Documentation is generated using Sphinx:
For every pull_request:
- check if documentation can be generated
For every release:
- A github action triggers the building of documentation
- sphinx-apidoc generates automatically .rst files based on source code
- sphinx-build generates automatically .html files from the rst files
- The github action posts the results to
branch gh_pages
is automatically turned into a website by github
Important files:
: defining settingsMakefile
: not exactly sure, we use defaultsindex.rst
: Define the index of the final documentation
Running locally, documentation html files are generated but not added to gh-pages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r docs/doc-requirements.txt
sphinx-apidoc -o docs openstef
sphinx-build docs output
Run docstring formatting and checks locally:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r docs/doc-requirements.txt
pydocstyle .
docformatter openstef --recursive --wrap-summaries 120 --in-place