diff --git a/_modules/index.html b/_modules/index.html index 410d593..6c0f3c5 100644 --- a/_modules/index.html +++ b/_modules/index.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - + diff --git a/_modules/iot/inverse_optimal_tax.html b/_modules/iot/inverse_optimal_tax.html index a913e3d..be90c1a 100644 --- a/_modules/iot/inverse_optimal_tax.html +++ b/_modules/iot/inverse_optimal_tax.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - + @@ -330,17 +330,18 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import scipy.stats as st
-import scipy
-from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_regression import KernelReg
-from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import scipy.stats as st
+import scipy
+from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_regression import KernelReg
+from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
+from scipy.linalg import lstsq
[docs] -class IOT: +class IOT: """ Constructor for the IOT class. @@ -368,7 +369,7 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

         class instance: IOT
-    def __init__(
+    def __init__(
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

[docs] - def df(self): + def df(self): """ Return all vector attributes in a DataFrame format @@ -445,7 +446,7 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

[docs] - def compute_mtr_dist( + def compute_mtr_dist( self, data, weight_var, income_measure, mtr_smoother, mtr_smooth_param ): """ @@ -466,22 +467,23 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

                 * mtr_prime (array_like): rate of change in marginal tax rates
                     for each income bin
-        bins = 1000  # number of equal-width bins
-        data.loc[:, ["z_bin"]] = pd.cut(
-            data[income_measure], bins, include_lowest=True
-        )
-        binned_data = pd.DataFrame(
-            data[["mtr", income_measure, "z_bin", weight_var]]
-            .groupby(["z_bin"], observed=False)
-            .apply(lambda x: wm(x[["mtr", income_measure]], x[weight_var]))
-        )
-        # make column 0 into two columns
-        binned_data[["mtr", income_measure]] = pd.DataFrame(
-            binned_data[0].tolist(), index=binned_data.index
-        )
-        binned_data.drop(columns=0, inplace=True)
-        binned_data.reset_index(inplace=True)
         if mtr_smoother == "kreg":
+            bins = 1000  # number of equal-width bins
+            data.loc[:, ["z_bin"]] = pd.cut(
+                data[income_measure], bins, include_lowest=True
+            )
+            binned_data = pd.DataFrame(
+                data[["mtr", income_measure, "z_bin", weight_var]]
+                .groupby(["z_bin"], observed=False)
+                .apply(lambda x: wm(x[["mtr", income_measure]], x[weight_var]))
+            )
+            # make column 0 into two columns
+            binned_data[["mtr", income_measure]] = pd.DataFrame(
+                binned_data[0].tolist(), index=binned_data.index
+            )
+            binned_data.drop(columns=0, inplace=True)
+            binned_data.reset_index(inplace=True)
             mtr_function = KernelReg(
@@ -489,17 +491,32 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

             mtr, _ = mtr_function.fit(self.z)
+            mtr_prime = np.gradient(mtr, edge_order=2)
+        elif mtr_smoother == "HSV":
+            # estimate the HSV function on mtrs via weighted least squares
+            X = np.log(data[income_measure].values)
+            X = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(X)), X))
+            w = np.array(data[weight_var].values)
+            w_sqrt = np.sqrt(w)
+            y = np.log(1-data["mtr"].values)
+            X_weighted = X * w_sqrt[:, np.newaxis]
+            y_weighted = y * w_sqrt
+            coef, _, _, _ = lstsq(X_weighted, y_weighted)
+            tau = -coef[1]
+            lambda_param = np.exp(coef[0]) / (1-tau)
+            mtr = 1 - lambda_param * (1-tau) * self.z ** (-tau)
+            mtr_prime = lambda_param * tau * (1-tau) * self.z ** (-tau - 1)
             print("Please enter a value mtr_smoother method")
             assert False
-        mtr_prime = np.gradient(mtr, edge_order=2)
         return mtr, mtr_prime
[docs] - def compute_income_dist( + def compute_income_dist( self, data, income_measure, weight_var, dist_type, kde_bw=None ): """ @@ -579,7 +596,7 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

             f_prime = np.gradient(f, edge_order=2)
         elif dist_type == "Pln":
-            def pln_pdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
+            def pln_pdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
                 x1 = alpha * sigma - (np.log(y) - mu) / sigma
                 phi = st.norm.pdf((np.log(y) - mu) / sigma)
                 R = (1 - st.norm.cdf(x1)) / (st.norm.pdf(x1) + 1e-15)
@@ -587,7 +604,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

                 pdf = alpha / y * phi * R
                 return pdf
-            def neg_weighted_log_likelihood(params, data, weights):
+            def neg_weighted_log_likelihood(params, data, weights):
                 mu, sigma, alpha = params
                 likelihood = np.sum(
                     weights * np.log(pln_pdf(data, mu, sigma, alpha) + 1e-15)
@@ -595,7 +612,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

