diff --git a/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Server/BatchRequestTestsController.cs b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Server/BatchRequestTestsController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bae264cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Server/BatchRequestTestsController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Deltas;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Query;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Routing.Controllers;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Server.Default;
+namespace Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.BatchRequestTests.Server;
+public class BatchRequestTestsController : ODataController
+ private static DefaultDataSource _dataSource;
+ [EnableQuery]
+ [HttpGet("odata/Accounts")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccounts()
+ {
+ var result = _dataSource.Accounts;
+ return Ok(result);
+ }
+ [EnableQuery]
+ [HttpGet("odata/Accounts({key})")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccount([FromRoute] int key)
+ {
+ var result = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == key);
+ if (result == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ return Ok(result);
+ }
+ [EnableQuery]
+ [HttpGet("odata/Accounts({key})/MyPaymentInstruments")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccountMyPaymentInstruments([FromRoute] int key)
+ {
+ var result = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == key);
+ if (result == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ return Ok(result.MyPaymentInstruments);
+ }
+ [EnableQuery]
+ [HttpGet("odata/Accounts({accountKey})/MyPaymentInstruments({myPaymentInstrumentKey})/BillingStatements({billingStatementKey})")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccountBillingStatement([FromRoute] int accountKey, [FromRoute] int myPaymentInstrumentKey, [FromRoute] int billingStatementKey)
+ {
+ var account = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == accountKey);
+ var myPaymentInstrument = account?.MyPaymentInstruments?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.PaymentInstrumentID == myPaymentInstrumentKey);
+ var billingStatement = myPaymentInstrument?.BillingStatements?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.StatementID == billingStatementKey);
+ if (billingStatement == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ return Ok(billingStatement);
+ }
+ [HttpPatch("odata/Accounts({key})")]
+ public IActionResult AddAccount([FromRoute] int key, [FromBody] Delta delta)
+ {
+ var account = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == key);
+ if (account == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ var updated = delta.Patch(account);
+ return Ok(updated);
+ }
+ [HttpPost("odata/Accounts")]
+ public IActionResult AddAccount([FromBody] Account account)
+ {
+ _dataSource.Accounts?.Add(account);
+ return Created(account);
+ }
+ [HttpPost("odata/Accounts({key})/MyPaymentInstruments")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccountBillingStatement([FromRoute] int key, [FromBody] PaymentInstrument paymentInstrument)
+ {
+ var account = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == key);
+ if (account == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ account.MyPaymentInstruments ??= [];
+ account.MyPaymentInstruments.Add(paymentInstrument);
+ return Created(paymentInstrument);
+ }
+ [HttpPost("odata/Accounts({accountKey})/MyPaymentInstruments({myPaymentInstrumentKey})/BillingStatements")]
+ public IActionResult GetAccountBillingStatement([FromRoute] int accountKey, [FromRoute] int myPaymentInstrumentKey, [FromBody] Statement statement)
+ {
+ var account = _dataSource.Accounts?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AccountID == accountKey);
+ if (account == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ var paymentInstrument = account.MyPaymentInstruments?.SingleOrDefault(a => a.PaymentInstrumentID == myPaymentInstrumentKey);
+ if (paymentInstrument == null)
+ {
+ return NotFound();
+ }
+ paymentInstrument.BillingStatements ??= [];
+ paymentInstrument.BillingStatements.Add(statement);
+ return Created(statement);
+ }
+ [HttpPost("odata/batchrequests/Default.ResetDefaultDataSource")]
+ public IActionResult ResetDefaultDataSource()
+ {
+ _dataSource = DefaultDataSource.CreateInstance();
+ return Ok();
+ }
