in a completely inappropriate and destructive way. she doesnโt deserve a platform anymore. #wejustdontlikeyouamber #abuseisabuse #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp #fireamberheard #amberheardisanabuser #abusehasnogender \nl'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/etczfzjjqb via @change 1 +well. this explains so much as to how an actress that canโt actually act can keep getting roles... #justiceforjohhnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp #wewillnotbesilenced #amberheardisanabuser 1 +comments are back up on the petition. not sure if all of them are, but there are some. #justiceforjohhnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #fireamberheard #boycottaquaman2 \ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/edbfrkdud6 via @change 1 +#amberheardisanabuser \namerican civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyhpstpcbn via @change 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \nthe people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! update: sign it to show your support to johnny and screw the movie!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/svoqsdloel via @change 1 +#boycottwarnerbros #boycottwarnerbrothers #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +great news!!! well deserved! #justiceforjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp 1 +damn right!!! #justiceforjohnnydepp #istandwithjohnnydepp #istandwithabusesurvivors 1 +#boycottwarnerbrothers #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#boycottwarnerbrothers #wearewothyoujohnnydepp\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +absolutely disgusting! #boycottwarnerbrothers #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@adam_waldman @thesun @timesoflondon #wejustdontlikeyouamber #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp they want to silence johnny, and now everyone that supports him!! #johnnydeppisinnocent #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #istandwithjohnnydepp #mentoo #abusehasnogender 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp #wewontbesilenced #istandwithjohnnydepp\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/st8ysxbquh via @change 1 +meanwhile in the bahamas... i hope johnny can be at peace and enjoy this moment knowing the whole internet is standing with him. #justiceforjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbrothers #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@wbpictures #istandwithjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #boycottamberheard #boycottfantasticbeasts #boycottaquaman2 #fireamberheard 1 +@warnerbros hear me out... maybe you should listen to her, since you arenโt listening to the public. just a thought. #fireamberheard #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +#thankyoudior #justiceforjohnnydepp #abusehasnogender 1 +worth watching!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #mencanbevictimstoo #mentoo #abusehasnogender \n\nhttps://t.co/aziohrqg9m 1 +lol!!! thatโs why i didnโt believe her from the start! #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #justiceforjohhnydepp 1 +good lord. i bet heโs thinking the same thing! #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@theinfamousone6 she probably kicked something in anger and broke her foot. or it could just be a sprained ankle and sheโs milking it for press. either way, sounds about right. ๐ #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #iftheshoefits 1 +@head80s exactly! #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohhnydepp 1 +@tralalalumbum crying does that to me. or when i take a super hot shower/bath, or when i work out. redness means absolutely nothing. and i have an olive skin complexion. so i would assume, itโd be more visible on someone that wasnโt as dark. ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +@theinfamousone6 i get so many bruises, and usually donโt even know how. the bruise on her arm looks like she ran into a door. imo #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #mencanbevictimstoo 1 +#boycottwarnerbros #boycottaquaman2 #boycottfantasticbeasts #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +๐ which is it? iโm dying to know!?!? lol #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser 1 +wow! something shady going on. #justiceforjohhnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +comments are suddenly missing from the petition. are they trying to silence us? #justiceforjohhnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #fireamberheard 1 +brilliant. lol. #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #justiceforjohhnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #boycottwarnerbrothers #boycottthesun #abusehasnogender\n#wearewithyoujohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp i want nothing to do with any narrative amber is pushing. she is a liar. #amberheardisanabuser 1 +exactly! #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +lol! says it all! #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #mencanbevictimstoo #amberhearddoesnotspeakforme\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #istandwithjohnnydepp #mentoo #wearewithyoujohnnydepp\n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/bpexmtsxwd via @change 1 +@britfanofdepp absolutely!!! my son and i will watch the puffins shorts collection on prime tonight. canโt wait! #justiceforjohnnydepp #puffins \n#istandwithjohnnydepp 1 +@dailymailceleb not all are fans you know. some just believe in facts and concrete evidence. and most support actual abuse victims. #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@whatisthehapps @change and, i can tell you, no real victim speaks to their abuser the way she spoke to johnny. #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp #fireamberheard #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #istandwithjohnnydepp #wearewithyoujohnnydepp\n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/bpexmtsxwd via @change 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +@iamshelbysoup will be less painful than watching the turd try to act... #cancelamberheard #boycottthestand #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar \ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/bpexmtsxwd via @change 1 +@thr lol! this is a crock of sh*%. #justiceforjohnnydepp \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#amberheardisanabuser #amberhearddoesnotspeakforme\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n\namber heard: a public letter to amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/a9k8i0c7fk via @change 1 +#justiceforjohhnydepp #amberheardisanabuser \n#westandwithjohnnydepp \n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/aqc8sgr3ep via @change 1 +#notabot #justiceforjohhnydepp #amberheardistherealabuser #amberheardisaliar #westandwithjohnnydepp \n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/6jqrjkgtd8 via @change 1 +#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #amberhearddidnotdonate #justiceforjohnnydepp #westandwithjohnnydepp \ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/orjphvi3bh via @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "CrisM", n=20, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "CrisM": 174 ++
(174, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
475903 | +378 | +2020-11-06 17:59:02 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 17:50:35 | +1324771137788792834 | +CrisM | +False | +NaN | +6 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisinnocent #j... | +29 | +1324773298186735616 | +CrisM53748301 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +17 | +0 days 00:08:27 | +0 | +8.45 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
477761 | +378 | +2020-11-06 18:19:22 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 17:50:35 | +1324771137788792834 | +CrisM | +False | +NaN | +6 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +all decent human beings who believe in justice... | +29 | +1324778417728999426 | +CrisM53748301 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +18 | +0 days 00:28:47 | +0 | +28.78 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
477958 | +378 | +2020-11-06 18:21:46 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 17:50:35 | +1324771137788792834 | +CrisM | +False | +NaN | +6 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +29 | +1324779020328861696 | +CrisM53748301 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +18 | +0 days 00:31:11 | +0 | +31.18 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +
489414 | +378 | +2020-11-06 21:02:15 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 17:50:35 | +1324771137788792834 | +CrisM | +False | +NaN | +6 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +#boycottwarnerbrothers #justiceforjohnnydepp #... | +29 | +1324819409421144065 | +CrisM53748301 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +21 | +0 days 03:11:40 | +0 | +191.67 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
495859 | +378 | +2020-11-06 23:07:02 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 17:50:35 | +1324771137788792834 | +CrisM | +False | +NaN | +6 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +#justiceforjohhnydepp \n#johnnydeppismygrindel... | +29 | +1324850810719752192 | +CrisM53748301 | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +23 | +0 days 05:16:27 | +0 | +316.45 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
# df_Wonder = tweets[tweets['username'] == 'Wonder Woman RSVP']
+# df_Wonder.created_at.min(), df_Wonder.created_at.max()
# df_Wonder.user_created_at.iloc[0]
# df_Wonder.text.value_counts().head(60)
# helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Wonder Woman RSVP", n=7, threshold=10)
# df_Wonder
+ +The SAME DAY¶
+- Distribution
+- Same Hour
+- Same Day
+- Same Week
+- Same Month
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff == 0)
+same_day = aquaman_petition[mask]
+n_users = same_day.user_id.nunique()
+n_tweets = same_day.shape[0]
+print(f'The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created! ({n_users}) \nTweeted ({n_tweets}) Tweets')
The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created! (219) +Tweeted (273) Tweets ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
69955 | +14 | +2019-03-24 13:29:17 | +NaN | +2019-03-23 18:26:42 | +1109521870120984576 | +Richard McClure | +False | +NaN | +0 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1109522226... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +20 | +1109809412292530181 | +Richard29923709 | +2019-03-24 | +2019 | +Mar | +24 | +13 | +0 days 19:02:35 | +0 | +1142.58 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
127443 | +1 | +2019-11-29 03:40:59 | +NaN | +2019-11-29 03:00:44 | +1200248042290601985 | +jenneb7 | +False | +NaN | +1 | +NaN | +es | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1200248546... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +9 | +1200258325121785857 | +jenneb71 | +2019-11-29 | +2019 | +Nov | +29 | +3 | +0 days 00:40:15 | +0 | +40.25 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
128607 | +313 | +2019-12-04 13:37:24 | +NaN | +2019-12-04 13:19:41 | +1202215838616559618 | +mary fakhoury | +False | +NaN | +2 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +4 | +1202220361179381761 | +maryfakhoury3 | +2019-12-04 | +2019 | +Dec | +4 | +13 | +0 days 00:17:43 | +0 | +17.72 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
128704 | +313 | +2019-12-05 06:37:05 | +NaN | +2019-12-04 13:19:41 | +1202215838616559618 | +mary fakhoury | +False | +NaN | +2 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +4 | +1202476972355530752 | +maryfakhoury3 | +2019-12-05 | +2019 | +Dec | +5 | +6 | +0 days 17:17:24 | +0 | +1037.40 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +
132551 | +102 | +2020-01-11 13:41:09 | +NaN | +2020-01-11 13:01:27 | +1215981952387440642 | +DCU TV | +False | +NaN | +2 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/12159819... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1228251124... | +petitions to getting amber heard removed from ... | +1 | +1215992040615530501 | +fandom456732201 | +2020-01-11 | +2020 | +Jan | +11 | +13 | +0 days 00:39:42 | +0 | +39.70 | +0.0 | +5.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- these accounts are not banned.
image = "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png"
+same_day_def = same_day[same_day['profile_image_url'] == image]
+n_tweets = same_day_def.shape[0]
+n_users_def = same_day_def.user_id.nunique()
+print(f'\n({n_users_def}) users (with the default profile image) made a total of ({n_tweets}) "aquaman petition" tweets,\n on the same day of account creation\n')
+(37) users (with the default profile image) made a total of (44) "aquaman petition" tweets, + on the same day of account creation + ++
title = 'Peak contributions of the accounts tweeted "aquaman petition links" the same day they were created'
+df = same_day.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(2), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
helpers.bar_peaks(df[2:].head(4), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/4nz9ko0fpf vรญa @change_es 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/8opjbvknwu via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/kxqi6qe5ua via @change 1 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/2dnjluynmc via @ukchange sign it!๐คช 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirmรก la peticiรณn! https://t.co/nvf6zwmca5 vรญa @changeorgar 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
same_day_users = same_day.username.value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'username', 'username':'n_tweets'})
+title = 'Top users tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they were created!'
+helpers.barh(same_day_users.head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
Giovanna 15 +Wonder Woman RSVP 5 +Massimo Maisto 4 +Idea@JusticeForJohnnyDepp 4 +Engeltje 3 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
Giovann50640315 15 +RSVP85596737 5 +massimo_maisto 4 +Idea07231843 4 +Engeltedrost 3 +Name: user_screen_name, dtype: int64+
mask = (tweets['user_screen_name'] == 'Giovann50640315') & (tweets['date'] == '2020-11-07')
df_Giovanna = tweets[tweets['user_screen_name'] == 'Giovann50640315']
+df_Giovanna.created_at.min(), df_Giovanna.created_at.max()
(Timestamp('2020-11-07 12:37:54'), Timestamp('2020-11-17 07:08:35'))+
Timestamp('2020-11-07 12:36:11')+
#justiceforjohnnydepp\nsign this petition please!\nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 3 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 2 +grandissima idiozia quella di cacciare #jhonnydepp dal ruolo di grindelwald. penso proprio che salterรณ il prossimo film #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydeep\nsign this petition to kick her out! #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar \n\nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisaliar \n#boycottwarnerbros https://t.co/wetuvxeg1g 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\ncome donna mi vergogno di essere associata a mostri come #amberheard . di donne da ammirare ce ne sono tante, lei non รจ fra queste. boicottiamo sia acquaman2 che animali fantastici ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐น\n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardistherealabuser 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nkick her out! #amberheard no one likes you, and no one wants to watch your movies.\nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +@realamberheard @lorealparis @hollyccri @ccrinitiative abuser... #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohhnydepp \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@realamberheard @lorealparis @hollyccri @ccrinitiative sign this petition to kick her out from #aquaman2! weโre already at 800k + people!\n#justiceforjohhnydepp \n#justiceforjohnnydepp\nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydeep\nwe support you! keep fighting king! โค๏ธ๐ฅ\n#justiceforjohnny \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n@therealamberheard and @warnerbros \n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardistherealabuser \n#boycottwarnerbros https://t.co/bfq2xhaunr 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottaquaman2 \n#amberheardisanabuser \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nno matter what iโm not going to see this movie. iโm not going to support someone who supports and abuser.\n@wbpictures \n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardistherealabuser \n#boycottfantasticbeasts 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease sign this petition! \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottaquaman2 \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardistherealabuser \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#boycottfantasticbeasts\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohnny \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisanabuser \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +heโs a great actor but no one should watch the movie because youโre supporting @warnerbros who supports an abuser. please donโt watch it!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#justiceforjohhnydepp \nbe careful youโre spelling is name wrong! the first # is correct! https://t.co/3ltgdj42by 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nkick her out! no one likes her #amberheardisaliar #amberheardistherealabuser #boycottaquaman2 #boycottwarnerbrothers #boycottwarnerbros \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nwe have to be serious about all of this! no one is going to watch @wbhomeent movies until they rehire depp! thatโs it 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease sign this petition! we need your help! \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +@eiprofeta non avranno di sicuro i miei soldi. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\ni hope this guy doesnโt have social media because heโs a monster. he fired depp! https://t.co/volohlo9ov 1 +keep going king! we are here to support you!๐ฅ๐ฅ\n@warnerbros lost 8mlx~20โฌ minimum\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#savejohnnydepp 1 +@drrossgeller_ @zfitz8 @laurabockov they get paid before working, no worker will be damaged by this :)\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheard flash news! no one likes you! we are supporting the real victim and you better confess and go to jail abuser!\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#boycottamberheard \n#boycottaquaman2 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nhe needs our help everyone! spread the petition!\nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nsign this please! #amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nโmagic blooms only in rare soulsโ #amberheard is not one of them.\n#amberheardisanabuser https://t.co/irqb2hytr9 1 +@el_traslador spero che @warnerbros fallisca. a livello economico non ha senso la scelta che hanno preso e ancora meno a livello umano. \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \nsign this petition please!\nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nsign this petition please! we are already 800k๐ช\nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease sign this petition! we need more support!\nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#boycottaquaman2 \n#boycottwarnerbrothers 1 +#boycottwarnerbrothers \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#nojohnnynopirates \n#nojohnnynofantasticbeasts \n@warnerbros @wbhomeent 1 +shame on them! they are trying to make us pass like trolls when we are fighting for justice!\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nsign! sign! sign! we need your help and support!\nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease remember to sign! \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#nojohnnynofantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nwe hit 900k guys! @warnerbros we donโt like her! \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \n#boycottaquaman2 \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#nojohnnynofantasticbeats \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros \n@warnerbros 1 +boycott warner bros\nboycott warner bros\n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottwarnerbros \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n@warnerbros \n@wbpictures 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#nojohnnynofantasticbeats \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#fireamberheard \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n@wbpictures @warnerbros 1 +#fireamberheard \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottamberheard 1 +ops maybe youโre taking us seriously now! fire @realamberheard! @wbpictures @warnerbros \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottaquaman2 \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease remember to sign this petition, we.want.him.back @wbpictures @warnerbros \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#fireamberheard \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nplease sign and share this petition! #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar https://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardistherealabuser \n#boycottfantasticbeasts \n#boycottaquaman2 \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +magari mi pagassero! nessuno ci ha pagato per detestarti @realamberheard. sei solamente la donna piรน disgustosa esistente (al momento) ๐ @warnerbros \n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#fireamberheard\n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#fireamberheard \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \nhttps://t.co/a6m1qbfjov 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardistherealabuser \n@realamberheard @wbpictures @warnerbros 1 +#justiceforjohnny \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottaquaman2 \n#boycottfantasticbeasts3 \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \n#fireamberheard \n#notabot\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#boycottaquaman2 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nimmagina essere odiata da 1.333.000 persone @realamberheard. e non siamo bot๐คช\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/nanzm5l6xj 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardistherealabuser \n#fireamberheard \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#fireamberheard \n#boycottaquaman2 \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - firma la petizione! https://t.co/hodurniu8q via @changeitalia \n#justiceforjohnny \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#justiceforjohnnydeep 1 +@wbpictures @realamberheard @warnerbrostv \n#justiceforjohnny \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#boycottaquaman2 1 +congratulazioni! ๐๐ abbiamo raggiunto 1.000.000 di firme! ๐ฎ๐น๐\n#justiceforjohnny \n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n@warnerbros @warnerbrostv \nhttps://t.co/bzjbv8tksx 1 +#amberheardisanabuser \n@wbpictures @warnerbros \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#nojohnnynofantasticbeasts 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n@warnerbros be prepared to bankrupt๐ธ๐คก #amberheardisanabuser \n#amberturd \n#amberheardistherealabuser https://t.co/aky2wursze 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Giovanna", n=7, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Giovanna": 186 ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
517517 | +231 | +2020-11-07 12:37:54 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +it | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +grandissima idiozia quella di cacciare #jhonny... | +0 | +1325054874069905408 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +12 | +0 days 00:01:43 | +0 | +1.72 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
517891 | +231 | +2020-11-07 12:58:16 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +und | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +@wbpictures @hbomax #justiceforjohnnydepp | +0 | +1325059999119380482 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +12 | +0 days 00:22:05 | +0 | +22.08 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
517923 | +231 | +2020-11-07 13:00:01 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +@wbpictures @hbomax not gonna see this movie w... | +0 | +1325060437394808833 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +13 | +0 days 00:23:50 | +0 | +23.83 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
518077 | +231 | +2020-11-07 13:09:53 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp \nsign this petition! we... | +0 | +1325062921844559872 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +13 | +0 days 00:33:42 | +0 | +33.70 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
518881 | +231 | +2020-11-07 13:46:13 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp \nsign this petition! le... | +0 | +1325072064240349185 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +13 | +0 days 01:10:02 | +0 | +70.03 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +... | +
610158 | +231 | +2020-11-14 20:22:46 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +und | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar \n#... | +0 | +1327708576413077504 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-14 | +2020 | +Nov | +14 | +20 | +7 days 07:46:35 | +7 | +466.58 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
613030 | +231 | +2020-11-15 10:22:46 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +it | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nimmagina essere odiata ... | +0 | +1327919969083019264 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-15 | +2020 | +Nov | +15 | +10 | +7 days 21:46:35 | +7 | +1306.58 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
615639 | +231 | +2020-11-15 21:55:20 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +und | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisaliar \n#a... | +0 | +1328094258734227456 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-15 | +2020 | +Nov | +15 | +21 | +8 days 09:19:09 | +8 | +559.15 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
617691 | +231 | +2020-11-16 07:07:43 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +und | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#amberheardisanabuser \... | +0 | +1328233269821927424 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-16 | +2020 | +Nov | +16 | +7 | +8 days 18:31:32 | +8 | +1111.53 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
622264 | +231 | +2020-11-17 07:08:35 | +๐ฎ๐น๐ณ๏ธโ๐\nMedicina Veterinaria Unimi\nLodi๐ถ๐ฑ๐๐๐ | +2020-11-07 12:36:11 | +1325054376315117569 | +Giovanna | +False | +NaN | +3 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/13250543... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326842702... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nkeep supporting him guy... | +0 | +1328595875183157248 | +Giovann50640315 | +2020-11-17 | +2020 | +Nov | +17 | +7 | +9 days 18:32:24 | +9 | +1112.40 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
149 rows ร 30 columns
++ +The SAME Week¶
+- Distribution
+- Same Hour
+- Same Day
+- Same Week
+- Same Month
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff <= 7)
+same_week = aquaman_petition[mask]
+n_users = same_week.user_id.nunique()
+n_tweets = same_week.shape[0]
+print(f'The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created ({n_users}) \nTweeted ({n_tweets}) Tweets')
The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created (723) +Tweeted (1058) Tweets ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
68637 | +443 | +2019-03-20 15:42:06 | +Hello, I'm a person. I'm 14. I use they/them p... | +2019-03-13 20:12:29 | +1105924613660438529 | +Robyn | +False | +Bromsgrove, England | +1290 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/11059246... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1109923941... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +1842 | +1108393282168594434 | +EmmaChance8 | +2019-03-20 | +2019 | +Mar | +20 | +15 | +6 days 19:29:37 | +6 | +1169.62 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
69372 | +4668 | +2019-03-22 20:03:52 | +NaN | +2019-03-16 21:45:37 | +1107035213186695168 | +sashunyasid | +False | +NaN | +201 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1325091904... | +ยซdc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqu... | +183 | +1109183935093850112 | +sashunyasid | +2019-03-22 | +2019 | +Mar | +22 | +20 | +5 days 22:18:15 | +5 | +1338.25 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
69560 | +105 | +2019-03-23 14:27:24 | +Gemini, thatโs all you need to know | +2019-03-15 21:49:51 | +1106673890233864194 | +Donlyn | +False | +NaN | +58 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/11066738... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1107683181... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +61 | +1109461648933298176 | +Donlyn27266492 | +2019-03-23 | +2019 | +Mar | +23 | +14 | +7 days 16:37:33 | +7 | +997.55 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
69616 | +25 | +2019-03-23 17:24:20 | +เนเธญเธเธซเธฅเธธเธกเนเธฅเนเธงเธฅเธเธฑเธ เธเธฐเธเธธเธเนเธญเธฒเธกเธฒเนเธเนเนเธงเธฅเธฒเนเธเธทเนเธญเธเนเธเธเธฃเธธเธกเธ... | +2019-03-20 17:56:46 | +1108427172320952320 | +เธเธดเธชเธญเธดเธชเธกเธฒเธขเนเธญเธเธซเธฅเธธเธกเธเธฑเธกเนเธเธญเธฃเนเธเธน | +False | +NaN | +0 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/11084271... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1108427709... | +ยซdc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqu... | +0 | +1109506174909472768 | +ruksuay2sec | +2019-03-23 | +2019 | +Mar | +23 | +17 | +2 days 23:27:34 | +2 | +1407.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
69955 | +14 | +2019-03-24 13:29:17 | +NaN | +2019-03-23 18:26:42 | +1109521870120984576 | +Richard McClure | +False | +NaN | +0 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1109522226... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +20 | +1109809412292530181 | +Richard29923709 | +2019-03-24 | +2019 | +Mar | +24 | +13 | +0 days 19:02:35 | +0 | +1142.58 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- these accounts are not banned.
image = "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png"
+same_week_def = same_week[same_week['profile_image_url'] == image]
+n_tweets = same_week_def.shape[0]
+n_users_def = same_week_def.user_id.nunique()
+print(f'\n({n_users_def}) users (with the default profile image) made a total of ({n_tweets}) "aquaman petition" tweets,\n on the same week of account creation\n')
+(105) users (with the default profile image) made a total of (139) "aquaman petition" tweets, + on the same week of account creation + ++
title = 'Peak contributions of the accounts tweeted "aquaman petition links" the same week they were created'
+df = same_week.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(2), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
helpers.bar_peaks(df[2:].head(), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 8 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
same_week_users = same_week.username.value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'username', 'username':'n_tweets'})
+title = 'Top users tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Week they were created!'