                 # 1e-15 to avoid log(0)
                 return -likelihood
-            def fit_pln(data, weights, initial_guess):
+            def fit_pln(data, weights, initial_guess):
                 bounds = [(None, None), (0.01, None), (0.01, None)]
                 result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
@@ -623,7 +640,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

                 data[income_measure], data[weight_var], initial_guess
-            def pln_cdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
+            def pln_cdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
                 x1 = alpha * sigma - (np.log(y) - mu) / sigma
                 R = (1 - st.norm.cdf(x1)) / (st.norm.pdf(x1) + 1e-12)
                 CDF = (
@@ -632,7 +649,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

                 return CDF
-            def pln_dpdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
+            def pln_dpdf(y, mu, sigma, alpha):
                 x = (np.log(y) - mu) / sigma
                 R = (1 - st.norm.cdf(alpha * sigma - x)) / (
                     st.norm.pdf(alpha * sigma - x) + 1e-15
@@ -658,7 +675,7 @@ 

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

[docs] - def sw_weights(self): + def sw_weights(self): r""" Returns the social welfare weights for a given tax policy. @@ -681,26 +698,28 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

             + ((self.theta_z * self.eti * self.mtr) / (1 - self.mtr))
             + ((self.eti * self.z * self.mtr_prime) / (1 - self.mtr) ** 2)
-        integral = np.trapz(g_z, self.z)
-        # g_z = g_z / integral
+        integral = np.trapz(g_z * self.f, self.z)
+        g_z = g_z / integral
         # use Lockwood and Weinzierl formula, which should be equivalent but using numerical differentiation
         bracket_term = (
             - self.F
             - (self.mtr / (1 - self.mtr)) * self.eti * self.z * self.f
-        # d_dz_bracket = np.gradient(bracket_term, edge_order=2)
-        d_dz_bracket = np.diff(bracket_term) / np.diff(self.z)
-        d_dz_bracket = np.append(d_dz_bracket, d_dz_bracket[-1])
+        d_dz_bracket = np.gradient(bracket_term, edge_order=2)
+        # d_dz_bracket = np.diff(bracket_term) / np.diff(self.z)
+        # d_dz_bracket = np.append(d_dz_bracket, d_dz_bracket[-1])
         g_z_numerical = -(1 / self.f) * d_dz_bracket
-        integral = np.trapz(g_z_numerical, self.z)
-        # g_z_numerical = g_z_numerical / integral
+        integral = np.trapz(g_z_numerical * self.f, self.z)
+        g_z_numerical = g_z_numerical / integral
         return g_z, g_z_numerical
-def find_eti(iot1, iot2, g_z_type="g_z"): +def find_eti(iot1, iot2, g_z_type="g_z"): """ This function solves for the ETI that would result in the policy represented via MTRs in iot2 be consistent with the @@ -737,7 +756,7 @@

Source code for iot.inverse_optimal_tax

     return eti_beliefs_lw, eti_beliefs_jjz
-def wm(value, weight):
+def wm(value, weight):
     Weighted mean function that allows for zero division
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/api/inverse_optimal_tax.html b/content/api/inverse_optimal_tax.html
index 358026d..0ff8625 100644
--- a/content/api/inverse_optimal_tax.html
+++ b/content/api/inverse_optimal_tax.html
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
diff --git a/content/api/public_api.html b/content/api/public_api.html
index 2e81dbc..e7e39c8 100644
--- a/content/api/public_api.html
+++ b/content/api/public_api.html
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
diff --git a/content/example/IOT_example.html b/content/example/IOT_example.html
index 874154d..a35374e 100644
--- a/content/example/IOT_example.html
+++ b/content/example/IOT_example.html
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
@@ -435,15 +435,15 @@ 

