% butler-burton(1) butler-burton % Patrik Olin [email protected] % August 2021
butler-burton - a smartish utility to manage your BL time sheet
butler-burton [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
butler-burton helps you manage and fill out your time sheet by having you check in and check out at appropriate times. Running butler-burton without any command line parameters will display its version and help section.
-h, --help : Displays the super friendly help section.
-v, --version : Displays the software version.
-s, --silent : Prevents butler-burton from sending Teams messages for this command.
butler-burton : Displays super friendly help section and version information.
butler-burton ci | butler-burton check-in : Standard check-in procedure. Will send a Teams message saying you are checked in and write your check-in time to the time sheet.
butler-burton co | butler-burton check-out : Standard check-out procedure. Will send a Teams message saying you are check out and write your check-out time to the time sheet.
butler-burton ts d && butler-burton ci && butler-burton ts u : Downloads your time sheet from Sharepoint, checks you in and updates the time sheet with check-in time before uploading the time sheet to Sharepoint again.
butler-burton ts d && butler-burton co -c -o && butler-burton ts u : Downloads your time sheet from Sharepoint, checks you out and updates the time sheet with your check-out time, catered lunch and writes extra hours to the overtime column and then uploads your time sheet to Sharepoint.
I should think so.
No, do with it as your please and use it at your own risk.