+helpers.barh(same_week_users.head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
metallicarebear 90 +Giovanna 43 +Horae of Peace 19 +๐ We See The Truth ๐ 14 +Idea@JusticeForJohnnyDepp 13 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
metallicarebear 90 +Giovann50640315 43 +HoraeOf 19 +WeSeeTheTruth 14 +Idea07231843 13 +Name: user_screen_name, dtype: int64+
# mask = (aquaman_petition['username'] == 'metallicarebear')
+# print(aquaman_petition[mask].shape[0])
print('\nTweets made on the same day of account Creation')
+mask = (tweets['username'] == 'metallicarebear') & (tweets['date'] == '2020-11-06')
+Tweets made on the same day of account Creation +(11, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
467076 | +372 | +2020-11-06 02:52:01 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +had a friend tell me he was beaten by his wife... | +23 | +1324545041851916289 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +2 | +0 days 00:57:34 | +0 | +57.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +
467080 | +372 | +2020-11-06 02:54:59 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +on a side note, that friend's niece was a road... | +23 | +1324545787163017216 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +2 | +0 days 01:00:32 | +0 | +60.53 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
467750 | +372 | +2020-11-06 12:46:57 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nwas reminded of another... | +23 | +1324694760871890944 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +12 | +0 days 10:52:30 | +0 | +652.50 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +
467768 | +372 | +2020-11-06 12:59:18 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/8in6sbtqrf | +23 | +1324697868029075462 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +12 | +0 days 11:04:51 | +0 | +664.85 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
467787 | +372 | +2020-11-06 13:11:24 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp | +23 | +1324700914314338304 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +13 | +0 days 11:16:57 | +0 | +676.95 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
467857 | +372 | +2020-11-06 13:57:07 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +thought this myself, but couldn't have said it... | +23 | +1324712418300338176 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +13 | +0 days 12:02:40 | +0 | +722.67 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
488514 | +372 | +2020-11-06 20:49:21 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp bac... | +23 | +1324816159758262274 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +20 | +0 days 18:54:54 | +0 | +1134.90 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
488829 | +372 | +2020-11-06 20:54:00 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +@warnerbros \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp | +23 | +1324817332217196548 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +20 | +0 days 18:59:33 | +0 | +1139.55 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
489153 | +372 | +2020-11-06 20:58:34 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +it | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +@wbpictures \n\nditto\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp... | +23 | +1324818479845937152 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +20 | +0 days 19:04:07 | +0 | +1144.12 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
490718 | +372 | +2020-11-06 21:29:54 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +please all actors everywhere, if someone at w... | +23 | +1324826366387388417 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +21 | +0 days 19:35:27 | +0 | +1175.45 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +3.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +
491303 | +372 | +2020-11-06 21:43:28 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp | +23 | +1324829780555030529 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +21 | +0 days 19:49:01 | +0 | +1189.02 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
#justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +had a friend tell me he was beaten by his wife for 26 yrs. only shared this when i told him i was mad that amber is getting away with abusing johnny depp. friend didn't think he would be believed because he is a man. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +on a side note, that friend's niece was a roadie for a few of johnny depps gigs and said he was the kindest, gentlest and most genuine person she met there. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nwas reminded of another challenger of preconcieved notions today and his immortal words....... https://t.co/pdg7vhbjgm 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/8in6sbtqrf 1 +thought this myself, but couldn't have said it as eloquently! ๐\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/lwak93p988 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@warnerbros \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@wbpictures \n\nditto\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#fuckamberheard 1 +please all actors everywhere, if someone at wb asks u to play grindelwald, stand by male victims of dv and just say no! \n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#mentoo 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
df_meta = tweets[tweets['username'] == 'metallicarebear']
+df_meta.created_at.min(), df_meta.created_at.max()
(Timestamp('2020-11-06 02:52:01'), Timestamp('2022-04-28 17:47:57'))+
Timestamp('2020-11-06 01:54:27')+
#justiceforjohnnydepp 24 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 10 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 4 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 3 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zdthdzkhml via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n\nthe people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp\n\nthe people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pcrv49qd9a via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/muilsagvqd via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +@maralauracrist1 @deppmovienight i'm trying to figure out how watch mortdecai twice today (once for just me and then the family). its silly and fun and probably my favourite comedic piece since men in tights. tights, for me, never gets old! \n\n#deppmovienight \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#johnuary 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#deppmovienight\n#deppcember \n#johnuary 1 +@deppsbroad @laurabockov i believe there is another event planned for jan. 3 2021 when the stand premieres in the uk. or do like i do and make every thursday (when new episodes of the stand are released in na) #deppmovienight.\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#deppcember 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#amberherard\n#amberheardisaliar \n#amberheardisanabuser 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnnydepp \n#amberheardisanabuser \n#amberheardisaliar 1 +maybe she should be questioned about these events on the stand to show the lengths she'll go to for some pr.....would love to hear the tale she would tell...\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +asked for googleplay cards for christmas so i can rent what i can't stream for #johnuary!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnnydepp \n#deppmovienight \n#deppcember 1 +so far i've watche lone ranger and the first two potc. i'll finish the pirates series when the sils kiddies arrive so on to todays first screening of mortdecai for me!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnnydepp\n#deppmovienight \n#johnuary 1 +@truth950272741 where are you watching city of lies? i have been trying to find it for days so i could work it into my line-up for today. i couldn't even find it for purchase in canada.\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#deppmovienight\n#johnuary 1 +happy holidays everyone!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#deppmovienight \n#deppcember 1 +@029_mb maybe we need to trend #johnnydeppisgomez ?\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#deppmovienight \n#johnuary 1 +new to social media so just asking a question...does instagram auto archive old posts? went to io's instagram and nothing before 2015 is showing up anymore. would these 2013 posts have been deleted a few days ago when his account was offline?\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp 1 +starting #deppmovienight with the lone ranger\n\n #justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnuary https://t.co/33ufkv7jqf 1 +good point! ah is right handed is she not? self inflicted perhaps?\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp 1 +new year, new deletions for io....now down to 314 posts....maybe just shutting down his ig would have been easier.....all the deleted info is still on a server somewhere so deleting that many post does nothing but make you look guilty.\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnnydepp https://t.co/jqgax8mssr 1 +@realamberheard @aperturewines @thesettingwines but i don't drink a lot.....\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zsofaxwy8c via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#johnnydepp \n#johnuary\n#deppmovienight 1 +@029_mb my understanding is that tim burton has come out and said he will not do addams family if jd is not gomez. seems to me if netflix wants burton for the series, then then they have to take jd too. that's friendship!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#deppmovienight \n#johnuary https://t.co/bke4nmaesn 1 +@029_mb i know people have been gunning for eva greene as morticia for the netflix series, but my vote is for #helenabonhamcarter!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#deppmovienight \n#johnuary 1 +@brockpaige i would like to give a nod to the spirit horse as well! \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp \n#deppmovienight \n#johnuary https://t.co/dvquhxrzs8 1 +@realamberheard @aperturewines @thesettingwines @realamberheard not gonna lie, was creeping your twitter to see if you were deleting like io and saw this scariness @adriaandelange5 unfolding. i have reported him even though i support #justiceforjohnnydepp. i hate your lies & fight against them but no one deserves this creep. 1 +@_missyc97_ i hope they realize that some survived this massacre and are alive to this day...talk about triggering extremely abused victims.....i wonder if a holocaust recreation pic is next....\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +had a friend tell me he was beaten by his wife for 26 yrs. only shared this when i told him i was mad that amber is getting away with abusing johnny depp. friend didn't think he would be believed because he is a man. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +and now for a little once upon a time in mexico...\n\n#deppcember \n#deppmovienight \n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnnydepp 1 +its 5 am on dec. 18 here and its not #deppcember anymore? tell my tv that, its still streaming jd!!! ๐คฃ๐คฃ \n\n#deppcember\n#deppmovienight \n#johnnydepp \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +watched @ellisgreg last night. he said he gets more likes from us then @thr got for their article so we shouldn't be too worried. most people know the truth it is futile to debate with the rest. \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +how does a bed "splinter" like that unless you are under the bed, get dragged out from under it and catch the wood on the way out. the shard has been pulled forward from underneath. damage should be to the top not the bottom....but oh, wait! a jack knife!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +just in case anyone missed this yesterday, please vote....\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#johnny depp\n#amberheardisanabuser \n#mentoo 1 +a big thank you to everyone who has voted so far. thank you as well for those who have shared your experiences. its heart breaking to know so many have suffered from abuse or know someone who has.\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp\n#justiceforall 1 +@andykrolock @moonwalkerkari you don't have to be a survivor to support survivors. whatever the reason, we're glad you're here. \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +just for general curiosity, why do you support the #justiceforjohnnydepp movement? 1 +in my opinion, the only difference between them is that i like freddy krueger\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +a quick, back of the envelope calculation gives:\n\n2 million jd fans boycotting x $10 a movie ticket = $20 million loss at the box office\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +so, in 24 hours, i've watched:\npotc 1 thru 5\nmortdecai\nbenny and joon\nfear and loathing\nonce upon a time in mexico\nalice in wonderland\nsecret window\n\nwhat a day and a short list! ๐ i could do a few more movie nights. so many more to see.\n\n#deppcember \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +as a trained philosopher (and a woman not living under a rock) i have been seeing the feminist shift from equality to exceptionalism for years so i can't help but agree.\n\n#mentoo\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +just so we are all clear, if jds suit is revenge, then this is an implocit admission that ah wronged jd! #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/xxmvd2pl9u 1 +can't help but feel that if jd wins in va, ah will say the jury were made up of bots....... #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +this precedent will only help criminals get away with things in the future! got someone raping a victim in an allyway on cctv? no good since neither the vitim or perpetrator was under oath during the rape!\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +actually, the real nightmare is that thanks to nichols' judgement, audio confessions are no longer evidence. this ruling has created a very dangerous legal precident.\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "metallicarebear", n=6, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "metallicarebear": 328 ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
467076 | +372 | +2020-11-06 02:52:01 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +had a friend tell me he was beaten by his wife... | +23 | +1324545041851916289 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +2 | +0 days 00:57:34 | +0 | +57.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +
467080 | +372 | +2020-11-06 02:54:59 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +on a side note, that friend's niece was a road... | +23 | +1324545787163017216 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +2 | +0 days 01:00:32 | +0 | +60.53 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
467750 | +372 | +2020-11-06 12:46:57 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp\nwas reminded of another... | +23 | +1324694760871890944 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +12 | +0 days 10:52:30 | +0 | +652.50 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +1.0 | +1.0 | +
467768 | +372 | +2020-11-06 12:59:18 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/8in6sbtqrf | +23 | +1324697868029075462 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +12 | +0 days 11:04:51 | +0 | +664.85 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
467787 | +372 | +2020-11-06 13:11:24 | +NaN | +2020-11-06 01:54:27 | +1324530506642477056 | +metallicarebear | +False | +NaN | +12 | +NaN | +und | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324704238... | +#justiceforjohnnydepp | +23 | +1324700914314338304 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +2020 | +Nov | +6 | +13 | +0 days 11:16:57 | +0 | +676.95 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
+ +The SAME Month¶
+- Distribution
+- Same Hour
+- Same Day
+- Same Week
+- Same Month
mask = (aquaman_petition.days_diff <= 30)
+same_month = aquaman_petition[mask]
+n_users = same_month.user_id.nunique()
+n_tweets = same_month.shape[0]
+print(f'The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created ({n_users}) \nTweeted ({n_tweets}) Tweets')
The number of accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" the same Day they was created (1584) +Tweeted (2460) Tweets ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4577 | +4654 | +2018-03-18 22:06:17 | +Daily film news, intellectually stimulating ed... | +2018-02-17 08:29:20 | +964778778143555585 | +Le Cinรฉphiles | +False | +Le Cinรฉma | +17786 | +https://t.co/TexAcEQbue | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/96477877... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1035011501... | +breaking: amber heard reportedly grew a mustac... | +528 | +975493621917954048 | +LeCinephiles | +2018-03-18 | +2018 | +Mar | +18 | +22 | +29 days 13:36:57 | +29 | +816.95 | +44.0 | +5.0 | +177.0 | +9.0 | +53.0 | +
11046 | +4 | +2018-06-23 13:10:28 | +Avid book reader. Makeup artist. Face painter.... | +2018-06-06 13:07:34 | +1004349077243514881 | +Treenthemakeupmaven | +False | +Dallas | +0 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +amber heard: ban dior sauvage - sign the petit... | +0 | +1010510402357211140 | +TrinaCedeno2 | +2018-06-23 | +2018 | +Jun | +23 | +13 | +17 days 00:02:54 | +17 | +2.90 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
17049 | +40 | +2018-08-16 10:05:30 | +#ibelievehim ; #johnnydeppisinoccent | +2018-08-03 08:58:01 | +1025304773220814850 | +Pikova Dama | +False | +Bosna i Hercegovina | +13 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/10253047... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1025312339... | +united nations development programme: remove d... | +70 | +1030032796885102593 | +PikovaDama1 | +2018-08-16 | +2018 | +Aug | +16 | +10 | +13 days 01:07:29 | +13 | +67.48 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
17586 | +1753 | +2018-08-18 08:36:53 | +Whatever you do in life, surround yourself wit... | +2018-08-02 17:06:39 | +1025065350537392128 | +FadeArgent | +False | +NaN | +49 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/10250653... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1025829199... | +united nations development programme: remove d... | +171 | +1030735270096855042 | +Fade19851 | +2018-08-18 | +2018 | +Aug | +18 | +8 | +15 days 15:30:14 | +15 | +930.23 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
68500 | +1102 | +2019-03-20 03:55:51 | +NaN | +2019-02-21 12:57:47 | +1098567458741538816 | +unknown | +False | +Canada | +33 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1107012724... | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aqua... | +84 | +1108215552311476225 | +VampieMonster | +2019-03-20 | +2019 | +Mar | +20 | +3 | +26 days 14:58:04 | +26 | +898.07 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +3.0 | +4.0 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- these accounts are not banned.
image = "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png"
+same_month_def = same_month[same_month['profile_image_url'] == image]
+n_tweets = same_month_def.shape[0]
+n_users_def = same_month_def.user_id.nunique()
+print(f'\n({n_users_def}) users (with the default profile image) made a total of ({n_tweets}) "aquaman petition" tweets,\n in the same month of account creation\n')
+(225) users (with the default profile image) made a total of (356) "aquaman petition" tweets, + in the same month of account creation + ++
title = 'Peak contributions of the accounts tweeted "aquaman petition links" the same Month they were created'
+df = same_month.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(2), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
helpers.bar_peaks(df[2:].head(9), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 10 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vq7lnk6xq8 via @change 7 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #boycottfantasticbeasts3 #fantasticbeasts 7 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
metallicarebear 115 +Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ 107 +Giovanna 44 +Horae of Peace 38 +Jeff 35 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
metallicarebear 115 +A80577549 107 +Giovann50640315 44 +HoraeOf 38 +Nomadjeff1 35 +Name: user_screen_name, dtype: int64+
+ +Exploring Tweets Created OVER TIME¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Year¶
Twitter was officially launched on December 15, 2005
+ +df_creations.date.min(), df_creations.date.max()
(Timestamp('2018-03-16 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2022-04-28 00:00:00'))+
df_years = df_creations.groupby('year')['n_tweets'].sum().reset_index()
helpers.pie(df_years, "Number of 'Aquman Petition' Tweets over Years")
helpers.bar(df_years, "year", "n_tweets", "Number of Tweets over Years", text=0, margin=25000)
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Month¶
df_month = df_creations.groupby(['month', 'year'])['n_tweets'].sum().reset_index()
+helpers.facet_day_month(df_month, "month", "n_tweets", facet_on='year', n_col=5)
++ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day¶
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +#created_accounts | +
0 | +2022-04-28 | +2022 | +Apr | +28 | +16 | +276 | +267 | +4.0 | +
df_daily = (
+ df_creations.groupby(['date', 'year', 'month', 'dayofmonth'])
+ [['n_tweets', 'by_#accounts', '#created_accounts']].sum().reset_index()
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +#created_accounts | +
0 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +1 | +1 | +3.0 | +
# importlib.reload(helpers)
title = 'A Heat Map for the Count of "Aquman Petition" Tweets in Each Day'
+helpers.facet_heat(df_daily, title, n_col=3, vmax=1000)
df_daily_18 = df_daily[df_daily["year"] == 2018]
+df_daily_19 = df_daily[df_daily["year"] == 2019]
+df_daily_20 = df_daily[df_daily["year"] == 2020]
+df_daily_21 = df_daily[df_daily["year"] == 2021]
+df_daily_22 = df_daily[df_daily["year"] == 2022]
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day of 2018¶
helpers.facet_day_month(df_daily_18, "dayofmonth", "n_tweets", facet_on='month', n_col=4, year_str='2018')
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day of 2019¶
helpers.facet_day_month(df_daily_19, "dayofmonth", "n_tweets", facet_on='month', n_col=4, year_str='2019')
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day of 2020¶
helpers.facet_day_month(df_daily_20, "dayofmonth", "n_tweets", facet_on='month', n_col=4, year_str='2020')
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day of 2021¶
helpers.facet_day_month(df_daily_21, "dayofmonth", "n_tweets", facet_on='month', n_col=4, year_str='2021')
+ ++"Aquman Petition" Tweets Created in Each Day of 2022¶
helpers.facet_day_month(df_daily_22, "dayofmonth", "n_tweets", facet_on='month', n_col=4, year_str='2022')
+ +Investigate Peaks¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+df_peaks = df_daily.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +#created_accounts | +
