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File metadata and controls

121 lines (82 loc) · 3.56 KB


Messenger allows plugin developers to easily create editable language / format files for their users.


Include Messenger in your project and instantiate it when your plugin loads:

Messenger messenger;


public void onEnable() {
    messenger = new Messenger(this);

By default messenger will create a file in plugins/PluginName/messages.yml. If you wish to change this you may use:


Before using messenger to send any values, you must call messenger.load();. Do this after you have set any defaults and other options you wish to be present.


Set up defaults for your plugin. Defaults are a map where the key is a String that the data will be stored under in YAML, and the value is either a String OR a String List that is the message itself. When String Lists are used, each new String in the list will be sent as a new line.

In order to make retrieving messages easier, you should use constant String values to keep track of your keys, for instance:

public static final String MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION = "no-permission";
public static final String MESSAGE_USAGE = "usage";

Map<String, Object> defaults = new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
    put(MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION, "You do not have permission to use that command");
    put(MESSAGE_USAGE, Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Usage:", "/mycommand <something> [something]"}));

You can then set the defaults to be used by the Messenger:


The example above would produce a default messages.yml file containing the following:

no-permission: 'You do not have permission to use that command'
- 'Usage:'
- '/mycommand <something> [something]'


Before messages are sent, you must call messenger.load();

Using String constants then allows easy sending of these messages to any CommandSender:

CommandSender cs = ...
messenger.send(MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION, cs);

If you have Objects to use to format the message, you may call it like so:

String value1 = ...
String value2 = ...
CommandSender cs = ...
messenger.send(MESSAGE_NO_PERMISSION, cs, value1, value2);

Learn more about message formatting in the section below.


All messages are sent with the message prefix in front of them. You can change this prefix to your liking:

messenger.setPrefix(ChatColor.GOLD + "[MyPlugin] " + ChatColor.WHITE);

Or you can disable the prefix by setting it to null.

All messages support the use of & to denote color codes, such as &e for yellow, where color codes can be found here.

All messages support the use of Java's String.format method to insert variable data into messages.

For example, the following message could be included in the plugin:

public static final String MESSAGE_FORMATTED = "message-formatted";

Map<String, Object> defaults = new HashMap<String, Object>(){{
    put(MESSAGE_FORMATTED, "Your name is: %s");

The message could then be formatted when a CommandSender sends a command by calling:

CommandSender cs = ...
String name = cs.getName();
messenger.send(MESSAGE_FORMATTED, cs, name);

In general, it is good practice to use String variables when formatting so that they can easily be reorganized by a user.

To see more examples of formatting messages, see the example defaults in