A dedicated instance of the RARe portal has been implemented with the possibility to order genetic resources. The user is then redirected to a dedicated ordering application that will put him in touch with the relevant accession holders.
This metric will trace the impact of the RARe data portal, hence promoting its use.
Search by taxon now uses synonyms from 2 data sources: NCBI and GnpIS. Any search term matching a known taxon name also searches its synonyms. Matching synonyms are highlighted in the results to inform the user of the process.
Make the data loading process smoothier and display the date of the last data update in the web interface.
Allow searching group of terms linked together, ie. "fusarium head blight". Currently, any of the 3 terms are searched independently, resulting in a lot of false positives.
Currently the data is stored next to the code into Git LFS. We plan to review this approach to reduce the storage cost.
Add a download feature allowing to get batch results in a tabulated and/or JSON format. Number of results to be clarified.