1100 | +2022-04-28 | +2022 | +Apr | +28 | +3231 | +3128 | +94.0 | +
586 | +2020-11-12 | +2020 | +Nov | +12 | +3197 | +3015 | +174.0 | +
587 | +2020-11-13 | +2020 | +Nov | +13 | +2493 | +2340 | +173.0 | +
582 | +2020-11-08 | +2020 | +Nov | +8 | +2094 | +1929 | +261.0 | +
583 | +2020-11-09 | +2020 | +Nov | +9 | +1752 | +1590 | +245.0 | +
302 | +2020-02-02 | +2020 | +Feb | +2 | +1654 | +1607 | +297.0 | +
581 | +2020-11-07 | +2020 | +Nov | +7 | +1565 | +1432 | +384.0 | +
585 | +2020-11-11 | +2020 | +Nov | +11 | +1482 | +1394 | +163.0 | +
584 | +2020-11-10 | +2020 | +Nov | +10 | +1447 | +1266 | +196.0 | +
588 | +2020-11-14 | +2020 | +Nov | +14 | +1134 | +1072 | +143.0 | +
# filter on dates with peaks
+df_peaks = df_peaks[['date', 'n_tweets']]
+df_peaks_18 = df_peaks[df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2018]
+df_peaks_19 = df_peaks[df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2019]
+df_peaks_20 = df_peaks[df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2020]
+df_peaks_21 = df_peaks[df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2021]
+df_peaks_22 = df_peaks[df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2022]
df_feb_20 = df_peaks[(df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2020) & (df_peaks.date.dt.month == 2)]
+df_nov_20 = df_peaks[(df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2020) & (df_peaks.date.dt.month == 11)]
+df_dec_20 = df_peaks[(df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2020) & (df_peaks.date.dt.month == 12)]
+df_apr_22 = df_peaks[(df_peaks.date.dt.year == 2022) & (df_peaks.date.dt.month == 4)]
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks.head(2), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in All Years", threshold=0)
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks[2:].head(3), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in All Years")
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks_18.head(2), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in 2018")
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks_19.head(2), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in 2019")
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks_20.head(4), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in 2020")
helpers.bar_peaks(df_feb_20, "'Aquaman Petition' Tweets Created in Each Day of Feb 2020", 1000)
helpers.bar_peaks(df_nov_20, "'Aquaman Petition' Tweets Created in Each Day of Nov 2020", 1000)
helpers.bar_peaks(df_dec_20, "'Aquaman Petition' Tweets Created in Each Day of Dec 2020", 1000)
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks_21.head(2), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in 2021")
helpers.bar_peaks(df_peaks_22.head(11), "Dates with the Highest Number of 'Aquaman Petition' Tweets in 2022", threshold=3000)
+ +"Aquaman Petition" Tweets on Peaks¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ ++"Aquaman Petition" Tweets on Peak Dates¶
+ | date | +n_tweets | +
1100 | +2022-04-28 | +3231 | +
586 | +2020-11-12 | +3197 | +
587 | +2020-11-13 | +2493 | +
582 | +2020-11-08 | +2094 | +
583 | +2020-11-09 | +1752 | +
302 | +2020-02-02 | +1654 | +
581 | +2020-11-07 | +1565 | +
585 | +2020-11-11 | +1482 | +
584 | +2020-11-10 | +1447 | +
588 | +2020-11-14 | +1134 | +
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2022-04-28")
+df = aquaman_petition[mask]
+tmp = df.groupby('hour').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+title = '"Aquaman Petition" Contributions on (2022-04-28)'
+helpers.bar_peaks(tmp, title, threshold=90, xlabel='Hour')
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.date.astype(str) == "2022-04-28"]["text"].value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/8829dkv21h via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/f06emailvb @change hasznรกlatรกval 2 +โdc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2โ - jetzt unterschreiben! https://t.co/dqnsrv3v2k via @changeger 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/usypy1jybg via @changeorg_india 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/7uwi04vjnc via @change 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.date.astype(str) == "2022-04-28"]["username"].value_counts().head()
leah bennett 7 +Crystal Moore 6 +Jaybee34 6 +Michelle 5 +Stacey Innocent 4 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-12")
+df = aquaman_petition[mask]
+tmp = df.groupby('hour').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+title = '"Aquaman Petition" Contributions on (2020-11-12)'
+helpers.bar_peaks(tmp, title, threshold=0, xlabel='Hour')
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.date.astype(str) == "2020-11-12"]["text"].value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pckoi1lujs via @ukchange 2 +warner brothers: emilia clarke to replace amber heard as mera on aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/tqygilzheo via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/hnyykb21hv via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/cqezpn34zw via @ukchange 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/wgbdjj6iai via @change 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.date.astype(str) == "2020-11-12"]["username"].value_counts().head()
Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies 27 +metallicarebear 10 +Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp 9 +Idea@JusticeForJohnnyDepp 8 +Stephanie Brown 8 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
+ ++"Aquaman Petition" Tweets on Peak Hours¶
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4434 | +2860 | +2018-03-16 21:52:09 | +I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | +2016-06-29 18:06:35 | +748216104565235712 | +Morgan | +False | +NaN | +177 | +https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | +can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | +656 | +974765287080853508 | +mdragonfly89 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +21 | +625 days 03:45:34 | +625 | +225.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +6.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
df_peak_hrs = aquaman_petition.groupby(['date', 'hour']).agg({'text':'count'}).reset_index(
+).rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | date | +hour | +n_tweets | +
10236 | +2022-04-28 | +16 | +276 | +
10234 | +2022-04-28 | +14 | +275 | +
10237 | +2022-04-28 | +17 | +266 | +
10241 | +2022-04-28 | +21 | +246 | +
10238 | +2022-04-28 | +18 | +242 | +
10240 | +2022-04-28 | +20 | +238 | +
10235 | +2022-04-28 | +15 | +234 | +
10239 | +2022-04-28 | +19 | +233 | +
10242 | +2022-04-28 | +22 | +228 | +
10233 | +2022-04-28 | +13 | +219 | +
5321 | +2020-11-13 | +0 | +215 | +
5314 | +2020-11-12 | +17 | +209 | +
5315 | +2020-11-12 | +18 | +209 | +
5313 | +2020-11-12 | +16 | +203 | +
5317 | +2020-11-12 | +20 | +196 | +
df = aquaman_petition.groupby(['date', 'hour', 'username']).agg({'text':'count'}).reset_index(
+).rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
(51849, 4) ++
+ | date | +hour | +username | +n_tweets | +
29068 | +2020-11-13 | +0 | +Panteaโ ๏ธ | +69 | +
22874 | +2020-11-09 | +17 | +kateinthemiddle๐ | +45 | +
23913 | +2020-11-10 | +13 | +rds-AlJacob | +39 | +
23860 | +2020-11-10 | +12 | +rds-AlJacob | +38 | +
23958 | +2020-11-10 | +14 | +rds-AlJacob | +32 | +
20038 | +2020-11-08 | +2 | +Rohan Malviya | +21 | +
36029 | +2020-11-26 | +19 | +Reivaxx | +19 | +
33879 | +2020-11-18 | +5 | +Jeff | +18 | +
35567 | +2020-11-24 | +15 | +Tepa.M.T | +15 | +
19111 | +2020-11-07 | +13 | +ๆข ้จ | +14 | +
37349 | +2020-11-29 | +10 | +Denisse | +14 | +
43724 | +2021-03-23 | +16 | +Debbie Michailides | +14 | +
44932 | +2021-06-11 | +13 | +Marvel.Fury | +13 | +
41013 | +2021-01-07 | +12 | +Irina Skywalker | +13 | +
43726 | +2021-03-23 | +17 | +Debbie Michailides | +12 | +
title = 'Users with The Most "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on Each Hour'
+helpers.barh(df[['username', 'n_tweets']].head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-13") & (aquaman_petition.username=="Panteaโ ๏ธ")
+tmp = aquaman_petition[mask]
@alexdoradoo dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@asharblz dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@mattlovescinema dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@lewisjohny2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@gwcpika dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@bredgaming dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@slimeseason35 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@emarged dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gay_moana dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@infinitejay dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@holyska1991 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gingerstale dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@astronixii dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gibjock dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@emily_jayne1233 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@poedjarin dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@andrew_muench dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@unlucky_em dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@dulllahh dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupumiy 1 +@broncosojrr dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@selrareheartbet dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@skcomics2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@pantherhollyann dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@nazaekwunife dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@redapplesquares dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@alidocinferno dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@moonfiyahh dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@immortallydum dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@jamiekinnear2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@happygamerlife dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-06") & (aquaman_petition.username=="misscastle13")
+tmp = aquaman_petition[mask]
Series([], Name: text, dtype: int64)+
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-09") & (aquaman_petition.username=="kateinthemiddle๐")
+tmp = aquaman_petition[mask]
@mygrindelwald lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions! together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@deppxblake lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@dariapankov lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@folllllll__ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@kountryserenity lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@himespit lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@juliee_nc lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@hectorray0623 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bey_bts lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@irem_yagmur_ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@colt_arnold lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bacacov lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@adityam3199 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@aishiteirudarin lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@jessconnell1 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@suspectbuddy @coramelodie @realamberheard @kamalaharris lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@swami_ananya lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@philmitchell83 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@sineonfirinne lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@magconboundd lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@vintage_tabitha lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@geneviedepp lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@mey90115115 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bnerd187 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@black_lady83 @change_mex lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@nicsimx lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@thenamesq lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@clarchanuwu lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehc0ms & https://t.co/94flec4l3j #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@peanut1_1 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@teamdepp_ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +"Aquaman Petition" Tweets on Peak Times¶
df_peak_times = aquaman_petition.groupby('created_at').count()['text'].reset_index(name='n_tweets')\
+.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | created_at | +n_tweets | +
42031 | +2020-12-10 17:23:29 | +3 | +
29974 | +2020-11-12 19:37:54 | +3 | +
30731 | +2020-11-13 00:00:03 | +3 | +
22366 | +2020-11-08 17:53:12 | +2 | +
3192 | +2020-02-02 00:54:11 | +2 | +
df = aquaman_petition.groupby(['created_at', 'username']).agg({'text':'count'}).reset_index(
+).rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+df = df[df.n_tweets > 1]
+print(f'Unique number of users: {df.username.nunique()}')
+print(f'Total number of Tweets: {df.n_tweets.sum()}')
Unique number of users: 12 +Total number of Tweets: 25 ++
+ | created_at | +username | +n_tweets | +
42357 | +2020-12-10 17:23:29 | +trapholizay | +3 | +
22583 | +2020-11-08 18:38:57 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +2 | +
25349 | +2020-11-10 11:08:11 | +ContanzaBustosflores | +2 | +
54620 | +2022-04-28 20:51:21 | +Lil Linda | +2 | +
52996 | +2022-04-28 14:23:28 | +Ivan A. Sanchez V. | +2 | +
49750 | +2021-10-01 06:32:52 | +Tepa.M.T | +2 | +
50278 | +2022-01-18 03:18:51 | +Lalita Tripathi | +2 | +
39318 | +2020-11-28 15:03:21 | +Wait, I'm Not Ready Yet. | +2 | +
23604 | +2020-11-09 08:28:29 | +เฅช&โ Amaryss๐ | +2 | +
46597 | +2021-03-11 11:13:32 | +hp๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +2 | +
18795 | +2020-11-06 18:25:11 | +SimonBarreBrisebois | +2 | +
46268 | +2021-03-01 14:02:08 | +InterNewsCast | +2 | +
title = 'Users with The Most "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on The same Time'
+helpers.barh(df[['username', 'n_tweets']].head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.created_at.astype(str) == "2020-12-10 17:23:29"]
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
693851 | +42545 | +2020-12-10 17:23:29 | +News aggregator for hip-hop | +2020-01-27 01:17:47 | +1221603113477591042 | +trapholizay | +False | +The Internet | +16 | +https://t.co/RtCeEzOF18 | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1221614711... | +johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber hea... | +0 | +1337085539162476544 | +trapholizaynews | +2020-12-10 | +2020 | +Dec | +10 | +17 | +318 days 16:05:42 | +318 | +965.7 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
693850 | +42545 | +2020-12-10 17:23:29 | +News aggregator for hip-hop | +2020-01-27 01:17:47 | +1221603113477591042 | +trapholizay | +False | +The Internet | +16 | +https://t.co/RtCeEzOF18 | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1221614711... | +johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber hea... | +0 | +1337085539120459779 | +trapholizaynews | +2020-12-10 | +2020 | +Dec | +10 | +17 | +318 days 16:05:42 | +318 | +965.7 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
693849 | +42545 | +2020-12-10 17:23:29 | +News aggregator for hip-hop | +2020-01-27 01:17:47 | +1221603113477591042 | +trapholizay | +False | +The Internet | +16 | +https://t.co/RtCeEzOF18 | +en | +NaN | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1221614711... | +johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber hea... | +0 | +1337085539044954112 | +trapholizaynews | +2020-12-10 | +2020 | +Dec | +10 | +17 | +318 days 16:05:42 | +318 | +965.7 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
print('\nIdentical Tweets data except for the created petition link\n')
+aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.created_at.astype(str) == "2020-12-10 17:23:29"].text.value_counts()
+Identical Tweets data except for the created petition link + ++
johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber heard fired from "aquaman 2"\n\n#amberheard #aquaman2 #beef #johnnydepp #johnnydeppabuseallegations #m...\nhttps://t.co/rehhrj8x7q 1 +johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber heard fired from "aquaman 2"\n\n#amberheard #aquaman2 #beef #johnnydepp #johnnydeppabuseallegations #m...\nhttps://t.co/ofenkvjtce 1 +johnny depp reportedly tries to have amber heard fired from "aquaman 2"\n\n#amberheard #aquaman2 #beef #johnnydepp #johnnydeppabuseallegations #m...\nhttps://t.co/0xt4vor5zh 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Most Repeated Tweets¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun 15 +@gn_geeknation please help sign, share & retweet. thanks, you're fantastic.\n\nl'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/p7sbttmnbi via @change 13 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ayerxv1tkr via @change 12 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2hqx8updxs via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vq7lnk6xq8 via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 10 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/453uc1kgck via @change 10 +warnermedia: fire amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/b8ttqwgfyy via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 9 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/wim1zy1kls via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fpzgqp3wjw via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 8 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/tkpbutm7rf via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/kgdu4qjv8r via @change 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #boycottfantasticbeasts3 #fantasticbeasts 7 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'orรฉal spokeperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/x2idddwtrt via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/c8ho35f9oz via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 6 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeasts3 6 +@realamberheard dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/njgw3t9cwh vรญa @change_es #justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +petition ยท have amber heard removed as aclu ambassador for women's rights ยท https://t.co/lg8e0ayje6 https://t.co/dduyhjfqsh 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/nmifycbgxv via @change 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/utcrtn7s5w via @change 5 +fbi: investigate and charge amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/ydh96sy80k via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/osy7doouxb vรญa @change_es 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/inpnczi0ml via @change 5 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/tfnrdlf4eh via @change 5 +bring captain jack sparrow petition: sign nowwww at https://t.co/edpdsnq0s4 #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisasurvivor #johnnydeppismygrindelwald #jacksparrow #amberturd #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisaliarandabuser 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ib9xsouvki via @ukchange 5 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Same Text Same Date¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
# print('\nThe Amplifications in the counts and number of likes on #justiceforjohnnydepp is quite obvious!!')
+df_same = aquaman_petition.groupby(["text", "date", 'username']).agg({'tweet_id':'count', 'user_id': 'nunique'}).reset_index()
+df_same.rename(columns={'tweet_id': 'n_tweets', 'user_id':'by_#accounts'}, inplace=True)
+df_same.sort_values(["n_tweets", 'date'], ascending=[False, True], inplace=True)
+with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', None):
+ display(df_same.head(15))
+ | text | +date | +username | +n_tweets | +by_#accounts | +
3401 | +@gn_geeknation please help sign, share & retweet. thanks, you're fantastic.\n\nl'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/p7sbttmnbi via @change | +2021-01-07 | +Irina Skywalker | +13 | +1 | +
48702 | +remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun | +2020-11-07 | +๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | +11 | +1 | +
7704 | +bring captain jack sparrow petition: sign nowwww at https://t.co/edpdsnq0s4 #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisasurvivor #johnnydeppismygrindelwald #jacksparrow #amberturd #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisaliarandabuser | +2020-11-09 | +๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | +5 | +1 | +
3988 | +@realamberheard dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/njgw3t9cwh vรญa @change_es #justiceforjohnnydepp | +2020-11-29 | +Denisse | +5 | +1 | +
48703 | +remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun | +2020-11-08 | +๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | +4 | +1 | +
4324 | +@thr sign this petition to remove amber heard the abuser from aquaman2 ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \nhttps://t.co/t7mgd9fa14 | +2020-12-09 | +I am Ghazaal | +4 | +1 | +
27911 | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp | +2020-11-08 | +metallicarebear | +3 | +1 | +
49885 | +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp | +2020-11-08 | +metallicarebear | +3 | +1 | +
3996 | +@realamberheard https://t.co/avrp22ij00\nplease sign!! we reached 1million now lets get more :) \nsign and share to get amber off aquaman 2! thank youโค #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheard #amberheardisanabuser #johnnydepp #help #johnnydeppisinnocent | +2020-11-14 | +Luna Loves | +3 | +1 | +
37167 | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/lsycyjhow1 vรญa @changeorglatino | +2021-04-07 | +Katrina โก | +3 | +1 | +
48065 | +please, let your voice be heard against injustice brought by amber heard https://t.co/r7te1hzisg \n\nsign a petition to show \n@warnerbros\n \n@aquamanmovie\n nobody supports domestic abusers as they do.\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #aquaman2 #aquaman #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser | +2021-09-07 | +Papaya | +3 | +1 | +
11783 | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/5q5dtfdg8c via @ukchange | +2019-03-21 | +Amanda Rose | +2 | +1 | +
19401 | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/hlvuy1yay6 via @change @aquamanmovie @dccomics @wbhomeent @wbpictures | +2019-03-22 | +Martina Vaira | +2 | +1 | +
24299 | +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/nmifycbgxv via @change | +2019-03-23 | +Mary Fakhoury | +2 | +1 | +
47370 | +petition to remove amber heard from aquaman 2! keep sharing it! https://t.co/iqxy2zwkoj โฆ @aquamanmovie @dccomics @shazammovie @warnerbrosuk @wbpictures #jasonmomoa | +2019-03-24 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies ๐ | +2 | +1 | +
+ +Exploring Unverified Accounts¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
False 447394 +True 4694 +Name: is_verified, dtype: int64+
False 38253 +True 143 +Name: is_verified, dtype: int64+
+ +NOTE:
+- Most of the accounts are not verified!!
