"SWAPI races" is a game based on the characters and environment of Star Wars. User will choose a character which will determine his alliance. He will be assigned a starter ship, based on his alliance, that he will use to race. The user will race against a non-alliance Bounty Hunter (computer) and/or another user.
This project is being created to demonstrate a relational database.
We are using the Star Wars API SWAPI for our characters, vehicles, planets, and more. https://swapi.co/
- The user will begin his journey by registering an account.
- He will then chose a character (getAll and getById methods).
- Next, the user will purchase a vehicle in which to race (getAll and getById methods).
- The user views all available races (getAll method), then joins a race (getById method).)
- Post-race, the user will either receive money/credit for his win or nothing for his loss.
- Lastly, if the user wins the race, he can take his winnings and purchase an upgraded vehicle.
We are using Promises to handle our asynchronous code, creating modules for repeated code, and using whitespace for paragraph separation only.
Our group is called Ctr8 and we are Robin, Andrew, Eli and Kate.