diff --git a/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestClientTests.cs b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestClientTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ab4fe4cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestClientTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Batch;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Routing.Controllers;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.TestCommon;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.BatchRequestTests.Server;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.Default;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Server.Default;
+using Xunit;
+using Account = Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.Account;
+using AccountInfo = Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.AccountInfo;
+using PaymentInstrument = Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.PaymentInstrument;
+using Statement = Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.Statement;
+namespace Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.BatchRequestTests.Tests;
+public class BatchRequestClientTests : EndToEndTestBase
+ private readonly Uri _baseUri;
+ private readonly Container _context;
+ public class TestsStartup : TestStartupBase
+ {
+ public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
+ {
+ services.ConfigureControllers(typeof(BatchRequestTestsController), typeof(MetadataController));
+ services.AddControllers().AddOData(opt =>
+ {
+ opt.EnableQueryFeatures().AddRouteComponents("odata", DefaultEdmModel.GetEdmModel(), new DefaultODataBatchHandler());
+ opt.RouteOptions.EnableNonParenthesisForEmptyParameterFunction = true;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ public BatchRequestClientTests(TestWebApplicationFactory fixture) : base(fixture)
+ {
+ if (Client.BaseAddress == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Client.BaseAddress), "Base address cannot be null");
+ }
+ _baseUri = new Uri(Client.BaseAddress, "odata/");
+ _context = new Container(_baseUri)
+ {
+ HttpClientFactory = HttpClientFactory
+ };
+ ResetDefaultDataSource();
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task AddAndModifiedBatchRequestsTest()
+ {
+ // Arrange
+ // POST Requests
+ var account = new Account
+ {
+ AccountID = 110,
+ CountryRegion = "US"
+ };
+ _context.AddToAccounts(account);
+ var paymentInstrument = new PaymentInstrument
+ {
+ PaymentInstrumentID = 102910,
+ FriendlyName = "102 batch new PI",
+ CreatedDate = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2013, 12, 29, 11, 11, 57))
+ };
+ _context.AddRelatedObject(account, "MyPaymentInstruments", paymentInstrument);
+ var billingStatement = new Statement
+ {
+ StatementID = 102910010,
+ TransactionDescription = "Digital goods: PC",
+ Amount = 1000
+ };
+ _context.AddRelatedObject(paymentInstrument, "BillingStatements", billingStatement);
+ // PATCH Request
+ var accountToUpdate = _context.Accounts.Where(a => a.AccountID == 107).Single();
+ Assert.NotNull(accountToUpdate);
+ var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
+ accountToUpdate.UpdatedTime = now;
+ accountToUpdate.AccountInfo = new AccountInfo
+ {
+ FirstName = "John",
+ LastName = "Doe"
+ };
+ _context.UpdateObject(accountToUpdate);
+ // Act
+ var response = await _context.SaveChangesAsync(SaveChangesOptions.BatchWithSingleChangeset | SaveChangesOptions.UseRelativeUri);
+ // Assert
+ Assert.Equal(4, response.Count());
+ var changeResponses = response.Cast();
+ Assert.All(changeResponses, changeResponse => Assert.True(changeResponse.StatusCode == 200 || changeResponse.StatusCode == 201));
+ var accountCreatedResponse = changeResponses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.StatusCode == 201 && r.Descriptor is EntityDescriptor descriptor && descriptor.Entity is Account);
+ var accountUpdatedResponse = changeResponses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.StatusCode == 200 && r.Descriptor is EntityDescriptor descriptor && descriptor.Entity is Account);
+ var paymentInstrumentCreatedResponse = changeResponses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Descriptor is EntityDescriptor descriptor && descriptor.Entity is PaymentInstrument);
+ var statementCreatedResponse = changeResponses.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Descriptor is EntityDescriptor descriptor && descriptor.Entity is Statement);
+ // Account 110 is created
+ Assert.NotNull(accountCreatedResponse);
+ var accountCreated = Assert.IsType((accountCreatedResponse.Descriptor as EntityDescriptor)?.Entity);
+ Assert.NotNull(accountCreated);
+ Assert.Equal(110, accountCreated.AccountID);
+ Assert.Equal("US", accountCreated.CountryRegion);