df_unverified = aquaman_petition.query(" is_verified == False ")
(55066, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4434 | +2860 | +2018-03-16 21:52:09 | +I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | +2016-06-29 18:06:35 | +748216104565235712 | +Morgan | +False | +NaN | +177 | +https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | +can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | +656 | +974765287080853508 | +mdragonfly89 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +21 | +625 days 03:45:34 | +625 | +225.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +6.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
4577 | +4654 | +2018-03-18 22:06:17 | +Daily film news, intellectually stimulating ed... | +2018-02-17 08:29:20 | +964778778143555585 | +Le Cinรฉphiles | +False | +Le Cinรฉma | +17786 | +https://t.co/TexAcEQbue | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/96477877... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1035011501... | +breaking: amber heard reportedly grew a mustac... | +528 | +975493621917954048 | +LeCinephiles | +2018-03-18 | +2018 | +Mar | +18 | +22 | +29 days 13:36:57 | +29 | +816.95 | +44.0 | +5.0 | +177.0 | +9.0 | +53.0 | +
10145 | +28391 | +2018-06-14 18:17:20 | +NaN | +2011-08-09 00:55:59 | +351267259 | +josรฉ | +False | +NaN | +356 | +https://t.co/82UfLNoANG | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/35126725... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1326374794... | +i know nothing about aquaman but with nicole k... | +271 | +1007326136097910784 | +qwertjose | +2018-06-14 | +2018 | +Jun | +14 | +18 | +2501 days 17:21:21 | +2501 | +1041.35 | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +NaN | +
10426 | +267324 | +2018-06-18 02:54:23 | +Science,news,sports,fashion,nerd,comic book,Ge... | +2014-11-19 03:48:32 | +2904153955 | +Nathaniel DeVon Sanford | +False | +Dayton, OH | +2004 | +https://t.co/z9m36Rni5a | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/29041539... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/8455682913... | +retweeted https://t.co/vosoxcbzlu (@comicbook)... | +5002 | +1008543420095266816 | +WRFoxKidsNation | +2018-06-18 | +2018 | +Jun | +18 | +2 | +1306 days 23:05:51 | +1306 | +1385.85 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
10435 | +59916 | +2018-06-18 05:51:22 | +Eternal T.V./film viewer of sci-fi, fantasy, a... | +2014-06-15 21:56:28 | +2569701078 | +Christopher Arnold | +False | +LaSalle (Montreal), QC, Canada | +348 | +NaN | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/25697010... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1114001573... | +retweeted https://t.co/53rfexqwso (@comicbook)... | +1916 | +1008587957391982593 | +ChrisArnoldSHX | +2018-06-18 | +2018 | +Jun | +18 | +5 | +1463 days 07:54:54 | +1463 | +474.90 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
Mrs Charmaine Grindelwald 291 +Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ 260 +Harleycosplay 204 +rds-AlJacob 184 +Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ 159 +Darlene Piechoski 128 +Stephanie Brown 122 +metallicarebear 122 +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies 119 +Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp 99 +โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ 94 +DorkAngel-GBW 93 +Sara Roberts 93 +Helen Marie (Helly Skelly) 93 +SimonBarreBrisebois 89 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun 15 +@gn_geeknation please help sign, share & retweet. thanks, you're fantastic.\n\nl'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/p7sbttmnbi via @change 13 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ayerxv1tkr via @change 12 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vq7lnk6xq8 via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2hqx8updxs via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 10 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/453uc1kgck via @change 10 +warnermedia: fire amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/b8ttqwgfyy via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 9 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/wim1zy1kls via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fpzgqp3wjw via @change 8 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/tkpbutm7rf via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'orรฉal spokeperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/x2idddwtrt via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #boycottfantasticbeasts3 #fantasticbeasts 7 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/kgdu4qjv8r via @change 7 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/c8ho35f9oz via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 6 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeasts3 6 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/osy7doouxb vรญa @change_es 5 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +@realamberheard dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/njgw3t9cwh vรญa @change_es #justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +fbi: investigate and charge amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/ydh96sy80k via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ib9xsouvki via @ukchange 5 +bring captain jack sparrow petition: sign nowwww at https://t.co/edpdsnq0s4 #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisasurvivor #johnnydeppismygrindelwald #jacksparrow #amberturd #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisaliarandabuser 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/utcrtn7s5w via @change 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/inpnczi0ml via @change 5 +petition ยท have amber heard removed as aclu ambassador for women's rights ยท https://t.co/lg8e0ayje6 https://t.co/dduyhjfqsh 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/tfnrdlf4eh via @change 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/nmifycbgxv via @change 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vqnpxq2uwy via @ukchange 4 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/mjrjnpn074 via @ukchange 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 4 +@dccomics @warnerbrosent @wbpictures @aquamanmovie @aquaman2 @aclu @oneyoungworld @unhumanrights @un_women @ungeneva @marieclaireuk #metoo #amberheardisanabuser \ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - firma la petizione! https://t.co/qycntgwuk6 via @changeitalia 4 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n183 k. 4 +amber heard aquaman birthday massively backfires https://t.co/083bvuyolv via @youtube 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ykwerv4qdg via @ukchange 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/8wrl9jx4py via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fvvkziigrq via @change 4 +win an โaquamanโ poster signed by jason momoa, amber heard, patrick wilson and james wan https://t.co/vnjww5uoks 4 +there is a petition for johnny. if you haven't signed it, let's support him!\nhttps://t.co/cucqul90sc \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/zpbsoaqueb via @changeaus 4 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/episal4knz via @ukchange 4 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #warnerbros #fantasticbeasts3 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/od7tcrs1j6 via @change 4 +@thr sign this petition to remove amber heard the abuser from aquaman2 ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \nhttps://t.co/t7mgd9fa14 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xn4obmkmtf via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pwcat5wb5p via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/q1k7ymqhte via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/esg2z5o5ek via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/quxvqfzxak via @change 3 +#amberheard supporters: we support amber heard in #aquaman2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xsnitoatqr via \n@change\n amber heard wrote in the washington post about how she had to #change her phone number weekly due to death threats from depp fans and how she supports #rights: 3 +petition ยท dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 ยท https://t.co/ffgpbigowb https://t.co/eyjlxql33r 3 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n#justiceforjohnnydepp 3 +#amberheard supporters: we support amber heard in #aquaman2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/hyvodti5ii via \n@change\n amber heard wrote in the washington post about how she had to #change her phone number weekly due to death threats from depp fans and how she supports #rights: 3 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n188 k. 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/yopvgohmu2 vรญa @change_mex 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xog7nn6xrg via @change 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/uik1iqokql vรญa @changeorglatino 3 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Deleted or Banned¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
The NaNs in username --> either means deleted or banned accounts
+ ++ ++account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy.¶
helpers.isnull(tweets[['username', 'user_url', 'profile_image_url']])
The number of NaNs in username: 108 +The number of NaNs in user_url: 1244722 +The number of NaNs in profile_image_url: 74 ++
df_banned = tweets[pd.isnull(tweets.username)]
(108, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
1593 | +239 | +2018-01-24 02:03:36 | +@Hail_Monroe's account is temporarily unavaila... | +2017-12-17 23:23:02 | +942535638078971907 | +NaN | +False | +NaN | +177 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +NaN | +@hail_monroe's account is temporarily unavaila... | +13 | +955984396338827265 | +Hail_Monroe | +2018-01-24 | +2018 | +Jan | +24 | +2 | +37 days 02:40:34 | +37 | +160.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
2008 | +29548 | +2018-01-30 21:28:23 | +@WouldYouHitGirl's account is temporarily unav... | +2015-12-19 06:06:04 | +4600424982 | +NaN | +False | +NaN | +412 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +NaN | +@wouldyouhitgirl's account is temporarily unav... | +140 | +958451851418054658 | +WouldYouHitGirl | +2018-01-30 | +2018 | +Jan | +30 | +21 | +773 days 15:22:19 | +773 | +922.32 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
2010 | +12166 | +2018-01-30 21:40:09 | +@ViralSexyPic's account is temporarily unavail... | +2016-06-28 18:19:39 | +747857005973483520 | +NaN | +False | +NaN | +449 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +NaN | +@viralsexypic's account is temporarily unavail... | +32 | +958454814719004673 | +ViralSexyPic | +2018-01-30 | +2018 | +Jan | +30 | +21 | +581 days 03:20:30 | +581 | +200.50 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
5936 | +6741 | +2018-04-12 04:01:19 | +@cristianpg23's account is temporarily unavail... | +2010-11-28 09:47:43 | +220617414 | +NaN | +False | +NaN | +22 | +NaN | +et | +NaN | +NaN | +@cristianpg23's account is temporarily unavail... | +4 | +984280276946780161 | +cristianpg23 | +2018-04-12 | +2018 | +Apr | +12 | +4 | +2691 days 18:13:36 | +2691 | +1093.60 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
6043 | +25447 | +2018-04-16 09:01:49 | +@awilliams_84's account is temporarily unavail... | +2011-08-02 23:36:39 | +347542318 | +NaN | +False | +NaN | +113 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +NaN | +@awilliams_84's account is temporarily unavail... | +12 | +985805451634925568 | +awilliams_84 | +2018-04-16 | +2018 | +Apr | +16 | +9 | +2448 days 09:25:10 | +2448 | +565.17 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
title = 'Peak contributions of the Banned Accounts'
+df = df_banned.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(3), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
JasonIsGone_ 4 +IvanOrozcojr2 4 +awilliams_84 3 +baaattleaxeee 2 +Rpdlol 2 +Name: user_screen_name, dtype: int64+
@jasonisgone_'s account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 4 +@awilliams_84's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 3 +@wouldyouhitgirl's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +#justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +@gatitaperv's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@www_4flirt_org's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@sniperw31911655's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@dollarsloppies's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@mikegravitybro's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@pyromike4's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@freeblackpussyi's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@sofawarriorlady's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@viralsexypic's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +@niniseel's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 2 +damn amber heard has the most perfect most iconic most biggest most juciest and most yummiest tits i have ever seen the perfect tits the most iconic tits the most biggest tits the most juciest tits the sexiest tits https://t.co/dz3n3yk705 1 +@elfunadoreturns's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@aadik36769152's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@lecolleurp's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@rosechickduck's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@groovesagna's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@ulabarison5 @biobio te ganaste un combo de amber heard https://t.co/zubhgkv6xc 1 +if your personalities like amber heard then i donโt want you,period! 1 +@tribecadreams's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@mrworld36369038's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@jasonismissing's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +yoooo amber heard is trending again, and i feel to remind the tl that this woman shat on her bed ๐๐ 1 +@giojo_cato's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@tomvanc06956916's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@hail_monroe's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +girls will go gay with amber heard's perfect iconic huge juicy yummy sexy tits https://t.co/9slsjus2zn 1 +- #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@ghostyray i saw a thing โamber heard was diagnosed with histrionic pd, an extreme form of narcissismโ and like yeah thatโs literally not what that is good job tho, first headline i saw 1 +@tankieravensfan's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@malenascordias's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +ireland baldwin blasts amber heard calling her a disaster of a human being - marca english https://t.co/ykizqldlfx 1 +@ramiusxi's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@paulaeal @trawian_lol oh god, the "abused" wild card. it is time for you now to photoshot a police statement and so on. you give me such strong amber heard vibes. 1 +amber heard cuma planga plongo hah hoh hah hoh 1 +emang bener-bener tega si amber ya, dr dulu ni kasus ga kelar2 heran. #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +@poppo14004776's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +damn amber heard has the world's most perfect most iconic most biggest most iconic most yummiest and most sexiest boobies i have ever seen girls will go gay with amber heard's perfect iconic huge juicy yummy boobies and i so want to have sex with her 1 +@lennieismine's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@depotmister's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@goggles29947680's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@cbmgoddesses's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@switchy__witch's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@grittymcgritty's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@lewdestgenius's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +and i so want to motorboat amber heard perfect iconic huge juicy yummy sexy boobies 1 +ุงูู ู ุซูุฉ ุนุงูุดู ุจู ุงุญู ุฏ ุชุดุจู amber heard ุงุญูุงูุง๐ค! 1 +@husseimfatal's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@thisiselmababe's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@ducklysouls34's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@jwigss's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +pues si, al final parece que tenรญamos razรณn los que dudรกbamos de amber heard.\n\nla "maltratada" resulta ser la maltratadora.\n\npero ahora todos a callar, que es mรกs fรกcil hacer como que no lo ves que reconocer que la presunciรณn de inocencia es solo para quien os cae bien. 1 +@stopbrexit1309's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@natali04423258's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@frederi32978034's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@ad_nsfw's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +@homempelado6's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the twitter media policy. learn more. 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Default Profile Image¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ | user_id | +user_created_at | +username | +user_screen_name | +n_followers | +n_friends | +n_statuses | +user_url | +user_description | +user_location | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +is_verified | +
0 | +1968 | +2006-07-17 16:06:28 | +Jonn Nubian ยฎ | +JonnNubian | +4838 | +2247 | +31013 | +https://t.co/pMzd272GFv | +Professional Adventurer, Editor-in-Chief https... | +Manhattan | NYC | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1968/164... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/118384953/... | +False | +
http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png 8750 +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/118384953/jnuavatar_normal.jpg 1 +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1340308525839474698/w4nPX-bQ_normal.jpg 1 +Name: profile_image_url, dtype: int64+
# Users Tweeted with "Aquaman Petition Links" having the default profile image
http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png 1846 +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/519511394467577857/A-28MauA_normal.jpeg 1 +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1114498542603784192/J0JJkNJx_normal.jpg 1 +Name: profile_image_url, dtype: int64+
image = "http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_normal.png"
+default_image = aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition['profile_image_url'] == image]
(2817, 30) ++
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
11046 | +4 | +2018-06-23 13:10:28 | +Avid book reader. Makeup artist. Face painter.... | +2018-06-06 13:07:34 | +1004349077243514881 | +Treenthemakeupmaven | +False | +Dallas | +0 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +amber heard: ban dior sauvage - sign the petit... | +0 | +1010510402357211140 | +TrinaCedeno2 | +2018-06-23 | +2018 | +Jun | +23 | +13 | +17 days 00:02:54 | +17 | +2.90 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
17042 | +3 | +2018-08-16 09:53:57 | +NaN | +2017-09-26 10:04:44 | +912618935748517888 | +Krystal Ashlin-Watts | +False | +NaN | +1 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +united nations development programme: remove d... | +5 | +1030029888198041600 | +Johnnydeppgirl | +2018-08-16 | +2018 | +Aug | +16 | +9 | +323 days 23:49:13 | +323 | +1429.22 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
17398 | +1570 | +2018-08-16 18:34:50 | +NaN | +2017-03-08 02:48:40 | +839306844795518976 | +Brenda Clemons | +False | +NaN | +43 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +united nations development programme: remove d... | +155 | +1030160973443813376 | +DarkPagan1965 | +2018-08-16 | +2018 | +Aug | +16 | +18 | +526 days 15:46:10 | +526 | +946.17 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
17487 | +21080 | +2018-08-16 20:51:29 | +NaN | +2017-08-24 23:52:42 | +900868501828771840 | +Helene Efraimsen | +False | +Aarhus, Danmark | +90 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +united nations development programme: remove d... | +109 | +1030195362034855937 | +HEfraimsen | +2018-08-16 | +2018 | +Aug | +16 | +20 | +356 days 20:58:47 | +356 | +1258.78 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +3.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
35883 | +21080 | +2018-12-26 22:45:00 | +NaN | +2017-08-24 23:52:42 | +900868501828771840 | +Helene Efraimsen | +False | +Aarhus, Danmark | +90 | +NaN | +en | +NaN | +http://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_im... | +aclu: to remove an unsuitable proven abuser fr... | +109 | +1078059130684915712 | +HEfraimsen | +2018-12-26 | +2018 | +Dec | +26 | +22 | +488 days 22:52:18 | +488 | +1372.30 | +1.0 | +0.0 | +2.0 | +0.0 | +1.0 | +
False 1688126 +True 32191 +Name: is_verified, dtype: int64+
False 2817 +Name: is_verified, dtype: int64+
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ayerxv1tkr via @change 12 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vq7lnk6xq8 via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/wim1zy1kls via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fpzgqp3wjw via @change 8 +petition ยท have amber heard removed as aclu ambassador for women's rights ยท https://t.co/lg8e0ayje6 https://t.co/dduyhjfqsh 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/osy7doouxb vรญa @change_es 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/utcrtn7s5w via @change 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/q1k7ymqhte via @change 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xog7nn6xrg via @change 3 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/irehky8wu5 via @change 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/boqpb2k48f via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4hn385ld9y via @changeaus 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/dw1acvekpi vรญa @change_es 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/spwtco8xtg via @cdnchange 2 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/s770akhokf via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/blqpn3qj8r via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/98rvjczm46 via @changeaus 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/cbnrllsg6l via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/oq81ojatbb via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xs38r71k7x via @cdnchange 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ft9zjt9mic via @ukchange 2 +@0gre3f #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberturd #boycottfantasticbeasts\nremove amber from aquaman 2 petition:\nhttps://t.co/tob1s9d2ad 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xpxgzpmtaf via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/4epkgdmvo2 vรญa @change_es 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/oggmdmqhfd via @change 2 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/iamdld7obu via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/svty1bwlp9 via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/xbeqg5u51x vรญa @change_es 2 +@laurabockov #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberturd #boycottfantasticbeasts\nremove amber from aquaman 2 petition:\nhttps://t.co/tob1s9d2ad 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
title = 'Peak contributions of the accounts tweeted "aquaman petition links" having the default profile image!'
+df = default_image.groupby('date').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+df.sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False, inplace=True)
+helpers.bar_peaks(df.head(2), title, threshold=0, xlabel='tweets Creation Date')
mary fakhoury 57 +Marcus Scott 57 +๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐ 54 +Tulin 48 +Zeta 45 +jessicalockhart 41 +Jeff 35 +Susan Horrill 32 +Lou 22 +YVONNE SHOEBRIDGE 21 +Name: username, dtype: int64+
A real person in the USA 84 +Essex 32 +Denmark 14 +Aarhus, Danmark 7 +Texas, USA 6 +Durban, South Africa 5 +United States 5 +Florida, USA 5 +Manchester, England 4 +Dundee, Scotland 4 +Name: user_location, dtype: int64+
tweets[tweets['username'] == 'mary fakhoury'].user_location.value_counts()
Series([], Name: user_location, dtype: int64)+
tweets[tweets['username'] == '๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐'].user_location.value_counts()
A real person in the USA 431 +Name: user_location, dtype: int64+
tweets[tweets['username'] == 'Marcus Scott'].user_location.value_counts()
Series([], Name: user_location, dtype: int64)+
tmp = default_image.username.value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'username', 'username':'n_tweets'})
+title = 'Top accounts tweeted with "aquaman petition links" having the default profile image!'
+helpers.barh(tmp.head(15), title, c='red')
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "mary fakhoury", n=3, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "mary fakhoury": 73 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'mary fakhoury'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/vq7lnk6xq8 via @change 11 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/2v6mnnewq1 via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fpzgqp3wjw via @change 8 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/wim1zy1kls via @change 8 +amber heard's father threatens to shoot johnny depp, reports https://t.co/gft2zzb1mf via @change 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐": 431 ++
tweets[tweets.username == '๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐'].text.value_counts().head()
#justiceforjohnnydepp 41 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydepp 3 +petition ยท have amber heard removed as aclu ambassador for women's rights ยท https://t.co/lg8e0ayje6 https://t.co/dduyhjfqsh 3 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/irehky8wu5 via @change 3 +#amberheardisaliar 3 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Marcus Scott", n=2, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Marcus Scott": 57 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'Marcus Scott'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 https://t.co/6shiye6sqw via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yjfa0ti9vf via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/b97cbrehuo via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/htko6llqw4 via @change 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/mzdldygsi8 via @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Tulin", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Tulin": 48 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'Tulin'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ma0zwt2xxl via @ukchange 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/d35dtoa7ri via @ukchange 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/fajdefjjds via @ukchange 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pod83ik0zd via @ukchange 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/xeqo8hlifm via @ukchange 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Zeta", n=4, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Zeta": 58 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'Zeta'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ayerxv1tkr via @change 12 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/q1k7ymqhte via @change 4 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/rim7i68spq via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/boqpb2k48f via @change 2 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/fqjwkx5g5v via @change 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "jessicalockhart", n=4, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "jessicalockhart": 123 ++
tweets[tweets.username == 'jessicalockhart'].text.value_counts().head()
#justiceforjohnnydepp 49 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisaliar 3 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/gl7fkfgfkt via @change 1 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/refx3yw5pv via @change #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar 1 +amber heard failed to donate $7m divorce settlement to pledged charities https://t.co/evqfsm348t #amberheardisagolddigger #amberheardisaliar #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Users Metrics¶
+- Tweets Metrics
+- Users Tweets Metrics
+- ------------------------------
+- Duration After Account Creation
+- Tweets Created OVER TIME
+- Peak Dates
+- ------------------------------
+- Tweets on Peaks
+- Most Repeated Tweets
+- Same Text Same Date
+- ------------------------------
+- Unverified Accounts
+- Deleted or Banned
+- Default Profile Image
+- Users Metrics
+ ++Users Metrics¶
+ +++Top Tweeted Users with "Aquaman Petition Links"¶
# df_top_users = (
+# aquaman_petition["username"]
+# .value_counts()
+# .to_frame()
+# .reset_index()
+# .rename(columns={"index": "username", "username": "n_Tweets"})
+# )
df_top_users = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['username', aquaman_petition.user_created_at.dt.date])
+ .agg({'text':'count', 'n_friends': 'max', 'n_followers': 'max', 'n_statuses': 'max'})
+ .reset_index().rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_tweets | +n_friends | +n_followers | +n_statuses | +
19426 | +Mrs Charmaine Grindelwald | +2019-08-09 | +291 | +290 | +331 | +6627 | +
4859 | +Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +2017-01-28 | +260 | +189 | +705 | +17985 | +
10656 | +Harleycosplay | +2020-10-07 | +204 | +195 | +216 | +4580 | +
33397 | +rds-AlJacob | +2019-02-23 | +184 | +1675 | +1017 | +15632 | +
2192 | +Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +2020-11-09 | +159 | +37 | +47 | +2142 | +
6973 | +Darlene Piechoski | +2015-01-22 | +128 | +142 | +17 | +2375 | +
32586 | +metallicarebear | +2020-11-06 | +122 | +27 | +24 | +440 | +
25118 | +Stephanie Brown | +2018-08-10 | +121 | +5008 | +2045 | +40157 | +
25396 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +2015-12-23 | +119 | +273 | +15617 | +203908 | +
25797 | +Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp | +2015-02-24 | +99 | +2458 | +1561 | +15155 | +
36216 | +โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ | +2020-10-23 | +94 | +232 | +215 | +33773 | +
10848 | +Helen Marie (Helly Skelly) | +2019-08-12 | +93 | +2568 | +2568 | +49332 | +
23646 | +Sara Roberts | +2020-07-29 | +93 | +203 | +76 | +1130 | +
7817 | +DorkAngel-GBW | +2009-05-18 | +93 | +62 | +420 | +23414 | +
24546 | +SimonBarreBrisebois | +2012-02-22 | +89 | +1920 | +2073 | +242477 | +
12228 | +Janina #IBelieveHim #justiceforjohnnydepp | +2012-04-30 | +88 | +558 | +2270 | +199234 | +
7392 | +DeppFanPage๐บ๐ธ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +2011-04-11 | +87 | +1000 | +1027 | +20830 | +
11490 | +Irina Skywalker | +2020-05-30 | +84 | +10 | +0 | +8609 | +
30600 | +francky.fb #justiceforjohnnydepp | +2018-10-08 | +81 | +50 | +43 | +2497 | +
11042 | +Horae of Peace | +2020-11-23 | +79 | +573 | +607 | +9422 | +
21050 | +Panteaโ ๏ธ | +2020-05-31 | +78 | +180 | +180 | +1314 | +
3522 | +BeCurious | +2020-07-17 | +77 | +700 | +751 | +7793 | +
368 | +84Blackbird | +2012-03-24 | +71 | +133 | +73 | +2167 | +
6641 | +Dale Cleary ๐ฌ๐ง | +2014-03-26 | +70 | +3626 | +1974 | +42094 | +
26330 | +TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | +2015-06-05 | +65 | +740 | +20921 | +42756 | +
9130 | +Fairy Naa ๐งโ๏ธ๐ก๏ธโ๏ธ | +2011-08-06 | +65 | +496 | +946 | +9502 | +
25398 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies ๐ | +2015-12-23 | +62 | +282 | +15975 | +206679 | +
25397 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies NOW ๐บ๐ธ | +2015-12-23 | +61 | +273 | +15611 | +203752 | +
17861 | +Mary Ficarra | +2009-03-23 | +61 | +955 | +917 | +16561 | +
31653 | +kateinthemiddle๐ | +2015-04-07 | +59 | +78 | +19 | +275 | +
2507 | +Annabel Depphead โญ๏ธโญ๏ธ | +2020-08-11 | +59 | +995 | +1618 | +31258 | +
36635 | +ๆข ้จ | +2019-06-29 | +59 | +524 | +27 | +308 | +
25970 | +Tepa.M.T | +2020-11-02 | +58 | +205 | +119 | +2880 | +
32462 | +mary fakhoury | +2019-12-04 | +57 | +4 | +2 | +313 | +
17483 | +Marcus Scott | +2013-07-13 | +57 | +314 | +48 | +13143 | +
17859 | +Mary Fakhoury | +2009-07-13 | +55 | +14440 | +15285 | +4702 | +
9381 | +FlamenRed | +2009-04-19 | +55 | +639 | +99 | +18322 | +
29411 | +blahbydodaday๐ค | +2017-06-22 | +54 | +502 | +605 | +7112 | +
38022 | +๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐ | +2020-07-20 | +54 | +1057 | +530 | +15425 | +
22353 | +ReemDepp | +2018-09-17 | +52 | +12 | +7842 | +8982 | +
3809 | +Beโ๏ธ๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐ธ๐ฐ | +2020-04-21 | +52 | +449 | +333 | +24739 | +
34119 | +sweet_emmee/Emilyโฟ๏ธโป๏ธ | +2009-03-20 | +50 | +4988 | +1344 | +203729 | +
5257 | +Cesar Ramirez | +2015-04-07 | +50 | +249 | +174 | +7901 | +
38043 | +๐ Kerryanne E Wald-Mignon ๐ฌ๐ง ๐ | +2010-06-28 | +49 | +150 | +206 | +12896 | +
26933 | +Tulin | +2015-07-23 | +48 | +31 | +14 | +13830 | +
16027 | +Libby ๐๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐ฅ #JusticeForJohnnyDepp | +2017-11-19 | +48 | +1631 | +1669 | +52965 | +
11206 | +IFOD | +2009-08-25 | +46 | +227 | +12540 | +56836 | +
28564 | +Zeta | +2019-07-18 | +45 | +78 | +9 | +496 | +
14320 | +Kathy Hedden | +2012-01-29 | +45 | +2979 | +777 | +20655 | +
11150 | +I am Ghazaal | +2017-08-10 | +44 | +216 | +208 | +4810 | +
22444 | +ResIpsaLoquitur | +2020-08-10 | +44 | +629 | +500 | +10738 | +
10152 | +Giovanna | +2020-11-07 | +44 | +0 | +3 | +231 | +
11856 | +JT Larson Depp-Mignon | +2009-04-06 | +44 | +899 | +2811 | +10323 | +
22390 | +Reivaxx | +2020-10-19 | +44 | +56 | +25 | +1938 | +
31367 | +joann hess | +2020-08-20 | +43 | +3392 | +4030 | +29154 | +
28828 | +airamanna | +2019-07-10 | +43 | +68 | +8 | +338 | +
4689 | +CRC | +2019-10-10 | +42 | +109 | +274 | +44682 | +
11647 | +Ivelina | +2010-12-26 | +42 | +1182 | +1202 | +31495 | +
31333 | +jessicalockhart | +2008-03-13 | +41 | +192 | +28 | +3786 | +
12747 | +JessaLou | +2020-07-16 | +40 | +247 | +296 | +8919 | +
# df_top_users[60:].head(60)
# top_list = set(df_top_users.username.head(60))
+# users[users.username.isin(top_list)]['user_location'].value_counts()
helpers.barh(df_top_users[['username', 'n_tweets']].head(15), "Top Tweeted Users with 'Aquaman Petition Links'", c='red')
+ ++NOTE:
+- The repeated pirate flag in usernames ๐ดโโ ๏ธ
# importlib.reload(helpers)
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Mrs Charmaine Grindelwald", n=9, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Mrs Charmaine Grindelwald": 430 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Mrs Charmaine Grindelwald'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ykwerv4qdg via @ukchange 4 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'orรฉal spokeperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/zrlks4blmt via @ukchange 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/hhcx2ceno1 via @ukchange 1 +united states supreme court: put amber heard behind bars! - sign the petition! https://t.co/gtorxpmk8f via @ukchange 1 +united states supreme court: put amber heard behind bars! - sign the petition! https://t.co/6xxzokvvip via @ukchange 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ", n=3, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ": 1341 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ'].text.value_counts().head()
