- Use f-strings
- Clean C++ interface to libint
- Unused code to compile the C++ interface to libint
- Passed to libint2 the Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom instead atomic units.
- Allow to compute charge molecules in the C2Pk input.
- Compute the multipole integrals in the center of mass.
- A new variable called
has been introduced to change the quality of the auxiliar basis set for hybrid calculation. The possible values are: "low", "medium", "good", "verygood" and "excellent". The default value is: verygood. - Return a
file containing the input after all the preprocessing steps.
- The
variable in the yaml input, points to the folder where all the CP2K basis are located. By Default this variable points to /nac/basis where there are some default basis.
- The
variable has been removed since it is superseded by thepath_basis
- Compute the overlap integrals to calculate the derivative coupling and the multipole integrals using libint2
- Used
to compute the integrals in all the available cores - New dependencies: eigen, highfive, libint2 and pybind11
- Python/Cython implementation of the overlap integrals
- Unused functionality replaced by libint2
The user only need to provide an active_space and both the
keywords are computed automatically. -
Added fast test to compute the couplings
Removed all the Fourier transform for orbitals.
Removed unused electron transfer functionality.
and thekinds
for the CP2K input are computed using the valence_electrons from the basis/pseudpotential combination. -
Use a configuration dictionary to around the initial input instead of many arguments functions.
Import only the most important functions.
- Removed all the MPI unused functionality
- Refactor the distribute_jobs.py script to split the derivative coupling calculations.
- removed
. Useworkflow_stddft
- Moved
keyword togeneral_setting
- Renamed the
keyword and replaced it by the CP2K keywordmo_index_range
- Templates to call functionals pbe and pbe0 to compute the Molecular orbitals
- Replace the
json schemas
with the schemas library
The following actions were performed:
- Removed nose and pandas dependencies
- Use pytest for testing
- Replace MIT license by Apache-2.0
- Allow only fast tests in Travis
- Added changelog
- made general mergeHDF5 script
- Added Runners: MPI and Multiprocessing(default)
- Introduce new input file (yaml)
- Validate input files with json schemas
- Refactor the workflow API
- Used noodles==0.3.1 and qmflows==0.3.0
- Dead code from