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Application APIs

The app APIs allow thirdparty system search apps. All the app APIs are in the class

Constructors of AppAPI

public AppApi(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret);

Constructor parameters description

Name Type Description
baseUrl String the base url of REST API
apiKey String the apiKey of marketplace, get this key from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights
apiSecret String apiSecret, get api secret from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights

Search apps

The search apps API allows thirdparty system to search apps for page.


public Result<AppPageDTO>  searchApp(int pageNo, int pageSize, AppSearchOrderBy orderBy, String name, AppOsType osType, AppChargeType chargeType,AppBaseType baseType, AppStatus appStatus, ApkStatus apkStatus,Boolean specificReseller,Boolean specificMerchantCategory, Boolean includeSubscribedApp, String resellerName, 
String modelName);
public Result<AppPageDTO>  searchApp(int pageNo, int pageSize, AppSearchOrderBy orderBy, String name, AppOsType osType, AppChargeType chargeType,AppBaseType baseType, AppStatus appStatus, ApkStatus apkStatus,Boolean specificReseller,Boolean specificMerchantCategory, Boolean includeSubscribedApp, String resellerName);
public Result<AppPageDTO>  searchApp(int pageNo, int pageSize, AppSearchOrderBy orderBy,
String name, AppOsType osType, AppChargeType chargeType, AppBaseType baseType, AppStatus appStatus, ApkStatus apkStatus,Boolean specificReseller,Boolean specificMerchantCategory, Boolean includeSubscribedApp);
public Result<AppPageDTO>  searchApp(int pageNo, int pageSize, AppSearchOrderBy orderBy,
String name, AppOsType osType, AppChargeType chargeType, AppBaseType baseType, AppStatus appStatus, ApkStatus apkStatus,Boolean specificReseller,Boolean pecificMerchantCategory);

Input parameter(s) description

Name Type Nullable Description
pageNo int false page number, value must >=1
pageSize int false the record number per page, range is 1 to 100
orderBy AppSearchOrderBy true the sort order by field name, if this parameter is null the search result will order by created date descend. The value of this parameter can be one of AppSearchOrderBy.AppName_desc, AppSearchOrderBy.AppName_asc, AppSearchOrderBy.Emial_desc, AppSearchOrderBy.Emial_asc, AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_desc and AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_asc.
name String true search filter by app name(parsed from apk file), package name or the developer's name
appStatus AppStatus true the app status
the value can be AppStatus.Active, AppStatus.Suspend
apkStatus ApkStatus true the apk status
the value can be ApkStatus.Pending, ApkStatus.Online, ApkStatus.Rejected, ApkStatus.Offline
osType AppOsType true the app osType
the value can be AppOsType.Android, AppOsType.Traditional
baseType AppBaseType true the app baseType
the value can be AppBaseType.Normal, AppBaseType.Parameter
chargeType AppChargeType true the app chargeType
the value can be AppChargeType.Free, AppChargeType.Charging
specificReseller Boolean true specific reseller
value can be one of true(yes) and false(no)
specificMerchantCategory Boolean true specific merchant category
value can be one of true(yes) and false(no)
includeSubscribedApp Boolean true include the subscribed app, value can be one of true(yes) and false(no)
resellerName String true search filter by reseller name, search out the app to which the reseller belongs
modelName String true search filter by model name, search out the app to which the model belongs

Sample codes

Result<AppPageDTO> result = AppApi.searchApp(1, 10, AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_desc,"", AppOsType.Android, AppChargeType.Free, AppBaseType.Normal, AppStatus.Active, ApkStatus.Online, false, false, null, null);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1"]

Successful sample result

	"businessCode": 0,
	"pageInfo": {
		"pageNo": 1,
		"limit": 12,
		"totalCount": 1,
		"hasNext": false,
		"dataSet": [{

The type in dataSet is AppPageDTO. And the structure like below.

Property Name Type Description
id Long The id of app.
name String The name of app.
packageName String The packageName of app.
status String Status of app. Value can be one of A(Active) and S(Suspend)
osType String OsType of app. Value can be one of A(Android) and T(Traditional)
chargeType Integer chargeType of app. Value can be one of 0(Free) and 1(Charing)
specificReseller Boolean whether make app specific reseller.
downloads Long downloads of app.
apkList List<ApkDTO> App version list.
entityAttributeValues LinkedHashMap<String, String> App Entity Attributes.