#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n183 k. 4 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n180 k. 3 +#nojohnnynopirates #johnnydeppforpotc6 #johnnydepp #bringbackcaptainjack #justiceforjohnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n195 k. 3 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n184 k. 3 +#justiceforjohnnydepp #piratesofthecaribbean #jacksparrow #johnnydepp #disney #captainjacksparrow\nhttps://t.co/rnnbphshbr\ndisney: we want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition!\n182 k. 3 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Harleycosplay", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Harleycosplay": 441 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Harleycosplay'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pqkpppmmap via @change \n\n1,596,072 still going strong. we can do this #justiceforjohnnydepp #firetheliar #amberheardisanabuser 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/pqkpppmmap via @change 1,839,445 lets keep it going. i will not be seeing this movie sorry jason but she is pos human and i just can't 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/crpauzohbp via @change 1,834,515 real people don't want to see little miss nobody in the movie. please share #10mstandwithjohnnydepp and then some. happy easter 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/crpauzohbp via @change don't forget to share 1,834,605 real people have signed lets keep showing that nobody we don't like her #10mstandwithjohnnydepp and then some 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/7ctfn0w6vy via @change 1,834,908 and still growing slowly but every signature counts keep sharing #10mstandwithjohnnydepp and more 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "rds-AlJacob", n=2, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "rds-AlJacob": 1437 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'rds-AlJacob'].text.value_counts().head()
warner brothers: bring johnny depp back to fantastic beasts - sign the petition! https://t.co/iyyst4adue via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +warner brothers: keep johnny depp as grindelwald! - sign the petition! https://t.co/k2syrnbzue via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 2 +california state courts: amber heard brought to justice - sign the petition! https://t.co/ytscgbeer8 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +united nation human rights : united nations drop amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/20elcdsqld via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +the walt disney company: for disney to apologize and give johnny depp his capt jack sparrow job back. - sign the petition! https://t.co/ijuzkeh1ab via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ": 478 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ'].text.value_counts().head()
please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #boycottfantasticbeasts3 #fantasticbeasts 7 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeasts3 6 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #warnerbros #fantasticbeasts3 4 +please sign the petition! https://t.co/n4oyifjxoz\n#johnnydepp #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeasts3 #warnerbros 3 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Darlene Piechoski", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Darlene Piechoski": 241 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Darlene Piechoski'].text.value_counts().head()
warnermedia: fire amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/b8ttqwgfyy via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 9 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'orรฉal spokeperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/x2idddwtrt via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/tkpbutm7rf via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 7 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/c8ho35f9oz via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 6 +fbi: investigate and charge amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/ydh96sy80k via @change #johnnydeppisinnocent \n#amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisavictim #fireamberheard #boycottloreal #recastmera #nojohnnynopirates 5 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "metallicarebear", n=6, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "metallicarebear": 328 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'metallicarebear'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 10 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 6 +the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/w3ysifztwe via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 5 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \n#justiceforjohhnydepp 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/yyyajryxzs via @cdnchange \n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp 4 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Stephanie Brown", n=3, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Stephanie Brown": 867 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Stephanie Brown'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ikr5wecvgt via @change 1 +#johnnydeppiscaptainjacksparrow #boycottdisney until they #rehirejohnnydepp! \nthis is #justiceforjohnnydepp!\ndisney: get disney to sign johnny depp again - sign the petition! https://t.co/i36dluhqzq via @change 1 +#removeamberheard \nunited nations: remove amber heard as a spokesperson for harry walker agency for domestic violence - sign the petition! https://t.co/9q16sjhawp via @change 1 +#amberheardisanabuser \namber heard.: have amber heard plead guilty for domestic violence. - sign the petition! https://t.co/bvmedfmba5 via @change 1 +#justiceforjohnnydepp \nunited states supreme court: put amber heard behind bars! - sign the petition! https://t.co/sb42arilqs via @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies", n=3, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies": 4297 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies'].text.value_counts().head()
@aquamanmovie why don't you stop celebrating abusers? #recastmera #amberheardisanabuser #fireamberheard #justiceforjohnnydepp\nhttps://t.co/lpy0jbgy7o https://t.co/wluvkdtwdk 1 +petition to remove amber heard from โaquaman 2โ reaches 1.1 million signatures #fireamberheard https://t.co/jjxrzuel15 1 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition!\n1,445,278 have signed. letโs get to 1,500,000! https://t.co/3bxok9jfsu 1 +sign the petitions please:\n\nwarner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!!\nhttps://t.co/elazu19brk\n\nwe want johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow\nhttps://t.co/539txobaym\n\nremove amber heard from aquaman 2\nhttps://t.co/isnbnz7d3z\n\n#justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/a7ne7hscat 1 +petition to bring johnny depp back as captain jack sparrow reaches nearly 300,000 signatures #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/wjwrjjev7h 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp", n=7, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp": 1458 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ib9xsouvki via @ukchange 5 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'oreal spokesperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/episal4knz via @ukchange 4 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/sg0dzvnocp via @ukchange 3 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/b1bja5zoxr via @ukchange 3 +american civil liberties union: aclu: revoke your title of ambassador for women's rights from amber heard! - sign the petition! https://t.co/41s5vzc2rg via @ukchange 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ", n=10, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ": 905 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ'].text.value_counts().head()
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/67ojmnnong via @change 3 +320 have signed. letโs get to 500!\n\namber heard: a public letter to amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/wdojqyps7j via @change 2 +dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/aqgankixxd via @change 2 +14,787 have signed. letโs get to 15,000!\n\nl'orรฉal: remove amber heard as l'orรฉal spokeperson - sign the petition! https://t.co/vxwo1imqse via @change 2 +american civil liberties union: have amber heard removed as aclu ambassador for women's rights - sign the petition! https://t.co/gb7ugawtey via @change 2 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +++Top Daily Tweeted Users with "Aquaman Petition Links"¶
df = aquaman_petition.groupby(['date', 'username']).agg({'text':'count'}).reset_index(
+).rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | date | +username | +n_tweets | +
23543 | +2020-11-10 | +rds-AlJacob | +117 | +
29146 | +2020-11-13 | +Panteaโ ๏ธ | +69 | +
22245 | +2020-11-09 | +kateinthemiddle๐ | +46 | +
34392 | +2020-11-26 | +Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +37 | +
32650 | +2020-11-18 | +Jeff | +34 | +
19097 | +2020-11-07 | +ๆข ้จ | +33 | +
41917 | +2021-03-23 | +Debbie Michailides | +32 | +
34485 | +2020-11-26 | +Reivaxx | +27 | +
26900 | +2020-11-12 | +Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | +27 | +
22281 | +2020-11-09 | +metallicarebear | +21 | +
20315 | +2020-11-08 | +Rohan Malviya | +21 | +
33621 | +2020-11-22 | +Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | +19 | +
39319 | +2021-01-07 | +Irina Skywalker | +19 | +
19132 | +2020-11-07 | +๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | +18 | +
20795 | +2020-11-08 | +metallicarebear | +17 | +
title = 'Users with The Most "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on Each Date'
+helpers.barh(df[['username', 'n_tweets']].head(15), title, c='red') # , c=colors
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-10") & (aquaman_petition.username=="rds-AlJacob")
+df_jacob = aquaman_petition[mask]
dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/tky8fqmwj4 via @ukchange nearly 810k signatures and rising! public opinion is not with her @wbpictures #boycottwarnerbros #justiceforjohhnydepp 1 +warner bros: i want warner bros to reinstate johnny depp as grindlewald and has his name cleared - sign the petition! https://t.co/tvro3bjqbc via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/y3nfxe1lgu 1 +l'orรฉal: remove amber heard from being lโorรฉalโs new global spokesperson!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/ur6mp4cty5 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +people with common sense: amber heard must be fired too! - sign the petition! https://t.co/g9ixhn6zyg via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +state of california : file criminal charges against people that falsify evidence in domestic violence cases - sign the petition! https://t.co/mqvu9fnvka via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: justice for johnny depp, in the case against amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/yabclqq8va via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner bros: petition to bring johnny depp back in fantastic beasts! - sign the petition! https://t.co/xgbyiy4sfy via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: cancel pirates of the caribbean reboot - sign the petition! https://t.co/r33go2rydh via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +walt disney: let johnny depp be in potc - sign the petition! https://t.co/lvv9pwsk7j via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +everyone : justice for johnny depp as captain jack sparrow - sign the petition! https://t.co/05se5uansh via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: recast johnny depp for fantastic beasts 6 now - sign the petition! https://t.co/oehzkk7vca via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +disney: let johnny depp back into the โpiratesโ movie series. - sign the petition! https://t.co/ycjpuoneeg via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +walt disney: get jonny deep his job back!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/iwfdnw8zes via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: fire amber heard, rehire johnny depp - sign the petition! https://t.co/qzys16frll via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: get johnny depp back on fantastic beasts - sign the petition! https://t.co/rsrxwtlugk via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +walt disney: bring johnny depp back to pirates of the caribbean - sign the petition! https://t.co/82zeab83q5 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +marvel: johnny depp as ghost rider in mcu - sign the petition! https://t.co/fiqfknn6w4 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: warner brothers, apologise to johnny depp and give him his job back! - sign the petition! https://t.co/tkihqbzy9a via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: do not remove johnny depp from pirates of the caribbean - sign the petition! https://t.co/hpteup6fnc via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: give johnny depp his job back! - sign the petition! https://t.co/vyi89txhlq via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers studios: warner bros must publicly apologise to johnny depp - sign the petition! https://t.co/msoxecpdil via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +hollywood: boycott aquaman 2 amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/rujo4y6cmo via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: restore johnny depp after amber heard evidence proves innocence - sign the petition! https://t.co/euvt6zuluq via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: get johnny depp his role in fantastic beasts back. arrest&fire amber heard from aquaman 2. - sign the petition! https://t.co/biu0uovx1v via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner bros studios (wb): johnny depp should remain gellert grindelwald - sign the petition! https://t.co/ee7tiqcppu via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp even all the way over in india ๐ค 1 +walt disney: revoke the decision not to cast johnny depp in disney's pirates of the carribbean - #jfj - sign the petition! https://t.co/liewed8geb via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +directors of pirates of the caribbean : bring back johhny depp as captain jack sparrow in potc - sign the petition! https://t.co/mn3rizuq5a via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: get johnny depp back on fantastic beasts! - sign the petition! https://t.co/ajvjfj6fqo via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner bros: warner bros, keep johnny depp as grindelwald!!! please!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/8sm5dfuyq4 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp wow this is coming from all over the world 1 +disney: keep johnny depp in pirates and donโt make a reboot - sign the petition! https://t.co/eyavnrlulh via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: put johnny depp in pirates of the caribbean 6 - sign the petition! https://t.co/6ro3dpgzse via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: boycott fantastic warner bros - sign the petition! https://t.co/waqgex3onk via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: keep johnny deep as grindlewald - sign the petition! https://t.co/lyuxsqr7jg via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: fire amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/x6u0wjazc5 via @ukchange #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: remove amber heard from dceu movies - sign the petition! https://t.co/dq0qtwkqa7 via @ukchange #amberheardisanabuser #justiceforjohnnydepp south africa 1 +the walt disney company: emilia to take the place of amber in the next aquaman - sign the petition! https://t.co/pjo65brxws via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser kenya ๐ฐ๐ช 1 +l'oreal boycott: boycott l'oreal amber heard woman of worth - sign the petition! https://t.co/20kjxiat3h via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +no one: black list amber heard!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/49jr20cj1o via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +dc comics: replace amber heard with emilia clarke as mera in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/uw6ugg1plw via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +california state courts: amber heard brought to justice - sign the petition! https://t.co/ytscgbeer8 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +the walt disney company: bring back captain jack sparrow - sign the petition! https://t.co/q2ouopvzaq via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: fire/cancel/blacklist amber heard, clear depp's name #johnnydeppisinnocent - sign the petition! https://t.co/6qkpyvujm1 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +disney studios: 500,000 - sign the petition! https://t.co/gaetnifbmw via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: make disney wait for jonny depp's case to become clear before replacement - sign the petition! https://t.co/0xuhnfy5vh via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: johnny is our grindelwald - sign the petition! https://t.co/uiwsbvrl1z via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: we want captain jack sparrow back on pirated of the caribbean 6 - sign the petition! https://t.co/lhmwjx9axm via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: johnnydeppisgrindelwald - sign the petition! https://t.co/shshdzvse5 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: for disney to apologize and give johnny depp his capt jack sparrow job back. - sign the petition! https://t.co/ijuzkeh1ab via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +united nation human rights : united nations drop amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/20elcdsqld via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +warner bros.: petition against the redeployment of gellert grindelwald in the film fantastic beasts 3. - sign the petition! https://t.co/jsq0d48hd2 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +have warner brothers reinstate johnny depp into the fantastic beasts movies.: have warner brothers reinstate johnny depp into the fantastic beasts movies - sign the petition! https://t.co/lwzuyhskx0 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: have warner bros. keep johnny depp in the fantastic beast franchise. - sign the petition! https://t.co/hdv1o2gndi via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +the walt disney company: keep jack sparrow in potc! #nojacknopirates #nopiratesreboot #johnnyasjackispotc #bringbackoriginalwritersforpotc #bringbackgoreverbinsk @disney - sign the petition! https://t.co/63aecaghsg via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: boycott aquaman 2 and l'oreal! - sign the petition! https://t.co/cffnihwhal via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +bbc: johnny depp should be the next "doctor who" doctor! - sign the petition! https://t.co/qrb0piey9r via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #forthebants 1 +bann amber heard acting career: bann amber heard from acting due to being a abuser & her publicly humiliating johnny depp - sign the petition! https://t.co/laqxxlfb74 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +nickelodeon movies: get nickelodeon and paramount to start making rango 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4ntquswgml via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +warner brothers: save johnny depp as gellert grindelwald in the movie "fantastic beasts"! - sign the petition! https://t.co/tut3tgaka0 via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +dc comics: make johnny depp the joker in dc batman - sign the petition! https://t.co/nkixf7y0ka via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp 1 +justice for johnny depp - sign the petition! https://t.co/rgpn52pelt via @ukchange #justiceforjohnnydepp #boycottwarnerbros 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
counts_per_hr = df_jacob.groupby('hour').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+# # or
+# counts_per_hr = df_jacob.hour.value_counts().to_frame()
+# counts_per_hr.head()
title = 'rds-AlJacob "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on (2020-11-10)'
+helpers.bar_peaks(counts_per_hr, title, threshold=10, xlabel='Hour')
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-13") & (aquaman_petition.username=="Panteaโ ๏ธ")
+df_Pantea = aquaman_petition[mask]
@alexdoradoo dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@asharblz dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@mattlovescinema dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@lewisjohny2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@gwcpika dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@bredgaming dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@slimeseason35 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@emarged dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gay_moana dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@infinitejay dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@holyska1991 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gingerstale dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@astronixii dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@gibjock dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@emily_jayne1233 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@poedjarin dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@andrew_muench dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@unlucky_em dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@dulllahh dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupumiy 1 +@broncosojrr dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@selrareheartbet dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@skcomics2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@pantherhollyann dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@nazaekwunife dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@redapplesquares dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@alidocinferno dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@moonfiyahh dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@immortallydum dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@jamiekinnear2 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@happygamerlife dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@chubsohan dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@kellsdasportguy dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@orgnlyangster @warnerbros dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq 1 +@aerithsseat dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@allosaurhell dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@allen_eagles27 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@exoticchickenn dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@veronicaraex @heavenlycontrol dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@franciscoaallen @heavenlycontrol dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@geek_man_ dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@haydn_e99 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@moeizer dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@thelegomoses dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@soybie1 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@thedevil0fhk dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@echoorcool dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupumiy via @change 1 +@adesimidivine_ dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@arkham2019 @wbpictures dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@datingsims dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@staruplatinum dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@kevin179_nuk3 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@tomyyo_ dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@snapedior dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@okkareenn dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@dca64306187 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@vanillaabignon1 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@zmarkus9 dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@marvelousxoxo dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@spiders_might dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +@skylershuler @wbpictures dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/4rrcupclrq via @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
counts_per_hr = df_Pantea.groupby('hour').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+# # or
+# counts_per_hr = df_jacob.hour.value_counts().to_frame()
+# counts_per_hr.head()
title = 'Panteaโ ๏ธ "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on (2020-11-13)'
+helpers.bar_peaks(counts_per_hr, title, threshold=10, xlabel='Hour')
mask = (aquaman_petition.date.astype(str)=="2020-11-09") & (aquaman_petition.username=="kateinthemiddle๐")
+df_kate = aquaman_petition[mask]
@mygrindelwald lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions! together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@deppxblake lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@dariapankov lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@folllllll__ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@kountryserenity lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@himespit lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@juliee_nc lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@hectorray0623 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bey_bts lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@irem_yagmur_ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@colt_arnold lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bacacov lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@adityam3199 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@aishiteirudarin lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@jessconnell1 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@suspectbuddy @coramelodie @realamberheard @kamalaharris lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@swami_ananya lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@philmitchell83 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@sineonfirinne lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@magconboundd lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@vintage_tabitha lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@geneviedepp lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@mey90115115 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@bnerd187 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@black_lady83 @change_mex lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@nicsimx lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@thenamesq lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@clarchanuwu lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehc0ms & https://t.co/94flec4l3j #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@peanut1_1 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@teamdepp_ lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@lerealadrian lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@i_bee_that lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@resuriearex @jk_rowling @stephenfry lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@stillnoiuck lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@jesusbeard_815 @jk_rowling @stephenfry @fantasticbeasts lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@aishayoi @realamberheard @kamalaharris lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@roraimac lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@imagine_peace7 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@moirawetherell lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@jonny_xis lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@oh_tay_ @realamberheard lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@rachintha_kasun lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@samshawmedia lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@kris_wilson38 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +@lynngee3 lets save johnny! sign & share these petitions, together we can make it! https://t.co/qpjmehtcb2 & https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheardisanabuser 1 +i know that many of you don't want him to go back because of how he was treated by @wbpictures, but this petition it's to show our support in general to johnny depp and send a message to the world! sign now!https://t.co/94flecmmrt #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppdeservesjustice 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
counts_per_hr = df_kate.groupby('hour').size().reset_index(name='n_tweets')
+# # or
+# counts_per_hr = df_jacob.hour.value_counts().to_frame()
+# counts_per_hr.head()
title = 'kateinthemiddle "Aquaman Petition" Contributions on (2020-11-09)'
+helpers.bar_peaks(counts_per_hr, title, threshold=10, xlabel='Hour')
+ +++Top Daily Tweeted Users with "Aquaman Petition Links"¶
(On Average)
+ +
df = aquaman_petition.groupby(['date', 'username']).agg({'text':'count'}).reset_index(
+).rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | date | +username | +n_tweets | +
23543 | +2020-11-10 | +rds-AlJacob | +117 | +
tmp = df.groupby('username', as_index=False)['n_tweets'].mean().sort_values('n_tweets', ascending=False)
+ | username | +n_tweets | +
6629 | +Debbie Michailides | +32.0 | +
title = 'Users with The Most Daily "Aquaman Petition" Contributions (On Average)'
+helpers.barh(tmp[['username', 'n_tweets']].head(15), title, c='red')
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Debbie Michailides", n=7, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Debbie Michailides": 32 ++
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Debbie Michailides'].text.value_counts().head()
people with common sense: amber heard must be fired too! - sign the petition! https://t.co/qgn96t1du3 via @change 1 +dc: replace amber heard with danny devito in aquaman - sign the petition! https://t.co/xlelezatz5 via @change 1 +warner brothers: i would like for amber heard to be removed from warner bros for assaulting johnny depp - sign the petition! https://t.co/kxy6wglmhp via @change 1 +johnny depp: reopening the amber heard vs johnny depp abuse case for actual justice to be carried out. - sign the petition! https://t.co/jtnmwwdicg via @change 1 +royal court of justice london: johnny depp be dropped of all charges and allegations from amber heard - sign the petition! https://t.co/lvksfnbp0x via @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
# df_top_users.tail(15)
+ +NOTE:
+- No need to investigate more on the Least Tweeted Accounts with "Aquaman Petiton Links"
'n_statuses', 'n_followers', 'n_friends'
+ ++ +Users with the Most Followers¶
+ | n_statuses | +created_at | +user_description | +user_created_at | +user_id | +username | +is_verified | +user_location | +n_followers | +user_url | +lang | +profile_banner_url | +profile_image_url | +text | +n_friends | +tweet_id | +user_screen_name | +date | +year | +month | +dayofmonth | +hour | +diff | +days_diff | +minutes_diff | +retweet_count | +reply_count | +like_count | +quote_count | +total_retweets | +
4434 | +2860 | +2018-03-16 21:52:09 | +I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | +2016-06-29 18:06:35 | +748216104565235712 | +Morgan | +False | +NaN | +177 | +https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | +en | +https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | +http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | +can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | +656 | +974765287080853508 | +mdragonfly89 | +2018-03-16 | +2018 | +Mar | +16 | +21 | +625 days 03:45:34 | +625 | +225.57 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +6.0 | +0.0 | +0.0 | +
df_nfollow = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['username', aquaman_petition.user_created_at.dt.date])
+ .agg({ 'n_followers': 'max', 'text':'count', 'n_statuses': 'max', 'n_friends': 'max'})
+ .reset_index().rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_followers', ascending=False)
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_followers | +n_tweets | +n_statuses | +n_friends | +
21332 | +People | +2009-03-20 | +7725386 | +1 | +384146 | +1704 | +
534 | +ABS-CBN News | +2008-08-16 | +7378957 | +1 | +881305 | +1069 | +
8712 | +Entertainment Weekly | +2008-09-16 | +6488362 | +1 | +285741 | +4310 | +
9693 | +GMA News | +2009-05-12 | +5869638 | +2 | +725118 | +697 | +
21348 | +Perez Hilton | +2009-01-22 | +5690740 | +2 | +355634 | +560 | +
27168 | +VANITY FAIR | +2008-06-30 | +4856864 | +1 | +134309 | +1203 | +
9844 | +GameSpot | +2007-06-29 | +4796485 | +2 | +157557 | +715 | +
5539 | +China Daily | +2009-11-05 | +4316413 | +1 | +148791 | +536 | +
26161 | +The Independent | +2008-10-26 | +3694404 | +8 | +1258624 | +671 | +
26156 | +The Hollywood Reporter | +2008-11-17 | +3391648 | +3 | +463838 | +2729 | +
15316 | +LADbible | +2011-07-08 | +3230178 | +1 | +54493 | +0 | +
6614 | +Daily Mail Online | +2008-07-15 | +2719351 | +1 | +446843 | +2226 | +
20032 | +New York Post | +2008-11-18 | +2616476 | +3 | +467803 | +10995 | +
27337 | +Variety | +2008-11-20 | +2588096 | +1 | +327112 | +245614 | +
26153 | +The Guardian Nigeria | +2009-07-16 | +2353781 | +2 | +265977 | +523 | +
helpers.barh(df_nfollow[['username', 'n_followers']].head(15), "Users with the Most Followers", c='red')
# tweets[tweets.username == 'detikcom'].text.value_counts().head()
# helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "detikcom", n=5, threshold=0)
# tweets[tweets.username == 'Vogue Magazine'].text.value_counts().head()
# helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Vogue Magazine", n=5, threshold=0)
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_followers | +n_tweets | +n_statuses | +n_friends | +
28684 | +_____xistuia | +2020-01-03 | +0 | +1 | +1 | +63 | +
28686 | +__eugenius__ | +2019-10-07 | +0 | +1 | +4 | +30 | +
28696 | +_kolyvaaaa_ | +2020-08-19 | +0 | +1 | +8 | +14 | +
28705 | +a | +2018-04-18 | +0 | +1 | +10 | +8 | +
4830 | +Candace Presleigh | +2022-04-27 | +0 | +1 | +44 | +30 | +
28721 | +a.dil.ene | +2019-05-13 | +0 | +2 | +16 | +120 | +
4825 | +Can Erdemir | +2016-07-24 | +0 | +1 | +8 | +7 | +
28732 | +aaron | +2020-10-23 | +0 | +1 | +22 | +53 | +
28736 | +aazzeell | +2019-05-11 | +0 | +1 | +3 | +110 | +
28741 | +abby:) | +2019-12-26 | +0 | +1 | +25 | +30 | +
28742 | +abbyramsay | +2020-05-13 | +0 | +1 | +18 | +62 | +
28750 | +abigail mercado | +2019-02-22 | +0 | +1 | +11 | +9 | +
28751 | +ablindworld | +2020-09-05 | +0 | +1 | +31 | +1 | +
28753 | +abomouad daghistani | +2021-08-08 | +0 | +1 | +13 | +1 | +
25095 | +Steph-Sis | +2020-08-21 | +0 | +1 | +11 | +27 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- we can investigate more on Acoounts with the Least Followers too!!
