You can ship your Java-based application as platform-dependent executable by using the QtJambi application deployer tool. Therefore, download qtjambi-deployer.jar from the release of your choice along with platform-dependent qtjambi-deployer-native-X.jar for all platforms you aim at.
In the examples below, we assume you created an application in a jar
file my-company-app.jar
with main class
depending on qtjambi-6.8.2.jar
Call the app deployer as shown below. Make sure the library path points
to the Qt libraries being bin
on Windows and lib
on Linux and macOS.
java -Djava.library.path=<path to Qt libraries>
-p qtjambi-6.8.2.jar:qtjambi-deployer-6.8.2.jar
-m qtjambi.deployer app
Alternative way to call it:
java -Djava.library.path=<path to Qt libraries>
-cp qtjambi-6.8.2.jar:qtjambi-deployer-6.8.2.jar
io.qt.qtjambi.deployer.Main app
Subsequently, you specify arguments for QtJambi deployer to create the platform-dependent executable. The executable is then equipped with all arguments needed by Java to execute the program.
Possible arguments are:
location of the platform-dependent QtJambiLauncher executable's location (optional if qtjambi-deployer-native components are in classpath)--class-path=...
class path to be used by Java to find all required classes relative to the executable's location. Use path separator;
on Windows and:
on Linux/macOS.--module-path=...
module path to be used by Java to find all required classes relative to the executable's location. Use path separator;
on Windows and:
on Linux/macOS.--library-path=...
path to Qt and other required libraries relative to the executable's location. Use path separator;
on Windows and:
on Linux/macOS.--jvm-path=...
path to Java Runtime Environment relative to the executable's location--autodetect-jvm
alternatively you can let the program detect Java automatically (minimum version required)--minversion-jvm=...
required when autodetection of Java is enabled--application=...
name of the generated application--filter=...
filters the program arguments. All program arguments starting with the given filter are treated as JVM argument. (Can be used multiple times)--dir=...
target directory to place the prepared binary- ...additional Java runtime arguments after
Make sure you specify all --xyz-path=...
relative to the bundle (macOS) and executable (Windows/Linux), respectively.
It is not possible to create executables for Android.
On Windows, the executable needs to be located in the same directory
as the Qt6Core.dll
. We design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| bin
| Qt6Core.dll
| Qt6Gui.dll
| Qt6Widgets.dll
| MyCompanyApp.exe
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| qml (only when using QtQml)
| resources (only when using QtWebEngine)
| lib
| qtjambi-6.8.2.jar
| qtjambi-native-windows-x64-6.8.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
To create the corresponding executable MyCompanyApp.exe
you need to
append the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
java -Djava.library.path=<path to Qt libraries>
-p qtjambi-6.8.2.jar;qtjambi-deployer-6.8.2.jar
-m qtjambi.deployer app
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)
The argument --ico
is now depdecated. If you want to change the executable's icon use third parts software.
On Linux, the executable searches for library
directory lib
or ../lib
. We design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| MyCompanyApp
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| qml (only when using QtQml)
| resources (only when using QtWebEngine)
| libexec (only when using QtWebEngine)
| lib
| qtjambi-6.8.2.jar
| qtjambi-native-linux-x64-6.8.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
To create the corresponding executable MyCompanyApp
you need to append
the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
java -Djava.library.path=<path to Qt libraries>
-p qtjambi-6.8.2.jar:qtjambi-deployer-6.8.2.jar
-m qtjambi.deployer app
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)
On macOS, the executable searches for framework QtCore.framework
inside of the app bundle or in directory lib
. Thus, you can place all
libraries and even Java inside of the bundle or use a directory design
similar to Linux. Here, we design the target directory structure as
installation directory
| Contents
| MacOS
| MyCompanyApp
| plugins
| ... (platforms, styles and others)
| qml (only when using QtQml)
| Frameworks
| QtCore.framework
| QtGui.framework
| QtWidgets.framework
| lib
| qtjambi-6.8.2.jar
| qtjambi-native-macos-6.8.2.jar
| my-company-app.jar
| jre
| ... (Java Runtime Environment)
| Resources
| Info.plist
| PkgInfo
To create the corresponding executable
you need to
append the following commands to the above listed QtJambi deployer command:
java -Djava.library.path=<path to Qt libraries>
-p qtjambi-6.8.2.jar:qtjambi-deployer-6.8.2.jar
-m qtjambi.deployer app
--dir=output directory (may be installation directory)