- Reinforcement Learning Explained by Microsoft on edx.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning by UC Berkeley (CS294-112).
- Reinforcement Learning by Georgia Tech on Udacity (CS 8803).
- Reinforcement Learning by UCL.
- Deep RL Bootcamp 2017 by US Berkeley, Open AI and others. Video
- Q Learning Explained (tutorial) by Siraj Raval.
- Reinforcement Learning by Joelle Pineau (FAIR, 2017).
- Intuitive RL: Intro to Advantage-Actor-Critic (A2C) is awesome cartoon about RL.
- Reinforcement Learning from scratch is a comprehensive overview of many of the main algorithms that power Deep RL today.
- Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow is a first part of list of articles.
- Deep Reinforcement Learning from beginner to expert is a first part of list of articles by Thomas Simonini. A Course Page.
- OpenAI gym Part1, Part2 and Part3 by Roland Meertens.
- Overview of the first RL Workshop Spinning Up in Deep RL by OpenAI. This workshop took a deeper dive into RL algorithm design, robotics, and building safe AI systems. All resource package here.
- GYM - is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.