+ Assert.Null(accountCreated.AccountInfo);
+ // Account 107 is updated
+ Assert.NotNull(accountUpdatedResponse);
+ var accountUpdated = Assert.IsType((accountUpdatedResponse.Descriptor as EntityDescriptor)?.Entity);
+ Assert.NotNull(accountUpdated);
+ Assert.Equal(107, accountUpdated.AccountID);
+ Assert.Equal("FR", accountUpdated.CountryRegion);
+ Assert.Equal(now, accountUpdated.UpdatedTime);
+ Assert.Equal("John", accountUpdated.AccountInfo.FirstName);
+ Assert.Equal("Doe", accountUpdated.AccountInfo.LastName);
+ // PaymentInstrument 102910 is created
+ Assert.NotNull(paymentInstrumentCreatedResponse);
+ var paymentInstrumentCreated = Assert.IsType((paymentInstrumentCreatedResponse.Descriptor as EntityDescriptor)?.Entity);
+ Assert.NotNull(paymentInstrumentCreated);
+ Assert.Equal(102910, paymentInstrumentCreated.PaymentInstrumentID);
+ Assert.Equal("102 batch new PI", paymentInstrumentCreated.FriendlyName);
+ // Statement 102910010 is created
+ Assert.NotNull(statementCreatedResponse);
+ var statementCreated = Assert.IsType((statementCreatedResponse.Descriptor as EntityDescriptor)?.Entity);
+ Assert.NotNull(statementCreated);
+ Assert.Equal(102910010, statementCreated.StatementID);
+ Assert.Equal(1000, statementCreated.Amount);
+ Assert.Equal("Digital goods: PC", statementCreated.TransactionDescription);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public async Task QueryBatchRequestsTest()
+ {
+ // Arrange
+ var batchRequest = new DataServiceRequest[]
+ {
+ new DataServiceRequest(new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(102)")),
+ new DataServiceRequest(new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(101)/MyPaymentInstruments")),
+ new DataServiceRequest(new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(103)/MyPaymentInstruments(103901)/BillingStatements(103901001)"))
+ };
+ // Act
+ var response = await _context.ExecuteBatchAsync(SaveChangesOptions.BatchWithSingleChangeset | SaveChangesOptions.UseRelativeUri, batchRequest);
+ // Assert
+ foreach (var operationResponse in response)
+ {
+ if (operationResponse is QueryOperationResponse paymentInstrumentResponse)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(200, paymentInstrumentResponse.StatusCode);
+ var paymentInstruments = paymentInstrumentResponse.ToList();
+ Assert.Equal(3, paymentInstruments.Count);
+ }
+ else if (operationResponse is QueryOperationResponse statementResponse)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(200, statementResponse.StatusCode);
+ var statements = statementResponse.ToList();
+ Assert.Single(statements);
+ Assert.Equal(103901001, statements[0].StatementID);
+ Assert.Equal(100, statements[0].Amount);
+ Assert.Equal("Digital goods: App", statements[0].TransactionDescription);
+ }
+ else if (operationResponse is QueryOperationResponse accountResponse)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(200, accountResponse.StatusCode);
+ var accounts = accountResponse.ToList();
+ Assert.Single(accounts);
+ Assert.Equal(102, accounts[0].AccountID);
+ Assert.Equal("GB", accounts[0].CountryRegion);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #region Private methods
+ private void ResetDefaultDataSource()
+ {
+ var actionUri = new Uri(_baseUri + "batchrequests/Default.ResetDefaultDataSource", UriKind.Absolute);
+ _context.Execute(actionUri, "POST");
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestWithRelativeUriTests.cs b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestWithRelativeUriTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a167e6e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/EndToEndTests/Tests/Client/Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests/BatchRequestTests/Tests/BatchRequestWithRelativeUriTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Batch;
+using Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData.Routing.Controllers;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.TestCommon;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.TestCommon.Common;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.BatchRequestTests.Server;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Client.Default.Default;
+using Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Server.Default;
+using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
+using Xunit;
+namespace Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.BatchRequestTests.Tests;
+public class BatchRequestWithRelativeUriTests : EndToEndTestBase
+ private const string NameSpacePrefix = "Microsoft.OData.Client.E2E.Tests.Common.Server.Default";