Step 1: Import the
# imports
-from iot.iot_user import iot_comparison
-from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
-from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, plot
+from iot.iot_user import iot_comparison
+from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
+from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, plot
/tmp/ipykernel_2023/995651565.py:3: DeprecationWarning: Importing display from IPython.core.display is deprecated since IPython 7.14, please import from IPython.display
/tmp/ipykernel_1959/995651565.py:3: DeprecationWarning: Importing display from IPython.core.display is deprecated since IPython 7.14, please import from IPython.display
   from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
diff --git a/content/intro/contributing.html b/content/intro/contributing.html index 44051dd..074aa01 100644 --- a/content/intro/contributing.html +++ b/content/intro/contributing.html @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - + diff --git a/content/intro/intro.html b/content/intro/intro.html index 95d9987..90dc83c 100644 --- a/content/intro/intro.html +++ b/content/intro/intro.html @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - + diff --git a/content/intro/parameters.html b/content/intro/parameters.html index 00450e8..6d337c5 100644 --- a/content/intro/parameters.html +++ b/content/intro/parameters.html @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - + diff --git a/content/references.html b/content/references.html index 4b963ef..404f05d 100644 --- a/content/references.html +++ b/content/references.html @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - + diff --git a/genindex.html b/genindex.html index 07c13d4..3ef443e 100644 --- a/genindex.html +++ b/genindex.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - + diff --git a/search.html b/search.html index ab40871..218479f 100644 --- a/search.html +++ b/search.html @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ - + diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js index 10b471a..4e557a6 100644 --- a/searchindex.js +++ b/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"API": [[1, null]], "Accessing the results of the model": [[2, "accessing-the-results-of-the-model"]], "Citing InverseOptimalTax": [[4, "citing-inverseoptimaltax"]], "Code formatting": [[3, "code-formatting"]], "Coding Practices": [[3, "coding-practices"]], "Contributor Guide": [[3, null]], "Core Maintainers": [[4, "core-maintainers"]], "Disclaimer": [[4, "disclaimer"]], "Footnotes": [[3, "footnotes"]], "Inverse Optimal Tax Class Object": [[0, null]], "Inverse Optimal Tax Example": [[2, null]], "InverseOptimalTax": [[4, null]], "Parameters": [[5, null]], "Plotting inputs to the calculation": [[2, "plotting-inputs-to-the-calculation"]], "Python Docstrings": [[3, "python-docstrings"]], "References": [[6, null]], "Setup Git": [[3, "setup-git"]], "Setup Python": [[3, "setup-python"]], "Step 1: Import the iot_comparison class object": [[2, "step-1-import-the-iot-comparison-class-object"]], "Step 2: Instantiate an iot_comparison class object": [[2, "step-2-instantiate-an-iot-comparison-class-object"]], "Submitting a GitHub Issue": [[3, "submitting-a-github-issue"]], "Submitting a GitHub Pull Request": [[3, "submitting-a-github-pull-request"]], "Visualizing results": [[2, "visualizing-results"]], "Workflow": [[3, "workflow"]], "iot.inverse_optimal_tax": [[0, "iot-inverse-optimal-tax"]]}, "docnames": ["content/api/inverse_optimal_tax", "content/api/public_api", "content/example/IOT_example", "content/intro/contributing", "content/intro/intro", "content/intro/parameters", "content/references"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 62, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, 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"Footnotes": [[3, "footnotes"]], "Inverse Optimal Tax Class Object": [[0, null]], "Inverse Optimal Tax Example": [[2, null]], "InverseOptimalTax": [[4, null]], "Parameters": [[5, null]], "Plotting inputs to the calculation": [[2, "plotting-inputs-to-the-calculation"]], "Python Docstrings": [[3, "python-docstrings"]], "References": [[6, null]], "Setup Git": [[3, "setup-git"]], "Setup Python": [[3, "setup-python"]], "Step 1: Import the iot_comparison class object": [[2, "step-1-import-the-iot-comparison-class-object"]], "Step 2: Instantiate an iot_comparison class object": [[2, "step-2-instantiate-an-iot-comparison-class-object"]], "Submitting a GitHub Issue": [[3, "submitting-a-github-issue"]], "Submitting a GitHub Pull Request": [[3, "submitting-a-github-pull-request"]], "Visualizing results": [[2, "visualizing-results"]], "Workflow": [[3, "workflow"]], "iot.inverse_optimal_tax": [[0, "iot-inverse-optimal-tax"]]}, "docnames": ["content/api/inverse_optimal_tax", 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