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File metadata and controls

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The web application requires NodeJS 20.x server as a runtime environment. This runtime is needed for executing JavaScript code on server and sending the pre-render parts of pages to clients, so the final rendering in browsers is a lot quicker and the page is accessible to search engines for indexing.

But some functionality is better in other full-fledged web servers like Apache or Nginx, so the common practice is to use a tandem of both. NodeJS takes care of basic functionality of the app while the other server (Apache) is set as reverse proxy and providing additional functionality like SSL encryption, load balancing or caching of static files. The recommended setup contains both NodeJS and one of Apache and Nginx web servers for the reasons discussed above.

Stable versions of 6th and 8th series of NodeJS server are sufficient, using at least 8th series is highly recommended. Please check the most recent version of the packages in your distribution's repositories, there are often outdated ones. However, there are some third party repositories for all main Linux distributions.

The app depends on several libraries and components, all of them are listed in package.json file in source repository. For managing dependencies is used dependency manager yarn, which has to be installed separately. To fetch and install all dependencies run:

$ npm install yarn -g
$ yarn install

The app is built into self-contained bundle for NodeJS server. There is a prepared SystemD unit file for control over the app. Another option is to use pm2 process manager, but we had some problems with it (it won't automatically start on boot on one of our computers for no reason).

RPM package

For Linux systems with RPM packages (CentOS, Fedora) we provide prebuilt packages. They install production bundle to /opt/recodex-web directory. Provided unit file can be used to run the app with SystemD. The app itself do not care about certificates, so it is recommended to use the app behind reverse proxy of your choice.

Environment variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and put environment variables into this file. Look at .env-sample file for an example settings. The .env file should not be published in the git repository. Environment variables are aplied before build of the app, so they cannot be changed on finished bundle.

Supported variables and their default values



Compiled bundle properties can be modified by runtime configuration file. The file is located in etc/env.json file. New values of these properties are applied after restart of the app. Note, that all these values are directly accessible to JavaScript code in browsers, so it is not a good place to store any kind of secrets.

Sample content of this file is following:

  "PORT": 8080,
  "API_BASE": "https://recodex.base.domain/api/v1",
  "TITLE": "ReCodEx",
  "SKIN": "success",
  "EXTERNAL_AUTH_URL": "https://some.other.domain/cas/",
  "EXTERNAL_AUTH_SERVICE_ID": "id-from-core-api",
    "cs": "Univerzitní login",
    "en": "University login"
  "EXTERNAL_AUTH_HELPDESK_URL": "mailto:cas@some.other.domain"

Meaning of individual values:

  • PORT - On which port the node.js express server listens.
  • API_BASE - URL of API to which the frontend is connected.
  • TITLE - Prefix for the web page title.
  • SKIN - Which skin color of the AdminLTE should be used. This is only a color suffix (e.g., success or primary).
  • URL_PATH_PREFIX - If the ReCodEx is not placed in the root path of the current domain, the path prefix should be placed here. This also allows running multiple ReCodEx frontends on one domain.
  • PERSISTENT_TOKENS_KEY_PREFIX - Prefix used for security token identifiers (in cookies or in local storage). If you run multiple ReCodEx instances on the same domain, it might be necessary to give each instance different prefix.
  • ENVIRONMENTS_INFO_URL - Link to a web page where individual runtime environments are explained (default refers to our wiki).
  • ALLOW_LOCAL_REGISTRATION - Allows or disables different forms for registration. Note that this configuration should match which registration types are supported by the API.
  • EXTERNAL_AUTH_URL - URL of external authentication service (that implements ReCodEx protocol).
  • EXTERNAL_AUTH_SERVICE_ID - Identifier (name) of the external authenticator as specified in core-api configuration (and in database).
  • EXTERNAL_AUTH_NAME - Caption (string) or object with localized captions (keys are locales) of the service (will be displayed in UI).
  • EXTERNAL_AUTH_HELPDESK_URL - URL for a link that is displayed in case CAS registration fails. The URL may be either mailto: URL (with email to tech support) or http(s): URL leading to a web page where help can be found.


The application can be run in two modes, development and production. Development mode uses only client rendering and tracks code changes with rebuilds of the application in real time. In production mode the compilation (transpilling to ES5 standard using Babel and bundle into single file using webpack) has to be done separately prior to running. The scripts for compilation are provided as additional npm commands.

  • Development mode can be use for local testing of the app. This mode uses webpack dev server, so all code runs on a client, there is no server side rendering available. Starting is simple command, default address is http://localhost:8080.
$ yarn dev
  • Production mode is mostly used on the servers. It provides all features such as server side rendering. This can be run via:
$ yarn build
$ yarn deploy  # copies all neccessary files to prod/ directory
$ cd prod
$ node bin/server.mjs

Both modes can be configured to use different ports or set base address of used API server. This can be configured in .env file in root of the repository. There is .env-sample file which can be just copied and altered.


The description and documentation of the project is placed in the global wiki of the ReCodEx project.