+ private readonly Uri _baseUri;
+ private readonly Container _context;
+ private readonly IEdmModel _model;
+ public class TestsStartup : TestStartupBase
+ {
+ public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
+ {
+ services.ConfigureControllers(typeof(BatchRequestTestsController), typeof(MetadataController));
+ services.AddControllers().AddOData(opt =>
+ opt.EnableQueryFeatures().AddRouteComponents("odata", DefaultEdmModel.GetEdmModel(), new DefaultODataBatchHandler()));
+ }
+ }
+ public BatchRequestWithRelativeUriTests(TestWebApplicationFactory fixture)
+ : base(fixture)
+ {
+ if (Client.BaseAddress == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Client.BaseAddress), "Base address cannot be null");
+ }
+ _baseUri = new Uri(Client.BaseAddress, "odata/");
+ _context = new Container(_baseUri)
+ {
+ HttpClientFactory = HttpClientFactory
+ };
+ _model = DefaultEdmModel.GetEdmModel();
+ ResetDefaultDataSource();
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData(BatchPayloadUriOption.AbsoluteUri)]
+ [InlineData(BatchPayloadUriOption.RelativeUri)]
+ [InlineData(BatchPayloadUriOption.AbsoluteUriUsingHostHeader)]
+ public async Task BatchRequestWithResourcePathTest(BatchPayloadUriOption option)
+ {
+ // Arrange
+ var writerSettings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings
+ {
+ BaseUri = _baseUri,
+ EnableMessageStreamDisposal = false, // Ensure the stream is not disposed of prematurely
+ };
+ var accountType = _model.FindDeclaredType($"{NameSpacePrefix}.Account") as IEdmEntityType;
+ Assert.NotNull(accountType);
+ var accountSet = _model.EntityContainer.FindEntitySet("Accounts");
+ Assert.NotNull(accountSet);
+ var paymentInstrumentType = _model.FindDeclaredType($"{NameSpacePrefix}.PaymentInstrument") as IEdmEntityType;
+ Assert.NotNull(paymentInstrumentType);
+ var navProp = accountType.FindProperty("MyPaymentInstruments") as IEdmNavigationProperty;
+ Assert.NotNull(navProp);
+ var myPaymentInstrumentSet = accountSet.FindNavigationTarget(navProp);
+ Assert.NotNull(myPaymentInstrumentSet);
+ var requestUrl = new Uri(_baseUri.AbsoluteUri + "$batch", UriKind.Absolute);
+ var requestMessage = new TestHttpClientRequestMessage(requestUrl, Client);
+ requestMessage.SetHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_01AD6766-4A45-47CC-9463-94D4591D8DA9");
+ requestMessage.SetHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
+ requestMessage.Method = "POST";
+ await using (var messageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(requestMessage, writerSettings, _model))
+ {
+ var batchWriter = await messageWriter.CreateODataBatchWriterAsync();
+ // Batch start.
+ await batchWriter.WriteStartBatchAsync();
+ // A Get request.
+ requestUrl = new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(101)/MyPaymentInstruments");
+ var batchOperation1 = await batchWriter.CreateOperationRequestMessageAsync("GET", requestUrl, null, option);
+ batchOperation1.SetHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=full");
+ // Get request ends.
+ // Changeset start.
+ await batchWriter.WriteStartChangesetAsync();
+ // The first operation in changeset is a Create request.
+ requestUrl = new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(102)/MyPaymentInstruments");
+ var batchChangesetOperation1 = await batchWriter.CreateOperationRequestMessageAsync("POST", requestUrl, "1", option);
+ batchChangesetOperation1.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;odata.metadata=full");
+ batchChangesetOperation1.SetHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=full");
+ var paymentInstrumentEntry = new ODataResource() { TypeName = $"{NameSpacePrefix}.PaymentInstrument" };
+ var paymentInstrumentEntryP1 = new ODataProperty { Name = "PaymentInstrumentID", Value = 102910 };
+ var paymentInstrumentEntryP2 = new ODataProperty { Name = "FriendlyName", Value = "102 batch new PI" };
+ var paymentInstrumentEntryP3 = new ODataProperty { Name = "CreatedDate", Value = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2013, 12, 29, 11, 11, 57)) };
+ paymentInstrumentEntry.Properties = [paymentInstrumentEntryP1, paymentInstrumentEntryP2, paymentInstrumentEntryP3];
+ await using (var entryMessageWriter = new ODataMessageWriter(batchChangesetOperation1))
+ {
+ var odataEntryWriter = await entryMessageWriter.CreateODataResourceWriterAsync(myPaymentInstrumentSet, paymentInstrumentType);
+ await odataEntryWriter.WriteStartAsync(paymentInstrumentEntry);
+ await odataEntryWriter.WriteEndAsync();
+ }
+ // Changeset end.
