Simple HTML+CSS page to add and delete tasks
Project is created with:
To run this project, clone repo and click index.html file. Test app in my codepen
- Add and delete your tasks
What helped me:
- Pasja Informatyki
- mdn
- Chat-GPT - kinda...
Here is my devlog :D
21.06.2024 - start
So my task is to do... a TO-DO list. But tricky part is that I need to build it without using JS. It sounds like a tough challenge :D
We are going to use HTML forms to display and hide list elements.
Well, I created 2 files - index.html and style.css. I want my app to be darkish. I found pretty-looking colors in Now we need to make that project to be semantic, so instead of using
Unfortunately I couldn't center list elements... I searched couple of forums but nothing helped me. So I asked Chat-GPT. Using AI isn't my keen, but it helps me discover new routes and understand what code represents. Chat-GPT gave me a sollution :D Now to the tricky part - inserting user's tasks in list elements.
And I thought that's not possible. Yet we can't manage dynamic content using only HTML or CSS. But I will find a solution.
So, that seems impossible. I've found a git repo that isn't working (or I can't properly launch it). Even AI is telling me to use PHP. Welp, that's a solution too. But not here. We are going to use only HTML and CSS no matter what!
And I think I have one way to solve our problem - using only form. Well, we can create a form with 10 clear labels to put tasks. Clicking on checkbox will remove them.
OK, I FOUND A SOLUTION! We are going to create couple of empty text inputs and then we use relation in css
/*task's style*/
text-decoration: none;
input:checked + label .new-task
text-decoration: line-through;
<input type="checkbox" class="task-box" id="task-1"/>
<label for="task-1">
<input type="text" class="new-task"/>
Now after clicking on checkbox we can delete our task :D So we can already add some animations and make that page responsive. Done :D
I published my work on Polish forum - Pasja Informatyki and I've got some amazing answers :D I added placeholders for inputs and aria-labels for all components. And I've added light mode. But it's only working when light mode is switched on in OS. I need to find a way how to toggle light-dark() function.
Well, probably there's no other way to toggle that. But i'll find the solution. On the other hand I added few animations and improved aria-labels.
Well, when creating a new project (Simple Blog), I decided to add some animations :D I added hover animation for labels and pointer for checkboxes.