Web #2
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Hey @amerkoleci, I've seen and used a few of your projects, cool to see you here. It was a bit of a journey to get it going, so what could be described as platform code is a mess, sorry about that. I havent managed to get net9.0-browser to work just yet, but I can give a small writeup of how the net8.0-browser is working. WebGPUnet8.0-browser uses Emscripten 3.1.34, which the WGPU bindings from Silk.NET doesnt fully overlap with. This version of WGPU doesnt have a concept of SurfaceTexture, and still uses the SwapChain structure as seen here.
These were the main differences to get WebGPU to work, but WGPU native and WebGPU still doesnt fully agree on strictness and might have some things that doesnt work in browser. WebGPU reference in Emscripten: Initializingemscripten provides the main loop, which is the In BrowserApplication I'm currently running a graphics setup loop before the game engine loop starts. The entire 'RunInternal' method is ran from The rest of the graphics setup is done in WGPUContextBrowser, the instance is created in WGPUInstance first, but that is the same for desktop and browser. Its a messy state machine that ensure each async callback is received before it runs the next step. In the CreateSurface method you can see how it selects the HTMLCanvas to use. In order for this to work correctly I also had to add a delay in main.js before the There are a few missing things in the WebGPU version in emscripten 3.1.34, Surface TextureAs mentioned browser uses Running dotnet
A few important bits from the Pollus.Examples.csproj file:The following will include all the js bootstrap <ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-browser' or '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net9.0-browser' ">
<WasmExtraFilesToDeploy Include="www/index.html" />
<WasmExtraFilesToDeploy Include="www/main.js" />
<WasmExtraFilesToDeploy Include="www/*.js" />
<WasmExtraFilesToDeploy Include="www/*.css" />
</ItemGroup> Only <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-browser' or '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net9.0-browser' ">
<EmccExtraLDFlags>-sUSE_WEBGPU=1 -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH -lSDL -sUSE_SDL=2 -sUSE_OGG=1 -lopenal -sTOTAL_MEMORY=67108864</EmccExtraLDFlags>
</PropertyGroup> The following ensures that pinvokes are forwarded to runtime identification in emscripten. <Target Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-browser' " Name="AddBrowserDeps" BeforeTargets="_GenerateManagedToNative" DependsOnTargets="_PrepareForWasmBuildNative">
<_WasmPInvokeModules Include="__Internal_emscripten" />
<_WasmPInvokeModules Include="OpenAL" />
<_WasmPInvokeModules Include="SDL" />
<_WasmPInvokeModules Include="cimgui" />
</Target> The following I found in this article. Something about the cache needing a static location. <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-browser' or '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net9.0-browser' ">
<Target Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-browser' " Name="UnfreezeCache" DependsOnTargets="AddBrowserDeps" BeforeTargets="_WasmCompileNativeFiles;_WasmCompileAssemblyBitCodeFilesForAOT;_WasmCalculateInitialHeapSize;_WasmLinkDotNet;_CheckEmccIsExpectedVersion">
<EmscriptenEnvVars Remove="EM_FROZEN_CACHE=True" />
<EmscriptenEnvVars Include="EM_FROZEN_CACHE=0" />
<EmscriptenEnvVars Include="FROZEN_CACHE=0" />
</Target> BuildingBuilds with JS bootstrappingThe final output ends up in ExampleThe simplest example is probably DrwTriangleExample. It doesnt rely on any of my engine logic to run other that the setup code in Hope this helps, let me know if theres anything that I need to explain more or in a better way. |
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Oh thanks, Thanks again! |
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As you can notice I'm working on game engine in C# and would like to know how the wasm C# part works?
I took look at the code and it's difficult for me to understand which part is browser and which one is desktop, would be possible for you to tell me how it works?
Thanks in advance for your time,
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