The structure of class ApkDTO

Property Name Type Description
name String Apk name
fileSize Long Apk file size(byte)
status String Status of apk. Value can be one of P(Pending), O(Online), R(Rejected) and U(Offline)
versionCode Long version code of apk.
versionName String version name of apk.
apkType String base type of apk. Value can be one of N(Normal) and P(Parameter)
apkFileType String file type of apk. Value can be one of A(Android), P(Prolin) and B(Broadpos)
apkFile ApkFileDTO install package file of apk.

The structure of class ApkFileDTO

Property Name Type Description
permissions String Android OS Authorization.
paxPermission String Paydroid Authorizationr.

Possible client validation errors

pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 100

Search apps includes subscribed apps

The search apps API allows thirdparty system to search apps for page, it has additional 1 parameter, the details please refer to the Input parameter(s) description.


public Result<AppPageDTO>  searchApp(int pageNo, int pageSize, AppSearchOrderBy orderBy,
                                    String name, AppOsType osType, AppChargeType chargeType,
                                    AppBaseType baseType, AppStatus appStatus, ApkStatus apkStatus,
                                    Boolean specificReseller, Boolean specificMerchantCategory, Boolean includeSubscribedApp)

Input parameter(s) description

Name Type Nullable Description
pageNo int false page number, value must >=1
pageSize int false the record number per page, range is 1 to 1000
orderBy AppSearchOrderBy true the sort order by field name, if this parameter is null the search result will order by created date descend. The value of this parameter can be one of AppSearchOrderBy.AppName_desc, AppSearchOrderBy.AppName_asc, AppSearchOrderBy.Emial_desc, AppSearchOrderBy.Emial_asc, AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_desc and AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_asc.
name String true search filter by app name(parsed from apk file), package name or the developer's name
appStatus AppStatus true the app status
the value can be AppStatus.Active, AppStatus.Suspend
apkStatus ApkStatus true the apk status
the value can be ApkStatus.Pending, ApkStatus.Online, ApkStatus.Rejected, ApkStatus.Offline
osType AppOsType true the app osType
the value can be AppOsType.Android, AppOsType.Traditional
baseType AppBaseType true the app baseType
the value can be AppBaseType.Normal, AppBaseType.Parameter
chargeType AppChargeType true the app chargeType
the value can be AppChargeType.Free, AppChargeType.Charging
specificReseller Boolean true specific reseller
make app private to some reseller, the value can be true or false
specificMerchantCategory Boolean true sperific merchant category
make app only visible by specific merchants in store client, the value can be true or false
includeSubscribedApp Boolean true whether to include the subscribed applications from global market

Sample codes

Result<AppPageDTO> result = AppApi.searchApp(1, 10, AppSearchOrderBy.UpdatedDate_desc,
                                                 "", AppOsType.Android, AppChargeType.Free, AppBaseType.Normal, 
                                                 AppStatus.Active, ApkStatus.Online, false, false, true);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1"]

Successful sample result

    "businessCode": 0,
    "pageInfo": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "limit": 12,
        "totalCount": 2,
        "hasNext": false,
        "dataSet": [

The type in dataSet of result is AppPageDTO.

Possible client validation errors

pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 1000

Get App Cost

Get app cost by resellerId and appId.


public Result<AppCostDTO> getAppCost(Long resellerId, Long appId) {

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
resellerId Long false Reseller Id.
appId Long false App Id

Sample codes

Result<AppCostDTO> result = appApi.getAppCost(1L, 1L);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["The property appId can't be empty!","The property resellerId can't be empty!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 1759,
	"message": "Reseller doesn't exist"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0,
	"data": {
		"paid": true,
		"chargeType": 1,
		"price": 8.88,
		"currency": 58703872,
		"freeTrialDay" : 5

The type in dataSet of result is AppCostDTO. The structure shows below.

Structure of class AppCostDTO

Property Name Type Description
paid Boolean The app is paid
chargeType Integer ChargeType of app, 0 is totally free and 1 is one time purchase and 2 is require subscription and 3 is app purchase and 4 is monthly fee
price BigDecimal The app price
text String The app text
currency String The app price currency
freeTrialDay Integer The app free trial days

Possible client validation errors

Parameter appId cannot be empty!

Parameter resellerId cannot be empty!

Possible business codes

Business Code Message Description
1759 Reseller doesn't exist
1000 App not found