tweets[tweets.username == 'Natsume'].text.value_counts()
if you want jonny go, you have to replace her too!!! \n\ndc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/z72s8ume3u ไพ่ช @change 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
'n_statuses', 'n_followers', 'n_friends'
+ ++ +Users with the Most Friends¶
df_nfrnds = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['username', aquaman_petition.user_created_at.dt.date])
+ .agg({'n_friends': 'max', 'text':'count', 'n_statuses': 'max', 'n_followers': 'max'})
+ .reset_index().rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_friends', ascending=False)
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_friends | +n_tweets | +n_statuses | +n_followers | +
27337 | +Variety | +2008-11-20 | +245614 | +1 | +327112 | +2588096 | +
21382 | +Peter Dickerson | +2009-03-31 | +198138 | +1 | +134759 | +188431 | +
4176 | +Braden Port | +2010-04-10 | +157477 | +1 | +199286 | +144018 | +
12690 | +Jermaine | +2009-06-26 | +131864 | +1 | +239574 | +144959 | +
7162 | +Deadline Hollywood | +2012-05-20 | +125127 | +3 | +171040 | +960957 | +
36042 | +โข๏ธ Teo Kanistrasยฎ | +2011-01-11 | +115371 | +3 | +764140 | +145002 | +
27370 | +Velvet Skyeโข | +2009-03-07 | +102437 | +1 | +296806 | +120755 | +
38324 | +๐ฐThe_News_DIVA๐ฐ | +2008-07-20 | +93910 | +2 | +2017361 | +71232 | +
16630 | +Lucas Wyrsch | +2008-02-11 | +88893 | +1 | +725057 | +97068 | +
25198 | +Steven J Gross | +2009-03-26 | +72196 | +1 | +38898 | +79606 | +
28471 | +Zackery Walls | +2009-03-04 | +65141 | +1 | +170901 | +68707 | +
12837 | +Jessie Jones | +2015-05-15 | +62309 | +1 | +252800 | +74995 | +
26763 | +Toxic Agenda | +2013-01-11 | +60628 | +1 | +394604 | +62382 | +
18141 | +Mayowa olagunju โ | +2016-06-13 | +57794 | +1 | +144327 | +139377 | +
9925 | +GeekFeed | +2014-02-18 | +50656 | +1 | +16360 | +75510 | +
helpers.barh(df_nfrnds[['username', 'n_friends']].head(15), "Users with the Most Friends", c='red')
tweets[tweets.username == 'Cooperativa'].text.value_counts().head()
relaciรณn tรณxica: amber heard admitiรณ violencia fรญsica contra johnny depp https://t.co/zvqakcewc6 https://t.co/gffjna6gl9 1 +johnny depp pintรณ con su propia sangre mensajes para amber heard #cooperativaencasa https://t.co/vl6rnykxpu https://t.co/y1imlsj4ls 1 +pese a campaรฑa en contra, amber heard confirma que estarรก en "aquaman 2" #cooperativaencasa https://t.co/pxq0xj6lph https://t.co/cswnlm8qep 1 +aseguran que johnny depp intentรณ sacar a amber heard de "aquaman" https://t.co/s1eb4p3dkl https://t.co/wdhimadz1f 1 +[video] amber heard muestra su extenuante trabajo fรญsico para "aquaman 2" https://t.co/85q1d1god7 https://t.co/ouytgqmmkb 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Cooperativa", n=5, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Cooperativa": 13 ++
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_friends | +n_tweets | +n_statuses | +n_followers | +
6134 | +Conor's Bot | +2020-03-26 | +0 | +1 | +8449 | +10 | +
6694 | +Dan Sullivan | +2018-07-17 | +0 | +1 | +26 | +0 | +
20705 | +Olivia | +2020-11-08 | +0 | +1 | +1 | +0 | +
15316 | +LADbible | +2011-07-08 | +0 | +1 | +54493 | +3230178 | +
6100 | +Compte d'un """Facho""" fatiguรฉ | +2020-04-22 | +0 | +1 | +11 | +0 | +
7844 | +Doxa | +2018-08-30 | +0 | +1 | +68 | +0 | +
3017 | +Asten | +2017-01-11 | +0 | +2 | +35 | +0 | +
1845 | +America First News | +2016-09-24 | +0 | +1 | +158324 | +137 | +
30784 | +gulch94 | +2020-12-30 | +0 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +
15328 | +LBR LBR | +2020-10-06 | +0 | +1 | +9 | +0 | +
286 | +14403615900 | +2016-09-19 | +0 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +
12768 | +Jessi_deOliveira | +2020-03-25 | +0 | +1 | +3 | +0 | +
34664 | +x | +2019-07-14 | +0 | +1 | +277 | +2 | +
21315 | +Peggy Fowler | +2020-06-26 | +0 | +1 | +1 | +0 | +
8813 | +Erin Wood | +2018-03-19 | +0 | +1 | +336 | +0 | +
+ +NOTE:
+- we can investigate more on Acoounts with the Least Friends too!!
tweets[tweets.username == 'Onhike'].text.value_counts()
following the johnny depp row, petition to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 crosses 1 millionย signatures! https://t.co/pb5seszyno 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
tweets[tweets.username == 'Breaking News Tv'].text.value_counts()
johnny depp testifies in libel trial, claims amber heard assaultedย him https://t.co/hir9gmstpl 1 +amber heard: i loved depp, but he could be aย monster https://t.co/kvs33jyhva 1 +johnny depp and amber heard: elon musk offered actress โ24/7โฒ security https://t.co/hnk560nwfd 1 +amber heard denies fabricating injuries in johnny deppโs u.k. libelย trial https://t.co/h7qgomomp5 1 +amber heard says johnny depp pressed so hard on her neck she could not breathe during โthree-day hostageย situationโ https://t.co/urjil2ords 1 +amber heard: johnny depp threw bottles โlike grenadesโ atย me https://t.co/yxkrfkbsz6 1 +amber heard testifies johnny depp threw liquor bottles at her โlikeย grenadesโ https://t.co/gpjvxfso8d 1 +johnny depp โtried to suffocateโ amber heard with pillow during fight, courtย hears https://t.co/sob3uovrgq 1 +amber heard tells jury of mashed potato on door and โblood everywhereโ after alleged drink-drug rampage by johnnyย depp https://t.co/56qpv17vph 1 +in uk court, johnny depp accuses amber heard of โhoaxโ abuseย claims https://t.co/r5m85or7vl 1 +amber heard says she โdid not want to exposeโ johnnyย depp https://t.co/gdrm90iswv 1 +johnny deppโs lawyers say they have a video showing amber heard โattackedโ sister https://t.co/q25zbugpv1 1 +johnny depp and amber heardโs courtroom face-off: anย explainer https://t.co/qngahs7x6y 1 +johnny depp, amber heard libel case: decide guidelines towardsย depp https://t.co/mqf6lv9pfs 1 +emilia clarke replaces amber heard in bosslogicโs aquaman 2ย artwork https://t.co/qyiam1vxlz 1 +aquaman 2 petition to take away amber heard soars previous 1 millionย signatures https://t.co/4iks7zobxf 1 +johnny depp accused me of having affair with โpumpkin-headโ leonardo dicaprio, claims amberย heard https://t.co/peosjswyie 1 +amber heard begins testimony against ex-husband johnny depp in u.k. libelย trial https://t.co/oxmgy8kvrs 1 +amber heard to begin giving evidence at johnny depp libelย trial https://t.co/ii4pd7e9ja 1 +amber heard: johnny depp hit me during row over pre-nuptialย agreement https://t.co/1paxcaltec 1 +amber heard made domestic violence claims to blackmail johnny depp, actorโs friendย says https://t.co/pb6ovyki8o 1 +amber heard โwas verbally and physically abusive,โ johnny deppโs bodyguard says atย trial https://t.co/j3pkwpgxtr 1 +amber heardโs former personal assistant accuses actress of โstealingโ rape story in johnny deppย trial https://t.co/cevckw6zko 1 +johnny depp and amber heard: couple rowed โlike schoolchildrenโ, saysย ex-employee https://t.co/kat52opjp3 1 +johnny depp โinsulted by amber heard during bahamas tripโ, says hisย employee https://t.co/m8wbsl7j7q 1 +johnny depp security guard tells jury he made up story about actorโs severed finger to โprotectโ amberย heard https://t.co/bfngkgsv4a 1 +johnny depp claims amber heardโs domestic violence allegations โmirroredโ her abuse towardsย him https://t.co/kwqsq0lg32 1 +johnny depp and amber heard: she was โthe abuserโ, says deppโsย ex-pa https://t.co/ampf6tvv3n 1 +johnny depp tells libel trial amber heard hit him with wild โhaymakerโ punch https://t.co/g6mmceywio 1 +johnny depp libel trial: actor says amber heardโs domestic abuse claims part ofย โconspiracyโ https://t.co/wlpmvlc9fe 1 +johnny depp says feces in bed was last straw in marriage to amberย heard https://t.co/vgddptpf44 1 +johnny depp and amber heard: court hears details of birthdayย row https://t.co/ugcm3fvjzb 1 +johnny depp accuses amber heard of misleadingย psychiatrist https://t.co/66ocjr1ocu 1 +amber heard confirms aquaman 2 return, claims petitions have no foundation inย actuality https://t.co/5kq9pvingq 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
tweets[tweets.username == 'Sarkari Job Wale'].text.value_counts()
amber heardโs lawyer accuse johnny depp of sexual assault using liquor bottles during defamationย case https://t.co/2pxcqthqtb 1 +johnny deppโs severed finger was found on kitchen floor, his doctor says at amber heardย trial https://t.co/kmamctpnwn 1 +johnny depp claims amber heard defecated on his side of the bed: โit was so bizarre, soย grotesqueโ https://t.co/81wbuvbaws 1 +petition to remove amber heard from โaquaman 2โ receives 2 millionย signatures https://t.co/8kjif0doer 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
tweets[tweets.username == 'Topstoriestoday'].text.value_counts()
johnny depp denies slapping amber heard for mocking hisย tattoo https://t.co/mhkggzylca 1 +amber heard says johnny depp dangled her canine out of a automotiveย window https://t.co/tm4itzjg8r 1 +wb reportedly is not taking the petitions to fireplace amber heardย severely https://t.co/0m9vz1l5e3 1 +a forgotten amber heard film hits netflix thisย week https://t.co/ivjz7nmhor 1 +amber heard reportedly has a a lot larger function in justice league snyderย reduce https://t.co/5qczzbll83 1 +warner bros. reportedly sees amber heard as the sufferer in her authorizedย battle https://t.co/5pnbmgkqrn 1 +amber heard breaks the silence on aquaman 2, slams on-lineย petitions https://t.co/ausq05klys 1 +wb reportedly has no plans to hearth amber heard from aquamanย 2 https://t.co/dftbnbkfzj 1 +johnny depp reportedly instructed wb that amber heard ought to be fired asย nicely https://t.co/vghkrx4vdm 1 +amber heard reportedly possible to have a decreased function in aquamanย 2 https://t.co/r48yrirut3 1 +johnny depp followers rally behind him after he loses authorized battle to amberย heard https://t.co/29oankdy0s 1 +amber heard reportedly returning for aquaman 2 no matter the decideย guidelines https://t.co/cfv0jzqivr 1 +amber heard fires again after johnny depp tries to swap court docketย date https://t.co/8kvhbk8jfa 1 +johnny depp reportedly planning to take down amber heard in secondย lawsuit https://t.co/minbtjqq8w 1 +ezra miller and amber heard reportedly will not be fired from theย dceu https://t.co/vjle1jeuwf 1 +elon musk challenges johnny depp to a cage combat amid rumors of amber heardย affair https://t.co/8pdddl3d2a 1 +amber heard admits to punching johnny depp in courtroomย trial https://t.co/vzgakyhwyg 1 +amber heard says johnny depp as soon as held her hostage for threeย days https://t.co/kphc3akdbv 1 +amber heardโs ex-assistant says the actress felt that sheโs above theย legislation https://t.co/cic3cwkms9 1 +amber heardโs diary entry about combat with johnny depp madeย public https://t.co/mi0vx03lyr 1 +johnny depp says amber heard defecating in his mattress was the ultimateย straw https://t.co/bsp6xog1fj 1 +wb reportedly thinks amber heard petitions are artificiallyย inflated https://t.co/3zavnrnu87 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
+ +Users with the Most Statuses (Tweets + Retweets)¶
The number of Tweets (including retweets) issued by the user.
df_nstatus = (
+ aquaman_petition.groupby(['username', aquaman_petition.user_created_at.dt.date])
+ .agg({'n_statuses': 'max', 'text':'count', 'n_followers': 'max', 'n_friends': 'max'})
+ .reset_index().rename(columns={'text':'n_tweets'}).sort_values('n_statuses', ascending=False)
+ | username | +user_created_at | +n_statuses | +n_tweets | +n_followers | +n_friends | +
21755 | +PulpNews Crime | +2010-01-01 | +3795161 | +2 | +4960 | +924 | +
28061 | +Woody | +2013-05-11 | +2656559 | +3 | +1631 | +88 | +
38219 | +๐ ...๐ฅ๐ข๐ท๐ช๐ฅ ๐ซ๐ฐ๐ฏ๐ฆ๐ด @MrDJones | +2011-04-28 | +2482948 | +1 | +5060 | +2279 | +
38324 | +๐ฐThe_News_DIVA๐ฐ | +2008-07-20 | +2017361 | +2 | +71232 | +93910 | +
3727 | +Berkley Bear | +2012-08-28 | +2016220 | +1 | +1576 | +180 | +
28649 | +Zyite.news | +2013-07-15 | +1851100 | +1 | +3392 | +4860 | +
2220 | +Andy Vermaut | +2011-04-17 | +1687658 | +16 | +30881 | +33788 | +
5346 | +Charles Myrick -CEO | +2009-06-21 | +1644336 | +1 | +1383 | +1860 | +
28648 | +Zyite.com | +2014-06-03 | +1631758 | +4 | +1745 | +3666 | +
5650 | +Chris ๐บ๐ธ | +2011-06-06 | +1563143 | +3 | +61426 | +23776 | +
17789 | +Martha Leah Nangalama | +2012-05-12 | +1497208 | +1 | +4473 | +2120 | +
26165 | +The Irishman | +2010-02-04 | +1260335 | +1 | +12054 | +12038 | +
26161 | +The Independent | +2008-10-26 | +1258624 | +8 | +3694404 | +671 | +
10116 | +Gina Lawriw | +2014-06-04 | +1002920 | +4 | +9440 | +7060 | +
10422 | +Gunow - Noticias Venezuela | +2015-08-30 | +936528 | +1 | +6759 | +135 | +
helpers.barh(df_nstatus[['username', 'n_statuses']].head(15), "Users with the Most Statuses", c='red')
aquaman_petition[aquaman_petition.username == 'Andy Vermaut'].text.value_counts().head(20)
johnny depp allegedly asked warner bros. boss to fire amber heard from aquaman https://t.co/ek1l20xptf https://t.co/yogtksutwl 1 +johnny depp fans are pushing hard to get amber heard fired from aquaman 2 https://t.co/finevjdlgf https://t.co/espwmqezek 1 +petition to drop amber heard from aquaman 2 over domestic violence allegations boasts nearly 500,000 signatures https://t.co/haocj9c863 https://t.co/fzufu04eaa 1 +the internet's calling for amber heard to be fired from aquaman 2 https://t.co/qfixvpqmz0 https://t.co/hhq1wu02bi 1 +after johnny depp was fired from fantastic beasts, fans petition for amber heardโs removal from aquaman 2 https://t.co/tveerij6qk https://t.co/wsrpsnhcth 1 +1 million fans petition warner bros. to fire amber heard from aquaman 2! wow! https://t.co/nhhi3ta9ab https://t.co/h5yasgspn8 1 +amber heard on โpaid campaignsโ to remove her from โaquaman 2โ: โthey have no basis in realityโ https://t.co/551dyys8ym https://t.co/3vh7dltev7 1 +amber heard slams petition to remove her from aquaman 2 as 'not based in reality' https://t.co/xz34yjujnr https://t.co/oesawmn1nq 1 +'greatest news!' netizens celebrate after reports say amber heard fired from aquaman 2 https://t.co/caet8xnw2w https://t.co/cejj2retu6 1 +has amber heard actually been fired from aquaman 2? hereโs the latest https://t.co/jycnyl8tg5 https://t.co/a4psjbqhbc 1 +aquaman 2 producer responds to petition for amber heardโs removal as mera https://t.co/rc8aagty71 https://t.co/al6jhykx01 1 +campaign to remove amber heard from โaquaman 2โ had โno impactโ, according to producer https://t.co/1naqqfebqh https://t.co/clh5bcm3g0 1 +aquaman 2 cast announcements: amber heard still not fired https://t.co/csueyg5n1c https://t.co/td51ebs1iw 1 +andy vermaut shares:that rumor was true?! amber heard was almost fired from aquaman over alleged johnny depp abuse!: the dirty laundry weโve seen so far inย johnny deppโsโฆ https://t.co/pnbb8va1wt thank you. #lifeisknowing #andyvermautlovesperezhiltontalks #newlycuriousbeingisnice https://t.co/0zrozbmvbh 1 +andy vermaut shares:2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2': johnny depp filed a defamation case against heard for a column in which she indicated she was abused by the actor. https://t.co/qdvuek4nlj thank you. https://t.co/gnquis6eob 1 +andy vermaut shares:petition to fire amber heard from โaquaman 2โ reaches two million signatures: it comes as johnny depp and heard's trial in the us continues \n\nthe post petition to fire amber heard from โaquaman 2โ reaches two millionโฆ https://t.co/8pf2e8szji thank you. https://t.co/iklzlo11vg 1 +Name: text, dtype: int64+
helpers.contr_peaks(tweets, "Andy Vermaut", n=2, threshold=0)
+total number of tweets by "Andy Vermaut": 403 ++
# df_nstatus.tail(15)
+ +NOTE:
+- No need to investigate more on Acoounts with the Least Statuses.
