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155 lines (136 loc) · 6.55 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (136 loc) · 6.55 KB

Intro to project:

alt text

├── config
                      # Template files are stored here.
├── docker
                      # Dockerfiles to build images and run containers.
├── logs
                      # Pipeline's logs.
├── results
                      # Pipeline's output.
├── src
                      # Source code lives here.
├── data
                      # CSV input files provided by user. 
├── final_pipeline.smk
                      # All rule that defined the pipeline.
                      # User need to set DATA_PATH="data/inchi.csv"  # to appropriate CSV file!
                      # Start cme pipeline.
├── config.yaml
                      # Automatically generated using CSV file in data folder.
To run dockerised pipeline locally:

Note: Among all Dockerfile, I selected Dockerfile2 because it's images has the lowest footprint 3.35GB.

  1. Build the docker image using Dockerfile2

    • Has nwchem-6.8.1
    • Has conda packages AmberTools20, rdkit, openbabel, snakemake from respective working channels Note: Image building might take anywhere between 15-30 minutes. You can simply skip step 1 and, start from step 2.
    $ cd /darpacme/docker/
    $ docker build --no-cache=true -t<GITLAB_USER_NAME>/darpacme:0.0.2 -f Dockerfile2 .
  2. Pull existing docker image from

    docker login
    # Username: <gitlab username>
    # Password: <gitlab password>
    docker pull
    docker image list
    # REPOSITORY                                           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    #                0.0.2               edcdd5b82500        2 days ago          3.34GB
  3. Spin up a container out of

    Note: In case you're building your own image instead of pulling existing one, you need to switch anub229 with your <GITLAB_USER_NAME>.

    Note: You must be in project folder darpacme/ before running following command!

    $ cd /darpacme/
    $ docker run --name cmetestContainer002 \
                 -v $PWD:/entire:rw \
                 -it /bin/bash
  4. Run pipeline

    • The container prompt will open such as

    (base) root@878898b3b0f6:/#:

    • Switch to mounted /entire folder in container

      cd /entire

    • Start pipeline:

      • On you editor outside container, Configure the desired input file.

        • Add the desired XXXX.csv(input) file in data folder
        • Set the DATA_PATH="data/XXXX.csv" in final_pipeline.smk
        • Set the DATA_PATH="data/XXXX.csv" in
      • Inside container, run the workflow:


To run the dockerised pipeline on cascade(using Singularity):

NOTE: If the image is already exists on a Container Registry, Jump to step 2!

  1. Build and push image on PNNL's gitlab docker registery:

    # authenticate to the Container Registry by using your GitLab username and password.
      docker login
    # You can add an image to this registry with the following commands:
      docker build -t -f Dockerfile1 .
      docker push
  2. Spin-up a container using singularity on Cascade

    • ssh Notes: below command,
      • drop you into a container shell, with /home, /msc, and /dtemp available still.

      • needed docker-login flag since the repository is private.

        singularity run --docker-login docker://

  3. Run pipeline TODO

To run the pipeline on Constance without docker support:
 ssh constance7a
 module load singularity/3.2.0
 singularity run --docker-login docker://
To run the pipeline on cascade without docker support:
  1. Configure environment variables to access software packages on cascade:
    # add PYTHON path to your ~/.bashrc file, add this like to the bottom:
      vi ~/.bashrc
      export PYTHON_BIN=/home/scicons/cascade/apps/python/3.7/bin
      export PYTHONHOME=/home/scicons/cascade/apps/python/3.7
      export PYTHONPATH=/home/scicons/cascade/apps/python/3.7/lib/python3.7:/home/scicons/cascade/apps/python/3.7/include/python3.7m:/home/scicons/cascade/apps/python/3.7/pkgs
      export NECHEM7=/home/scicons/cascade/apps/nwchem-7.0.0/bin/LINUX64/nwchem    
      export PATH=${PYTHON_BIN}:${PATH}
    # source it:
      ❯ source ~/.bashrc
    # Verify the installation:
      ❯ echo -e $PYTHON_BIN "\n" $PYTHONHOME "\n" $PYTHONPATH "\n" $PATH "\n" $NECHEM7`
  2. Further verify packages presence, If configured environment variables correctly:
      ❯ which teleap tleap antechamber parmchk2
      ❯ obabel -V
        `Open Babel 3.1.0 -- May  8 2020 -- 19:17:38`
      ❯ snakemake --version
      ❯ rdkit 
        ❯ python (must be 3.7.X version) 
        ❯❯❯ import rdkit; print(rdkit.__version__)
        ❯❯❯ import rdkit as _; print(_.__path__)
        ❯❯❯ import pybel; print(rdkit.__version__)
  3. Go to your project directory and run pipeline:
    cd darpacme

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