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Requirements: mvn, gloud cli (logged in to Project EPIC GCloud project).

  1. make run
  2. To check that your application is running enter url http://localhost:8080

Building new docker image

Requirements: mvn, docker

  1. make build

Pushing new docker image

Requirements: mvn, docker, access to from your dockerhub account.

  1. Edit Makefile and update TAG_CLIENT variable to new version
  2. make push


GET /events/

List all events from Database.


    "name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "keywords": [
    "description": "Tracking bomb cyclone from Colorado happened March 13th",
    "normalized_name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "status": "NOT_ACTIVE",
    "created_at": 1552643251592,
    "created_at_str": "2019-03-15 03:47:31.592"
    "name": "name 2",
    "keywords": [
    "description": "d2",
    "normalized_name": "name-2",
    "status": "NOT_ACTIVE",
    "created_at": 1552884762193,
    "created_at_str": "2019-03-17 22:52:42.193"

Status code

  • 200: Events returned correctly in GET body
  • 500: Issue connecting with database

POST /events/

Create new event.

POST body

    "name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "description": "Tracking bomb cyclone from Colorado happened March 13th",
	"keywords": ["floods", "snow","colorado", "#bombcyclone","cyclone"]


    "name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "keywords": [
    "description": "Tracking bomb cyclone from Colorado happened March 13th",
    "normalized_name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "created_at": 1552643251592,
    "created_at_str": "2019-03-15 03:47:31.592"

Status code

  • 201: Event created and started on database. Includes link to event unique URL in header.
  • 409: Conflict. There's already another event with the same name.
  • 500: Issue connecting with database.
  • 503: Kubernetes error. Issue syncing the infrastructure. Event will be created but marked as failed if it failed to start it.

GET /events/{normalizedName}

Retrieve information for event identified by normalizedName.

Response (GET /events/bombcyclone2019)

    "name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "keywords": [
    "description": "Tracking bomb cyclone from Colorado happened March 13th",
    "normalized_name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "status": "NOT_ACTIVE",
    "created_at": 1552643251592,
    "created_at_str": "2019-03-15 03:47:31.592"

Status code

  • 200: Event returned correctly in GET body.
  • 404: No event existing with normalizedName.
  • 500: Issue connecting with database.

PUT /events/{normalizedName}/{ACTIVE,NOT_ACTIVE,FAILED}

Set status for event identified by normalizedName. Only status available:


Response (PUT /events/bombcyclone2019/NOT_ACTIVE)

    "name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "keywords": [
    "description": "Tracking bomb cyclone from Colorado happened March 13th",
    "normalized_name": "bombcyclone2019",
    "status": "NOT_ACTIVE",
    "created_at": 1552643251592,
    "created_at_str": "2019-03-15 03:47:31.592"

Status code

  • 202: Event status updated. Includes link to event unique URL in header.
  • 404: No event existing with normalizedName.
  • 400: Status has not been recognized. Make sure you are using ACTIVE or NOT_ACTIVE or FAILED on the URL.
  • 500: Issue connecting with database.
  • 503: Kubernetes error. Issue syncing the infrastructure. Event will be created but marked as failed if it failed to start it.


You can execute tasks on admin port (8081).

POST /tasks/sync

Check Database and update Kubernetes deployments according to it.

Status code

  • 200: All synced.
  • 500: Error syncing. Check response body.

Health Check

To see your applications health enter url http://localhost:8081/healthcheck