# df_years_status0 = users.groupby(users.user_created_at.dt.year)['n_statuses'].sum().reset_index()
+# helpers.pie(df_years_status0, "Number of Statuses for accounts created over Years")
# new_users = users[users['user_created_at'].dt.year.isin([2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022])]
+# df_years_status = new_users.groupby(new_users.user_created_at.dt.year)['n_statuses'].sum().reset_index()
+# helpers.pie(df_years_status, "Total Number of Statuses for accounts created over Years")
new_aqua_users = aquaman_petition_u[aquaman_petition_u['user_created_at'].dt.year.isin([2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022])]
+df_years_status2 = new_aqua_users.groupby(new_aqua_users.user_created_at.dt.year)['n_statuses'].sum().reset_index()
+helpers.pie(df_years_status2, "Total Number of Statuses for accounts created over Years, and tweeted with 'Aquaman Petition Links'")
+ +NOTE:
+- It's expected that old accounts have more statuses than newly created accounts,
+- But, we can see how accounts created on 2019 and 2020 have created almost the number of statuses that 2018-accounts created
\n", + " | n_statuses | \n", + "created_at | \n", + "user_description | \n", + "user_created_at | \n", + "user_id | \n", + "username | \n", + "is_verified | \n", + "user_location | \n", + "n_followers | \n", + "user_url | \n", + "lang | \n", + "profile_banner_url | \n", + "profile_image_url | \n", + "text | \n", + "n_friends | \n", + "tweet_id | \n", + "user_screen_name | \n", + "date | \n", + "year | \n", + "month | \n", + "dayofmonth | \n", + "hour | \n", + "diff | \n", + "days_diff | \n", + "minutes_diff | \n", + "retweet_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "quote_count | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "
4434 | \n", + "2860 | \n", + "2018-03-16 21:52:09 | \n", + "I pretend to be sophisticated, but really I'm ... | \n", + "2016-06-29 18:06:35 | \n", + "748216104565235712 | \n", + "Morgan | \n", + "False | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "177 | \n", + "https://t.co/7NiXfsBF9J | \n", + "en | \n", + "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/74821610... | \n", + "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1202278135... | \n", + "can't find the receipts but he also defended j... | \n", + "656 | \n", + "974765287080853508 | \n", + "mdragonfly89 | \n", + "2018-03-16 | \n", + "2018 | \n", + "Mar | \n", + "16 | \n", + "21 | \n", + "625 days 03:45:34 | \n", + "625 | \n", + "225.57 | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "6.0 | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "0.0 | \n", + "
4577 | \n", + "4654 | \n", + "2018-03-18 22:06:17 | \n", + "Daily film news, intellectually stimulating ed... | \n", + "2018-02-17 08:29:20 | \n", + "964778778143555585 | \n", + "Le Cinรฉphiles | \n", + "False | \n", + "Le Cinรฉma | \n", + "17786 | \n", + "https://t.co/TexAcEQbue | \n", + "en | \n", + "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/96477877... | \n", + "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1035011501... | \n", + "breaking: amber heard reportedly grew a mustac... | \n", + "528 | \n", + "975493621917954048 | \n", + "LeCinephiles | \n", + "2018-03-18 | \n", + "2018 | \n", + "Mar | \n", + "18 | \n", + "22 | \n", + "29 days 13:36:57 | \n", + "29 | \n", + "816.95 | \n", + "44.0 | \n", + "5.0 | \n", + "177.0 | \n", + "9.0 | \n", + "53.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | user_id | \n", + "user_created_at | \n", + "username | \n", + "user_screen_name | \n", + "n_followers | \n", + "n_friends | \n", + "n_statuses | \n", + "user_url | \n", + "user_description | \n", + "user_location | \n", + "profile_banner_url | \n", + "profile_image_url | \n", + "is_verified | \n", + "
26 | \n", + "70083 | \n", + "2006-12-15 10:35:38 | \n", + "marul69 | \n", + "marul69 | \n", + "2952 | \n", + "1043 | \n", + "43859 | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "Not here to please you. | \n", + "Brunei Darussalam | \n", + "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/70083/16... | \n", + "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/5195113944... | \n", + "False | \n", + "
41 | \n", + "671883 | \n", + "2007-01-20 18:31:59 | \n", + "Martin Edelius | \n", + "MartinNr5 | \n", + "51 | \n", + "36 | \n", + "5744 | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "Life's too short. | \n", + "In the Floda woodlands! | \n", + "NaN | \n", + "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3707406681... | \n", + "False | \n", + "
\n", + " | date | \n", + "year | \n", + "month | \n", + "dayofmonth | \n", + "n_tweets | \n", + "by_#accounts | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "
1100 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "2022 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "28 | \n", + "3231 | \n", + "3067 | \n", + "19208.0 | \n", + "129141.0 | \n", + "2035.0 | \n", + "
694 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "28 | \n", + "494 | \n", + "470 | \n", + "14106.0 | \n", + "105434.0 | \n", + "954.0 | \n", + "
586 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "12 | \n", + "3197 | \n", + "2902 | \n", + "7044.0 | \n", + "32154.0 | \n", + "1421.0 | \n", + "
580 | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "6 | \n", + "849 | \n", + "748 | \n", + "5442.0 | \n", + "10344.0 | \n", + "214.0 | \n", + "
846 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jul | \n", + "30 | \n", + "112 | \n", + "109 | \n", + "5256.0 | \n", + "14052.0 | \n", + "3051.0 | \n", + "
302 | \n", + "2020-02-02 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1654 | \n", + "1597 | \n", + "3288.0 | \n", + "11527.0 | \n", + "187.0 | \n", + "
224 | \n", + "2019-11-11 | \n", + "2019 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "11 | \n", + "179 | \n", + "175 | \n", + "3238.0 | \n", + "860.0 | \n", + "69.0 | \n", + "
815 | \n", + "2021-06-29 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jun | \n", + "29 | \n", + "98 | \n", + "85 | \n", + "2510.0 | \n", + "8851.0 | \n", + "197.0 | \n", + "
581 | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "7 | \n", + "1565 | \n", + "1387 | \n", + "2345.0 | \n", + "7606.0 | \n", + "162.0 | \n", + "
695 | \n", + "2021-03-01 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Mar | \n", + "1 | \n", + "161 | \n", + "148 | \n", + "1945.0 | \n", + "3805.0 | \n", + "693.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | date | \n", + "year | \n", + "month | \n", + "dayofmonth | \n", + "n_tweets | \n", + "by_#accounts | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "
1100 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "2022 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "28 | \n", + "3231 | \n", + "3067 | \n", + "19208.0 | \n", + "129141.0 | \n", + "2035.0 | \n", + "
694 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "28 | \n", + "494 | \n", + "470 | \n", + "14106.0 | \n", + "105434.0 | \n", + "954.0 | \n", + "
586 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "12 | \n", + "3197 | \n", + "2902 | \n", + "7044.0 | \n", + "32154.0 | \n", + "1421.0 | \n", + "
846 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jul | \n", + "30 | \n", + "112 | \n", + "109 | \n", + "5256.0 | \n", + "14052.0 | \n", + "3051.0 | \n", + "
302 | \n", + "2020-02-02 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1654 | \n", + "1597 | \n", + "3288.0 | \n", + "11527.0 | \n", + "187.0 | \n", + "
1096 | \n", + "2022-04-24 | \n", + "2022 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "24 | \n", + "75 | \n", + "69 | \n", + "1706.0 | \n", + "11259.0 | \n", + "425.0 | \n", + "
580 | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "6 | \n", + "849 | \n", + "748 | \n", + "5442.0 | \n", + "10344.0 | \n", + "214.0 | \n", + "
692 | \n", + "2021-02-26 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "26 | \n", + "78 | \n", + "76 | \n", + "1513.0 | \n", + "9965.0 | \n", + "118.0 | \n", + "
815 | \n", + "2021-06-29 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jun | \n", + "29 | \n", + "98 | \n", + "85 | \n", + "2510.0 | \n", + "8851.0 | \n", + "197.0 | \n", + "
581 | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "7 | \n", + "1565 | \n", + "1387 | \n", + "2345.0 | \n", + "7606.0 | \n", + "162.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | date | \n", + "year | \n", + "month | \n", + "dayofmonth | \n", + "n_tweets | \n", + "by_#accounts | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "
846 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jul | \n", + "30 | \n", + "112 | \n", + "109 | \n", + "5256.0 | \n", + "14052.0 | \n", + "3051.0 | \n", + "
1100 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "2022 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "28 | \n", + "3231 | \n", + "3067 | \n", + "19208.0 | \n", + "129141.0 | \n", + "2035.0 | \n", + "
586 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "12 | \n", + "3197 | \n", + "2902 | \n", + "7044.0 | \n", + "32154.0 | \n", + "1421.0 | \n", + "
694 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Feb | \n", + "28 | \n", + "494 | \n", + "470 | \n", + "14106.0 | \n", + "105434.0 | \n", + "954.0 | \n", + "
695 | \n", + "2021-03-01 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Mar | \n", + "1 | \n", + "161 | \n", + "148 | \n", + "1945.0 | \n", + "3805.0 | \n", + "693.0 | \n", + "
587 | \n", + "2020-11-13 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "13 | \n", + "2493 | \n", + "2292 | \n", + "1456.0 | \n", + "6018.0 | \n", + "509.0 | \n", + "
1096 | \n", + "2022-04-24 | \n", + "2022 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "24 | \n", + "75 | \n", + "69 | \n", + "1706.0 | \n", + "11259.0 | \n", + "425.0 | \n", + "
847 | \n", + "2021-07-31 | \n", + "2021 | \n", + "Jul | \n", + "31 | \n", + "75 | \n", + "68 | \n", + "338.0 | \n", + "2003.0 | \n", + "417.0 | \n", + "
601 | \n", + "2020-11-27 | \n", + "2020 | \n", + "Nov | \n", + "27 | \n", + "339 | \n", + "316 | \n", + "326.0 | \n", + "1564.0 | \n", + "288.0 | \n", + "
90 | \n", + "2019-04-19 | \n", + "2019 | \n", + "Apr | \n", + "19 | \n", + "79 | \n", + "62 | \n", + "471.0 | \n", + "973.0 | \n", + "226.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | text | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "date | \n", + "username | \n", + "days_diff | \n", + "
1695958 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\\n\\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | \n", + "4999.0 | \n", + "299.0 | \n", + "35472.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "Infos Sรฉries | \n", + "1937 | \n", + "
836080 | \n", + "so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | \n", + "4526.0 | \n", + "274.0 | \n", + "33708.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | \n", + "3266 | \n", + "
1696491 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | \n", + "4204.0 | \n", + "160.0 | \n", + "37850.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | \n", + "2136 | \n", + "
1692581 | \n", + "while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \\nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2470 | \n", + "
485149 | \n", + "more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \\nwhere is the justice?!\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \\n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | \n", + "2938.0 | \n", + "56.0 | \n", + "3824.0 | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "Mango | \n", + "1433 | \n", + "
593861 | \n", + "over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | \n", + "2937.0 | \n", + "506.0 | \n", + "13515.0 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "4989 | \n", + "
124243 | \n", + "์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | \n", + "2866.0 | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "393.0 | \n", + "2019-11-11 | \n", + "justme | \n", + "2232 | \n", + "
836002 | \n", + "me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | \n", + "2456.0 | \n", + "76.0 | \n", + "15633.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Red Ranger Chris | \n", + "1145 | \n", + "
836273 | \n", + "just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | \n", + "2042.0 | \n", + "48.0 | \n", + "17025.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Akash Bhadauria | \n", + "387 | \n", + "
1088217 | \n", + "peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \\n\\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\\n\\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | \n", + "2036.0 | \n", + "884.0 | \n", + "3652.0 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "DiscussingFilm | \n", + "1767 | \n", + "
1048149 | \n", + "johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | \n", + "1964.0 | \n", + "106.0 | \n", + "7257.0 | \n", + "2021-06-29 | \n", + "Ankeshkumar sharma | \n", + "419 | \n", + "
844973 | \n", + "amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\\n\\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\\n\\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | \n", + "1758.0 | \n", + "597.0 | \n", + "3070.0 | \n", + "2021-03-01 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "1196 | \n", + "
1693964 | \n", + "over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | \n", + "1751.0 | \n", + "109.0 | \n", + "13794.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | \n", + "3430 | \n", + "
156986 | \n", + "me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | \n", + "1709.0 | \n", + "52.0 | \n", + "6709.0 | \n", + "2020-02-02 | \n", + "ImProbablyManic | \n", + "1240 | \n", + "
1693170 | \n", + "2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | \n", + "1627.0 | \n", + "332.0 | \n", + "10392.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "NDTV News feed | \n", + "4517 | \n", + "
\n", + " | text | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "date | \n", + "username | \n", + "days_diff | \n", + "
1695958 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\\n\\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | \n", + "35472.0 | \n", + "299.0 | \n", + "4999.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "Infos Sรฉries | \n", + "1937 | \n", + "
836080 | \n", + "so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | \n", + "33708.0 | \n", + "274.0 | \n", + "4526.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | \n", + "3266 | \n", + "
1696491 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | \n", + "37850.0 | \n", + "160.0 | \n", + "4204.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | \n", + "2136 | \n", + "
1692581 | \n", + "while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \\nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2470 | \n", + "
485149 | \n", + "more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \\nwhere is the justice?!\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \\n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | \n", + "3824.0 | \n", + "56.0 | \n", + "2938.0 | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "Mango | \n", + "1433 | \n", + "
593861 | \n", + "over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | \n", + "13515.0 | \n", + "506.0 | \n", + "2937.0 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "4989 | \n", + "
124243 | \n", + "์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | \n", + "393.0 | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "2866.0 | \n", + "2019-11-11 | \n", + "justme | \n", + "2232 | \n", + "
836002 | \n", + "me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | \n", + "15633.0 | \n", + "76.0 | \n", + "2456.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Red Ranger Chris | \n", + "1145 | \n", + "
836273 | \n", + "just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | \n", + "17025.0 | \n", + "48.0 | \n", + "2042.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Akash Bhadauria | \n", + "387 | \n", + "
1088217 | \n", + "peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \\n\\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\\n\\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | \n", + "3652.0 | \n", + "884.0 | \n", + "2036.0 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "DiscussingFilm | \n", + "1767 | \n", + "
1048149 | \n", + "johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | \n", + "7257.0 | \n", + "106.0 | \n", + "1964.0 | \n", + "2021-06-29 | \n", + "Ankeshkumar sharma | \n", + "419 | \n", + "
844973 | \n", + "amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\\n\\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\\n\\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | \n", + "3070.0 | \n", + "597.0 | \n", + "1758.0 | \n", + "2021-03-01 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "1196 | \n", + "
1693964 | \n", + "over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | \n", + "13794.0 | \n", + "109.0 | \n", + "1751.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | \n", + "3430 | \n", + "
156986 | \n", + "me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | \n", + "6709.0 | \n", + "52.0 | \n", + "1709.0 | \n", + "2020-02-02 | \n", + "ImProbablyManic | \n", + "1240 | \n", + "
1693170 | \n", + "2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | \n", + "10392.0 | \n", + "332.0 | \n", + "1627.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "NDTV News feed | \n", + "4517 | \n", + "
\n", + " | text | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "date | \n", + "username | \n", + "days_diff | \n", + "
1695958 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard du second film aquaman a dรฉpassรฉ les 2 millions de signatures.\\n\\n๐: https://t.co/dj3wftglqe https://t.co/yrjychmnlq | \n", + "299.0 | \n", + "35472.0 | \n", + "4999.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "Infos Sรฉries | \n", + "1937 | \n", + "
836080 | \n", + "so if amber heard is really fired from aquaman 2 (and believe me, i really hope she is) may i suggest meraโs replacement... https://t.co/lusgppgxwf | \n", + "274.0 | \n", + "33708.0 | \n", + "4526.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | \n", + "3266 | \n", + "
1696491 | \n", + "la pรฉtition pour exclure amber heard de aquaman 2. deja 2 millions de signatures. https://t.co/gcugpisrne | \n", + "160.0 | \n", + "37850.0 | \n", + "4204.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | \n", + "2136 | \n", + "
1692581 | \n", + "while remove amber heard is trending, a reminder that it is not just about her role in aquaman 2 & her endorsement of l'orรฉal. \\nglobal organisations like aclu & un's human rights commission still support her. she's still on their offical pages. think about that\\n#amberheardisaliar https://t.co/5wbt6ul4xb | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2470 | \n", + "
485149 | \n", + "more than 500k people have signed a petition to have amber heard removed from aquaman for abusing johnny depp. yet warner bros. asked johnny to quit fantastic beasts and amber heard will be in aquaman 2. \\nwhere is the justice?!\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \\n#boycottfantasticbeasts https://t.co/x8upg4yi0t | \n", + "56.0 | \n", + "3824.0 | \n", + "2938.0 | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "Mango | \n", + "1433 | \n", + "
593861 | \n", + "over 1m people have signed a petition to remove amber heard from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/ma06smva6y | \n", + "506.0 | \n", + "13515.0 | \n", + "2937.0 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "4989 | \n", + "
124243 | \n", + "์กฐ๋ ๋ ์ถ์ข ์๋ค์ ์ ๋ฒ ํ๋๋ฅผ <์์ฟ ์๋งจ 2>์์ ๋นผ๋ผ๋ ์ฒญ์์ ๋์ํด, ์ ๋ฒ ํฌ๋ค์ด ์ ๋ฒ ์ง์ง ์ฒญ์์ ์ฌ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฉ์ผ๋ง์ผ๋ก ์ต๋ช ์ฐธ๊ฐ ๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ ์๊ฐ๋์๋ ๋ถ๋ค์ ์ฐธ์ฌํด์ฃผ์ธ์! #wearewithyouamberheard\\nwe support amber heard in aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/ataa77qnfi | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "393.0 | \n", + "2866.0 | \n", + "2019-11-11 | \n", + "justme | \n", + "2232 | \n", + "
836002 | \n", + "me when amber heard gets fired from #aquaman2: https://t.co/lwatooenpb | \n", + "76.0 | \n", + "15633.0 | \n", + "2456.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Red Ranger Chris | \n", + "1145 | \n", + "
836273 | \n", + "just heard 'amber heard' has been fired from aquaman 2. anyway, all i wanna say is... https://t.co/0rtwvgyhxy | \n", + "48.0 | \n", + "17025.0 | \n", + "2042.0 | \n", + "2021-02-28 | \n", + "Akash Bhadauria | \n", + "387 | \n", + "
1088217 | \n", + "peter safran says amber heard was never going to be fired from โaquaman and the lost kingdomโ. \\n\\nโone is not unaware of what is going on in the twitter-verse, but that doesnโt mean you have to react to itโฆ you have to do whatโs right for the film.โ\\n\\n(source: deadline) https://t.co/kvw0m1ebai | \n", + "884.0 | \n", + "3652.0 | \n", + "2036.0 | \n", + "2021-07-30 | \n", + "DiscussingFilm | \n", + "1767 | \n", + "