+ await batchWriter.WriteEndChangesetAsync();
+ // Another Get request.
+ requestUrl = new Uri(_baseUri + "Accounts(103)/MyPaymentInstruments(103901)/BillingStatements(103901001)");
+ var batchOperation2 = await batchWriter.CreateOperationRequestMessageAsync("GET", requestUrl, null, option);
+ batchOperation2.SetHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=full");
+ // Batch end.
+ await batchWriter.WriteEndBatchAsync();
+ }
+ // Act
+ var responseMessage = await requestMessage.GetResponseAsync();
+ // Assert
+ Assert.Equal(200, responseMessage.StatusCode);
+ await ProcessBatchResponseAsync(responseMessage);
+ }
+ #region Private methods
+ private async Task ProcessBatchResponseAsync(IODataResponseMessageAsync responseMessage)
+ {
+ ODataMessageReaderSettings readerSettings = new() { BaseUri = _baseUri };
+ using (var innerMessageReader = new ODataMessageReader(responseMessage, readerSettings, _model))
+ {
+ var batchReader = await innerMessageReader.CreateODataBatchReaderAsync();
+ int batchOperationId = 0;
+ while (await batchReader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ switch (batchReader.State)
+ {
+ case ODataBatchReaderState.Initial:
+ break;
+ case ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetStart:
+ break;
+ case ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetEnd:
+ break;
+ case ODataBatchReaderState.Operation:
+ var operationResponse = await batchReader.CreateOperationResponseMessageAsync();
+ using (var operationResponseReader = new ODataMessageReader(operationResponse, readerSettings, _model))
+ {
+ if (batchOperationId == 0)
+ {
+ // the first response message is a feed
+ var feedReader = await operationResponseReader.CreateODataResourceSetReaderAsync();
+ Assert.Equal(200, operationResponse.StatusCode);
+ var pis = new List();
+ while (await feedReader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ if (feedReader.State == ODataReaderState.ResourceEnd)
+ {
+ var entry = feedReader.Item as ODataResource;
+ Assert.NotNull(entry);
+ pis.Add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.Equal(ODataReaderState.Completed, feedReader.State);
+ Assert.Equal(3, pis.Count);
+ }
+ else if (batchOperationId == 1)
+ {
+ // the second response message is a creation response
+ var entryReader = await operationResponseReader.CreateODataResourceReaderAsync();
+ Assert.Equal(201, operationResponse.StatusCode);
+ var pis = new List();
+ while (await entryReader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ if (entryReader.State == ODataReaderState.ResourceEnd)
+ {
+ var entry = entryReader.Item as ODataResource;
+ Assert.NotNull(entry);
+ pis.Add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.Equal(ODataReaderState.Completed, entryReader.State);
+ Assert.Single(pis);
+ var paymentInstrumentIDProperty = pis[0].Properties.Single(p => p.Name == "PaymentInstrumentID") as ODataProperty;
+ Assert.NotNull(paymentInstrumentIDProperty);
+ Assert.Equal(102910, paymentInstrumentIDProperty.Value);
+ }
+ else if (batchOperationId == 2)
+ {
+ // the third response message is an entry
+ var entryReader = await operationResponseReader.CreateODataResourceReaderAsync();
+ Assert.Equal(200, operationResponse.StatusCode);
+ var statements = new List();
+ while (await entryReader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ if (entryReader.State == ODataReaderState.ResourceEnd)
+ {
+ var entry = entryReader.Item as ODataResource;
+ Assert.NotNull(entry);
+ statements.Add(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.Equal(ODataReaderState.Completed, entryReader.State);
+ Assert.Single(statements);
+ var statementIDProperty = statements[0].Properties.Single(p => p.Name == "StatementID") as ODataProperty;
+ Assert.NotNull(statementIDProperty);
+ Assert.Equal(103901001, statementIDProperty.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ batchOperationId++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.Equal(ODataBatchReaderState.Completed, batchReader.State);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ResetDefaultDataSource()
+ {
+ var actionUri = new Uri(_baseUri + "batchrequests/Default.ResetDefaultDataSource", UriKind.Absolute);
+ _context.Execute(actionUri, "POST");
+ }
+ #endregion