Prepare server node in one terminal (#1)
export IPFS_PATH="~/.ipfs-p2p-server"
ipfs init
Enable Libp2pStreamMounting and start the daemon
ipfs config Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting --bool true
ipfs daemon &
Start listening to forward the received connections to the target address
ipfs p2p listen /x/101-IPFS-Workshop/1.0 /ip4/
Get server's ID
ipfs config Identity.PeerID
Prepare client node in another terminal (#2)
export IPFS_PATH="~/.ipfs-p2p-client"
ipfs init
Change the ports of the Addresses, enable Libp2pStreamMounting and start the daemon
ipfs config Addresses
ipfs config edit
ipfs config Experimental.Libp2pStreamMounting --bool true
ipfs daemon &
Forward specified client connection to server
ipfs p2p forward /x/101-IPFS-Workshop/1.0 /ip4/ /ipfs/<server Identity.PeerID>
Start listening to the server's target address in one terminal
nc -l 22365
Start streaming to the forwarded client connection in the other terminal
while true
sleep 1
printf "%s\n" "$(date)"
done | nc -v 22366
Prepare a named pipe for a little streaming
mkfifo -m a+rw /tmp/pipe
Start the media program in yet another terminal (#3)
/Applications/ /tmp/pipe
Start listening to forward to the pipe in another terminal
nc -l 22365 > /tmp/pipe
Start streaming yet in another terminal
cat ~/Desktop/testmovie.mp4 | nc -v 22366
Bug: Last two steps has to be done again.
Closing the terminals #1 and #2 will stop the ipfs daemons.
Remove named pipe and config directories
rm /tmp/pipe
rm -rf ~/.ipfs-p2p-client ~/.ipfs-p2p-server