1048149 | \n", + "johnny depp has been removed from his upcoming projects but amber heard is still leading actress in aquaman 2. @wbpictures don't be so partial atleast respect an actor for his acting skills. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/mcs55ufjrw | \n", + "106.0 | \n", + "7257.0 | \n", + "1964.0 | \n", + "2021-06-29 | \n", + "Ankeshkumar sharma | \n", + "419 | \n", + "
844973 | \n", + "amber heard is still playing mera in 'aquaman 2' ๐ฑ\\n\\nthe rumor that she was fired is false\\n\\n(via @theryanparker) https://t.co/lixfxtvktb | \n", + "597.0 | \n", + "3070.0 | \n", + "1758.0 | \n", + "2021-03-01 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "1196 | \n", + "
1693964 | \n", + "over 2 million signatures want to remove amber heard from aquaman 2 donโt be shy keep it going https://t.co/iq6tfnglbk | \n", + "109.0 | \n", + "13794.0 | \n", + "1751.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | \n", + "3430 | \n", + "
156986 | \n", + "me waiting for amber heard to be fired from playing mera in aquaman 2, then also knowing itโs never going to happen because apparently men canโt be abused too? ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ she ruined his career and now we are after hers. i hope she is arrested. #justiceforjohnnydepp https://t.co/s6gdytrji5 | \n", + "52.0 | \n", + "6709.0 | \n", + "1709.0 | \n", + "2020-02-02 | \n", + "ImProbablyManic | \n", + "1240 | \n", + "
1693170 | \n", + "2 million sign petition seeking amber heard's removal from 'aquaman 2' https://t.co/kw94om3d7u https://t.co/yvwtrqywup | \n", + "332.0 | \n", + "10392.0 | \n", + "1627.0 | \n", + "2022-04-28 | \n", + "NDTV News feed | \n", + "4517 | \n", + "
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28953 | \n", + "531577673 | \n", + "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | \n", + "2012-03-20 19:42:58 | \n", + "4526.0 | \n", + "33708.0 | \n", + "274.0 | \n", + "
31622 | \n", + "745369183517548544 | \n", + "๐ฐLesmeilleurescenesยฎ๏ธ ๐ฅ | \n", + "2016-06-21 21:33:56 | \n", + "4204.0 | \n", + "37850.0 | \n", + "160.0 | \n", + "
12955 | \n", + "1332121 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "2007-03-17 03:28:55 | \n", + "3670.0 | \n", + "15512.0 | \n", + "887.0 | \n", + "
24480 | \n", + "3309371255 | \n", + "TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | \n", + "2015-06-05 15:21:16 | \n", + "3641.0 | \n", + "10903.0 | \n", + "467.0 | \n", + "
33179 | \n", + "805207070270259201 | \n", + "Mango | \n", + "2016-12-04 00:28:20 | \n", + "3137.0 | \n", + "4858.0 | \n", + "132.0 | \n", + "
36781 | \n", + "932786452739407872 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "2017-11-21 01:43:15 | \n", + "3024.0 | \n", + "9236.0 | \n", + "758.0 | \n", + "
24875 | \n", + "3389710995 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2015-07-23 18:58:08 | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "
17039 | \n", + "1920027500 | \n", + "justme | \n", + "2013-09-30 13:05:19 | \n", + "2866.0 | \n", + "393.0 | \n", + "2.0 | \n", + "
27616 | \n", + "4583281223 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | \n", + "2015-12-23 23:22:52 | \n", + "2488.0 | \n", + "11016.0 | \n", + "240.0 | \n", + "
37264 | \n", + "950895831313510401 | \n", + "Red Ranger Chris | \n", + "2018-01-10 01:03:27 | \n", + "2456.0 | \n", + "15633.0 | \n", + "76.0 | \n", + "
1862 | \n", + "1063791963378315264 | \n", + "Kirst๐ | \n", + "2018-11-17 13:52:23 | \n", + "2220.0 | \n", + "6698.0 | \n", + "92.0 | \n", + "
7843 | \n", + "1225378925594869761 | \n", + "Akash Bhadauria | \n", + "2020-02-06 11:24:26 | \n", + "2042.0 | \n", + "17025.0 | \n", + "48.0 | \n", + "
32561 | \n", + "780460754910732288 | \n", + "DiscussingFilm | \n", + "2016-09-26 17:35:19 | \n", + "2036.0 | \n", + "3652.0 | \n", + "884.0 | \n", + "
9209 | \n", + "1257551453628981248 | \n", + "Ankeshkumar sharma | \n", + "2020-05-05 06:03:35 | \n", + "1964.0 | \n", + "7257.0 | \n", + "106.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | user_id | \n", + "username | \n", + "user_created_at | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "
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33507 | \n", + "817437085191827456 | \n", + "Infos Sรฉries | \n", + "2017-01-06 18:26:03 | \n", + "5192.0 | \n", + "35764.0 | \n", + "358.0 | \n", + "
28953 | \n", + "531577673 | \n", + "๐ Colin ๐ปโโ๏ธ | \n", + "2012-03-20 19:42:58 | \n", + "4526.0 | \n", + "33708.0 | \n", + "274.0 | \n", + "
7843 | \n", + "1225378925594869761 | \n", + "Akash Bhadauria | \n", + "2020-02-06 11:24:26 | \n", + "2042.0 | \n", + "17025.0 | \n", + "48.0 | \n", + "
37264 | \n", + "950895831313510401 | \n", + "Red Ranger Chris | \n", + "2018-01-10 01:03:27 | \n", + "2456.0 | \n", + "15633.0 | \n", + "76.0 | \n", + "
12955 | \n", + "1332121 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "2007-03-17 03:28:55 | \n", + "3670.0 | \n", + "15512.0 | \n", + "887.0 | \n", + "
38393 | \n", + "991924602 | \n", + "ษขสแดแดแดสแดษด แดแด แดสสแด | \n", + "2012-12-05 22:41:01 | \n", + "1751.0 | \n", + "13794.0 | \n", + "109.0 | \n", + "
37195 | \n", + "948421868 | \n", + "LynneG | \n", + "2012-11-14 20:15:43 | \n", + "1588.0 | \n", + "12687.0 | \n", + "133.0 | \n", + "
28760 | \n", + "512966078 | \n", + "Rishi๐ | \n", + "2012-03-03 09:02:31 | \n", + "1227.0 | \n", + "11629.0 | \n", + "27.0 | \n", + "
24875 | \n", + "3389710995 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2015-07-23 18:58:08 | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "
13063 | \n", + "1337522797275459585 | \n", + "_Rott!๐๏ธ | \n", + "2020-12-11 22:21:56 | \n", + "1613.0 | \n", + "11049.0 | \n", + "412.0 | \n", + "
27616 | \n", + "4583281223 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | \n", + "2015-12-23 23:22:52 | \n", + "2488.0 | \n", + "11016.0 | \n", + "240.0 | \n", + "
24480 | \n", + "3309371255 | \n", + "TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | \n", + "2015-06-05 15:21:16 | \n", + "3641.0 | \n", + "10903.0 | \n", + "467.0 | \n", + "
37803 | \n", + "96900937 | \n", + "NDTV News feed | \n", + "2009-12-15 03:10:27 | \n", + "1627.0 | \n", + "10392.0 | \n", + "332.0 | \n", + "
36781 | \n", + "932786452739407872 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "2017-11-21 01:43:15 | \n", + "3024.0 | \n", + "9236.0 | \n", + "758.0 | \n", + "
\n", + " | user_id | \n", + "username | \n", + "user_created_at | \n", + "total_retweets | \n", + "like_count | \n", + "reply_count | \n", + "
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12955 | \n", + "1332121 | \n", + "Fandom | \n", + "2007-03-17 03:28:55 | \n", + "3670.0 | \n", + "15512.0 | \n", + "887.0 | \n", + "
32561 | \n", + "780460754910732288 | \n", + "DiscussingFilm | \n", + "2016-09-26 17:35:19 | \n", + "2036.0 | \n", + "3652.0 | \n", + "884.0 | \n", + "
36781 | \n", + "932786452739407872 | \n", + "Culture Crave ๐ฟ | \n", + "2017-11-21 01:43:15 | \n", + "3024.0 | \n", + "9236.0 | \n", + "758.0 | \n", + "
24480 | \n", + "3309371255 | \n", + "TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | \n", + "2015-06-05 15:21:16 | \n", + "3641.0 | \n", + "10903.0 | \n", + "467.0 | \n", + "
13063 | \n", + "1337522797275459585 | \n", + "_Rott!๐๏ธ | \n", + "2020-12-11 22:21:56 | \n", + "1613.0 | \n", + "11049.0 | \n", + "412.0 | \n", + "
15970 | \n", + "16312576 | \n", + "Entertainment Weekly | \n", + "2008-09-16 16:13:23 | \n", + "713.0 | \n", + "599.0 | \n", + "383.0 | \n", + "
33507 | \n", + "817437085191827456 | \n", + "Infos Sรฉries | \n", + "2017-01-06 18:26:03 | \n", + "5192.0 | \n", + "35764.0 | \n", + "358.0 | \n", + "
24875 | \n", + "3389710995 | \n", + "๐๐ฒ๐๐ฌ๐ก๐ | \n", + "2015-07-23 18:58:08 | \n", + "3017.0 | \n", + "11492.0 | \n", + "339.0 | \n", + "
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48702 | \n", + "remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\\n\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | \n", + "11 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
7704 | \n", + "bring captain jack sparrow petition: sign nowwww at https://t.co/edpdsnq0s4 #justiceforjohnnydepp #johnnydeppisasurvivor #johnnydeppismygrindelwald #jacksparrow #amberturd #amberheardisanabuser #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisaliarandabuser | \n", + "2020-11-09 | \n", + "๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | \n", + "5 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
3988 | \n", + "@realamberheard dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/njgw3t9cwh vรญa @change_es #justiceforjohnnydepp | \n", + "2020-11-29 | \n", + "Denisse | \n", + "5 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
48703 | \n", + "remove the turd from aquaman 2 petition: https://t.co/osnxmebphw\\n\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #johnydeppisinnocent\\n#johnnydepp #fireamberheard #amberturd #boycottwarnerbros #boycottdisney #boycottthesun | \n", + "2020-11-08 | \n", + "๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | \n", + "4 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
4324 | \n", + "@thr sign this petition to remove amber heard the abuser from aquaman2 ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp \\nhttps://t.co/t7mgd9fa14 | \n", + "2020-12-09 | \n", + "I am Ghazaal | \n", + "4 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
27911 | \n", + "dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/s2ngnta5md via @cdnchange \\n\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp | \n", + "2020-11-08 | \n", + "metallicarebear | \n", + "3 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
49885 | \n", + "the people: warner bros, bring johnny depp back as gellert grindelwald!!! - sign the petition! https://t.co/j6ecforj53 via @cdnchange \\n\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp | \n", + "2020-11-08 | \n", + "metallicarebear | \n", + "3 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
3996 | \n", + "@realamberheard https://t.co/avrp22ij00\\nplease sign!! we reached 1million now lets get more :) \\nsign and share to get amber off aquaman 2! thank youโค #justiceforjohnnydepp #amberheard #amberheardisanabuser #johnnydepp #help #johnnydeppisinnocent | \n", + "2020-11-14 | \n", + "Luna Loves | \n", + "3 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
37167 | \n", + "dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - ยกfirma la peticiรณn! https://t.co/lsycyjhow1 vรญa @changeorglatino | \n", + "2021-04-07 | \n", + "Katrina โก | \n", + "3 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
48065 | \n", + "please, let your voice be heard against injustice brought by amber heard https://t.co/r7te1hzisg \\n\\nsign a petition to show \\n@warnerbros\\n \\n@aquamanmovie\\n nobody supports domestic abusers as they do.\\n#justiceforjohnnydepp #aquaman2 #aquaman #amberheardisaliar #amberheardisanabuser | \n", + "2021-09-07 | \n", + "Papaya | \n", + "3 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
11783 | \n", + "dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/5q5dtfdg8c via @ukchange | \n", + "2019-03-21 | \n", + "Amanda Rose | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
19401 | \n", + "dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/hlvuy1yay6 via @change @aquamanmovie @dccomics @wbhomeent @wbpictures | \n", + "2019-03-22 | \n", + "Martina Vaira | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
24299 | \n", + "dc entertainment: remove amber heard from aquaman 2 - sign the petition! https://t.co/nmifycbgxv via @change | \n", + "2019-03-23 | \n", + "Mary Fakhoury | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
47370 | \n", + "petition to remove amber heard from aquaman 2! keep sharing it! https://t.co/iqxy2zwkoj โฆ @aquamanmovie @dccomics @shazammovie @warnerbrosuk @wbpictures #jasonmomoa | \n", + "2019-03-24 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies ๐ | \n", + "2 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "
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4859 | \n", + "Captain Bool-Bool๐ดโโ ๏ธ | \n", + "2017-01-28 | \n", + "260 | \n", + "189 | \n", + "705 | \n", + "17985 | \n", + "
10656 | \n", + "Harleycosplay | \n", + "2020-10-07 | \n", + "204 | \n", + "195 | \n", + "216 | \n", + "4580 | \n", + "
33397 | \n", + "rds-AlJacob | \n", + "2019-02-23 | \n", + "184 | \n", + "1675 | \n", + "1017 | \n", + "15632 | \n", + "
2192 | \n", + "Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | \n", + "2020-11-09 | \n", + "159 | \n", + "37 | \n", + "47 | \n", + "2142 | \n", + "
6973 | \n", + "Darlene Piechoski | \n", + "2015-01-22 | \n", + "128 | \n", + "142 | \n", + "17 | \n", + "2375 | \n", + "
32586 | \n", + "metallicarebear | \n", + "2020-11-06 | \n", + "122 | \n", + "27 | \n", + "24 | \n", + "440 | \n", + "
25118 | \n", + "Stephanie Brown | \n", + "2018-08-10 | \n", + "121 | \n", + "5008 | \n", + "2045 | \n", + "40157 | \n", + "
25396 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | \n", + "2015-12-23 | \n", + "119 | \n", + "273 | \n", + "15617 | \n", + "203908 | \n", + "
25797 | \n", + "Tanya ๐ฌ๐ง๐ดโโ ๏ธ Wald-Mignon #JusticeForJohnnyDepp | \n", + "2015-02-24 | \n", + "99 | \n", + "2458 | \n", + "1561 | \n", + "15155 | \n", + "
36216 | \n", + "โ๏ธ๐ฆ Om ๐ฆโ๏ธ ๐๐ฑโฏ๏ธ ๐๐ฆ ๐ธ๐ช๐ดโโ ๏ธโฃ๏ธ | \n", + "2020-10-23 | \n", + "94 | \n", + "232 | \n", + "215 | \n", + "33773 | \n", + "
10848 | \n", + "Helen Marie (Helly Skelly) | \n", + "2019-08-12 | \n", + "93 | \n", + "2568 | \n", + "2568 | \n", + "49332 | \n", + "
23646 | \n", + "Sara Roberts | \n", + "2020-07-29 | \n", + "93 | \n", + "203 | \n", + "76 | \n", + "1130 | \n", + "
7817 | \n", + "DorkAngel-GBW | \n", + "2009-05-18 | \n", + "93 | \n", + "62 | \n", + "420 | \n", + "23414 | \n", + "
24546 | \n", + "SimonBarreBrisebois | \n", + "2012-02-22 | \n", + "89 | \n", + "1920 | \n", + "2073 | \n", + "242477 | \n", + "
12228 | \n", + "Janina #IBelieveHim #justiceforjohnnydepp | \n", + "2012-04-30 | \n", + "88 | \n", + "558 | \n", + "2270 | \n", + "199234 | \n", + "
7392 | \n", + "DeppFanPage๐บ๐ธ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | \n", + "2011-04-11 | \n", + "87 | \n", + "1000 | \n", + "1027 | \n", + "20830 | \n", + "
11490 | \n", + "Irina Skywalker | \n", + "2020-05-30 | \n", + "84 | \n", + "10 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "8609 | \n", + "
30600 | \n", + "francky.fb #justiceforjohnnydepp | \n", + "2018-10-08 | \n", + "81 | \n", + "50 | \n", + "43 | \n", + "2497 | \n", + "
11042 | \n", + "Horae of Peace | \n", + "2020-11-23 | \n", + "79 | \n", + "573 | \n", + "607 | \n", + "9422 | \n", + "
21050 | \n", + "Panteaโ ๏ธ | \n", + "2020-05-31 | \n", + "78 | \n", + "180 | \n", + "180 | \n", + "1314 | \n", + "
3522 | \n", + "BeCurious | \n", + "2020-07-17 | \n", + "77 | \n", + "700 | \n", + "751 | \n", + "7793 | \n", + "
368 | \n", + "84Blackbird | \n", + "2012-03-24 | \n", + "71 | \n", + "133 | \n", + "73 | \n", + "2167 | \n", + "
6641 | \n", + "Dale Cleary ๐ฌ๐ง | \n", + "2014-03-26 | \n", + "70 | \n", + "3626 | \n", + "1974 | \n", + "42094 | \n", + "
26330 | \n", + "TheRealLauraB๐โ๏ธ | \n", + "2015-06-05 | \n", + "65 | \n", + "740 | \n", + "20921 | \n", + "42756 | \n", + "
9130 | \n", + "Fairy Naa ๐งโ๏ธ๐ก๏ธโ๏ธ | \n", + "2011-08-06 | \n", + "65 | \n", + "496 | \n", + "946 | \n", + "9502 | \n", + "
25398 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies ๐ | \n", + "2015-12-23 | \n", + "62 | \n", + "282 | \n", + "15975 | \n", + "206679 | \n", + "
25397 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies NOW ๐บ๐ธ | \n", + "2015-12-23 | \n", + "61 | \n", + "273 | \n", + "15611 | \n", + "203752 | \n", + "
17861 | \n", + "Mary Ficarra | \n", + "2009-03-23 | \n", + "61 | \n", + "955 | \n", + "917 | \n", + "16561 | \n", + "
31653 | \n", + "kateinthemiddle๐ | \n", + "2015-04-07 | \n", + "59 | \n", + "78 | \n", + "19 | \n", + "275 | \n", + "
2507 | \n", + "Annabel Depphead โญ๏ธโญ๏ธ | \n", + "2020-08-11 | \n", + "59 | \n", + "995 | \n", + "1618 | \n", + "31258 | \n", + "
36635 | \n", + "ๆข ้จ | \n", + "2019-06-29 | \n", + "59 | \n", + "524 | \n", + "27 | \n", + "308 | \n", + "
25970 | \n", + "Tepa.M.T | \n", + "2020-11-02 | \n", + "58 | \n", + "205 | \n", + "119 | \n", + "2880 | \n", + "
32462 | \n", + "mary fakhoury | \n", + "2019-12-04 | \n", + "57 | \n", + "4 | \n", + "2 | \n", + "313 | \n", + "
17483 | \n", + "Marcus Scott | \n", + "2013-07-13 | \n", + "57 | \n", + "314 | \n", + "48 | \n", + "13143 | \n", + "
17859 | \n", + "Mary Fakhoury | \n", + "2009-07-13 | \n", + "55 | \n", + "14440 | \n", + "15285 | \n", + "4702 | \n", + "
9381 | \n", + "FlamenRed | \n", + "2009-04-19 | \n", + "55 | \n", + "639 | \n", + "99 | \n", + "18322 | \n", + "
29411 | \n", + "blahbydodaday๐ค | \n", + "2017-06-22 | \n", + "54 | \n", + "502 | \n", + "605 | \n", + "7112 | \n", + "
38022 | \n", + "๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐Justice JD 2022๐ | \n", + "2020-07-20 | \n", + "54 | \n", + "1057 | \n", + "530 | \n", + "15425 | \n", + "
22353 | \n", + "ReemDepp | \n", + "2018-09-17 | \n", + "52 | \n", + "12 | \n", + "7842 | \n", + "8982 | \n", + "
3809 | \n", + "Beโ๏ธ๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐ธ๐ฐ | \n", + "2020-04-21 | \n", + "52 | \n", + "449 | \n", + "333 | \n", + "24739 | \n", + "
34119 | \n", + "sweet_emmee/Emilyโฟ๏ธโป๏ธ | \n", + "2009-03-20 | \n", + "50 | \n", + "4988 | \n", + "1344 | \n", + "203729 | \n", + "
5257 | \n", + "Cesar Ramirez | \n", + "2015-04-07 | \n", + "50 | \n", + "249 | \n", + "174 | \n", + "7901 | \n", + "
38043 | \n", + "๐ Kerryanne E Wald-Mignon ๐ฌ๐ง ๐ | \n", + "2010-06-28 | \n", + "49 | \n", + "150 | \n", + "206 | \n", + "12896 | \n", + "
26933 | \n", + "Tulin | \n", + "2015-07-23 | \n", + "48 | \n", + "31 | \n", + "14 | \n", + "13830 | \n", + "
16027 | \n", + "Libby ๐๐ดโโ ๏ธ๐ฅ #JusticeForJohnnyDepp | \n", + "2017-11-19 | \n", + "48 | \n", + "1631 | \n", + "1669 | \n", + "52965 | \n", + "
11206 | \n", + "IFOD | \n", + "2009-08-25 | \n", + "46 | \n", + "227 | \n", + "12540 | \n", + "56836 | \n", + "
28564 | \n", + "Zeta | \n", + "2019-07-18 | \n", + "45 | \n", + "78 | \n", + "9 | \n", + "496 | \n", + "
14320 | \n", + "Kathy Hedden | \n", + "2012-01-29 | \n", + "45 | \n", + "2979 | \n", + "777 | \n", + "20655 | \n", + "
11150 | \n", + "I am Ghazaal | \n", + "2017-08-10 | \n", + "44 | \n", + "216 | \n", + "208 | \n", + "4810 | \n", + "
22444 | \n", + "ResIpsaLoquitur | \n", + "2020-08-10 | \n", + "44 | \n", + "629 | \n", + "500 | \n", + "10738 | \n", + "
10152 | \n", + "Giovanna | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "44 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "3 | \n", + "231 | \n", + "
11856 | \n", + "JT Larson Depp-Mignon | \n", + "2009-04-06 | \n", + "44 | \n", + "899 | \n", + "2811 | \n", + "10323 | \n", + "
22390 | \n", + "Reivaxx | \n", + "2020-10-19 | \n", + "44 | \n", + "56 | \n", + "25 | \n", + "1938 | \n", + "
31367 | \n", + "joann hess | \n", + "2020-08-20 | \n", + "43 | \n", + "3392 | \n", + "4030 | \n", + "29154 | \n", + "
28828 | \n", + "airamanna | \n", + "2019-07-10 | \n", + "43 | \n", + "68 | \n", + "8 | \n", + "338 | \n", + "
4689 | \n", + "CRC | \n", + "2019-10-10 | \n", + "42 | \n", + "109 | \n", + "274 | \n", + "44682 | \n", + "
11647 | \n", + "Ivelina | \n", + "2010-12-26 | \n", + "42 | \n", + "1182 | \n", + "1202 | \n", + "31495 | \n", + "
31333 | \n", + "jessicalockhart | \n", + "2008-03-13 | \n", + "41 | \n", + "192 | \n", + "28 | \n", + "3786 | \n", + "
12747 | \n", + "JessaLou | \n", + "2020-07-16 | \n", + "40 | \n", + "247 | \n", + "296 | \n", + "8919 | \n", + "
\n", + " | date | \n", + "username | \n", + "n_tweets | \n", + "
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22245 | \n", + "2020-11-09 | \n", + "kateinthemiddle๐ | \n", + "46 | \n", + "
34392 | \n", + "2020-11-26 | \n", + "Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | \n", + "37 | \n", + "
32650 | \n", + "2020-11-18 | \n", + "Jeff | \n", + "34 | \n", + "
19097 | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "ๆข ้จ | \n", + "33 | \n", + "
41917 | \n", + "2021-03-23 | \n", + "Debbie Michailides | \n", + "32 | \n", + "
34485 | \n", + "2020-11-26 | \n", + "Reivaxx | \n", + "27 | \n", + "
26900 | \n", + "2020-11-12 | \n", + "Support Johnny Depp โก Stream City of Lies | \n", + "27 | \n", + "
22281 | \n", + "2020-11-09 | \n", + "metallicarebear | \n", + "21 | \n", + "
20315 | \n", + "2020-11-08 | \n", + "Rohan Malviya | \n", + "21 | \n", + "
33621 | \n", + "2020-11-22 | \n", + "Andriana Pavlidou ๐ดโโ ๏ธ | \n", + "19 | \n", + "
39319 | \n", + "2021-01-07 | \n", + "Irina Skywalker | \n", + "19 | \n", + "
19132 | \n", + "2020-11-07 | \n", + "๐๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ โฅ๏ธ | \n", + "18 | \n", + "
20795 | \n", + "2020-11-08 | \n", + "metallicarebear | \n", + "17 | \n", + "
\n", + " | date | \n", + "username | \n", + "n_tweets | \n", + "
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8813 | \n", + "Erin Wood | \n", + "2018-03-19 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "1 | \n", + "336 | \n", + "0 | \n", + "
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18300 | \n", + "2018-08-01 13:07:55 | \n", + "johnny depp claims ex amber heard 'punched him... | \n", + "2010-11-10 20:17:51 | \n", + "OH NO THEY DIDN'T | \n", + "The celebrities are disposable, the gossip is ... | \n", + "
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