Some interesting news/developments coming up in OCaml's future:
OCaml 5.0 has integrated Multicore OCaml, which provides building blocks for concurrent and parallel programming. It includes algebraic effect handlers that can express computational effects, including resumable exceptions, delimited continuations, and asynchronous computations. Additionally, domains, abstractions of native threads, can run simultaneously on shared-memory multiprocessor systems.
The OCaml community has taken advantage of these new features by developing several libraries, and the ecosystem has evolved to gain full potential from today's hardware. For more information, visit the Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distributed Systems page.
- The Journey to OCaml Multicore: Bringing Big Ideas to Life (2023) summarizes the history and challenges of the Multicore OCaml project that started in 2013.
- Retrofitting Concurrency – Lessons from the Engine Room (video) (ICFP 2022) retrospects how OCaml 5.0 has enabled multi-threaded OCaml programs without sacrificing the efficiency of existing single-threaded programs. The slides are available at
- Retrofitting Parallelism onto OCaml (video) (ICFP 2020) presents the garbage collection algorithm in OCaml 5.0. The proceeding paper is available at
Flambda is an optimization framework introduced in OCaml 4.03. It allows for conveniently inlining small code snippets, resulting in a faster binary. However, the trade-off is a longer compilation time. It should be noted that Flambda is currently an opt-in feature of the compiler.
Flambda2 is the successor to Flambda and is currently being developed at
- Read the Optimization with Flambda chapter in the OCaml manual for the details of Flambda.
- The progress of Flambda2 development is reported in OCamlPro's compiler team work update (2019).
- A better inliner for OCaml, and why it matters (2016) offers an insightful introduction to Flambda.
- Optimizations you shouldn't do (2013) shows how the OCaml compiler's classic inliner works.
WebAssembly, or Wasm, is a portable binary instruction format that can be used with any programming language. It runs in a secure environment embedded within web browsers.
Porting OCaml to Wasm has excellent potential. While we already have OCaml to JavaScript compilers, the compiled code is more or less inefficient as JavaScript is not designed as a low-level target language. Wasm will fill the gap and lead to high-performance client-side web applications written in OCaml.
- OCaml to Wasm - an overview is a collection of materials on compiling OCaml to Wasm.
- A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us (video) (BOB 2023) explains the difficulties of compiling programming languages with garbage collection to Wasm and upcoming features to address them. While the presentation talks about Scheme, most points also apply to OCaml. The transcript is available at
- WebAssembly/Wasm and OCaml (2022) introduces OCamlPro's activities on Wasm.
Haskell's type classes, Scala's implicits, and Rust's traits are solutions to the expression problem, a well-known problem of programming language design formulated by Philip Wadler in 1998. Modular implicits were introduced as OCaml's solution to the expression problem in 2014.
As clarified in the original paper on modular implicits, adding type classes to OCaml is difficult due to its adherence to type abstraction. In short, you can have functors or type classes, but not both, and OCaml already has functors. While the community eagerly awaits this solution, its implementation, unfortunately, appears to be years away.
- Modular implicits (video) (ML/OCaml 2014) demonstrates how modular implicits would interact with the rest of OCaml's type system. The proceeding paper is available at
- Leo White's response on implementing modular implicits
- Attempts to implement modular implicits:
Algebraic effects and handlers are a way to model various computational effects in a composable manner. They can express assignments, I/O operations, exceptions, iterators, asynchronous computations, non-deterministic computations, etc.
The experimental support for algebraic effects was introduced in OCaml 5.0. However, the type system does not provide dedicated functionalities to track effects. In other words, algebraic effects in OCaml 5.0 are untyped. It introduces various problems, and it would be better to have algebraic effects typed and handled by the type system instead. By extending OCaml's type system with algebraic effects, it would become more similar to Haskell's but without the need for monads for effects.
- Concurrent Programming with Effect Handlers is an excellent tutorial on algebraic effects in OCaml.
- Experiences with Effects in OCaml (video) (OCaml 2021) presents case studies of applying algebraic effects to Angstrom and Httpaf. The proceeding paper is available at
- Effectively Tackling the Awkward Squad (video) (ML 2017) demonstrates practical examples of algebraic effects. The proceeding paper is available at
- Eff directly in OCaml (video) (ML 2016) introduces an implementation of typed algebraic effects on OCaml. The proceeding paper is available at
- Effects bibliography is a collaborative bibliography of work related to the theory and practice of computational effects.
- An attempt to implement OCaml with typed algebraic effects
OCaml's type checker is complex and fragile, as noted in
in the compiler codebase.
While refactoring the type checker for lower maintenance costs is a
priority, it is tough for less experienced developers to participate.
The type system has many features, so the underlying algorithm is hard
to comprehend.
Additionally, the implementation could be better structured.
The Certifiable OCaml Type Inference (COCTI) project aims to develop the foundation for a "robust, modular, and verifiable" type system implementation for OCaml. In addition to the cleanup and refactoring of the existing code base, COCTI develops a compiler backend targeting Gallina, Coq's programming language, and proofs of soundness of the type system, among others.
Most code on COCTI is available at
- Validating OCaml soundness by translation into Coq (TYPES 2022) introduces Coqgen, "a backend for OCaml that generates well-typed and executable Coq code". The slides are available at
- Interpreting OCaml GADTs into Coq (video) (ML 2022) shows how to map GADTs in OCaml to Coq and open problems toward translating them automatically. The proceeding paper is available at The slides are available at
OCaml's generational garbage collector efficiently handles short-lived small values OCaml programs often produce. While it works well, one can improve the performance even more if such ephemeral values are allocated to a stack, like local variables in C.
However, we must ensure that stack-allocated values are not referenced from heap-allocated long-lived values to prevent use-after-free bugs. A similar problem is also in values shared between multiple threads. Rust's type system has the concept of lifetime and ownership to manage such values safely at the cost of complexity.
Modes provide a proper subset of Rust's lifetime and ownership separate from the type system. A prototype of modes-enabled OCaml is being developed at
- The "Oxidizing OCaml" series (2023) on Jane Street Tech Blog:
- Part 1: Locality introduces a limited form of lifetime named locality mode.
- Part 2: Rust-style Ownership shows how ownership in Rust can be expressed with modes.
- Stack allocation for OCaml (video) (OCaml 2022) is a clear and concise introduction to modes. The slides are available at
OCaml uses a uniform memory layout of values to implement parametric polymorphism without duplicating mostly identical code snippets for each type, as C++'s templates do under the hood. The disadvantage of a uniform memory layout is the overhead of memory space and execution time.
Unboxed types do not follow the uniform memory layout to improve performance. With unboxed types, programmers can opt-in to unboxed types when desired at the cost of duplicating code for each unboxed type. Work on unboxed types is ongoing at
- Unboxed types for OCaml (video) (ML 2022)
- Unboxed Types for OCaml at Jane Street Tech Talks (video) (2019)