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Windows Installation Guide

This guild is only for devices with working USB!

Please check the Device Support Status.

Download Tools

Download these files to your USB flash drive:

  1. Download Windows PE


  2. Download dism++


  3. Download SDM845 Drivers

    GitHub WOA-Drivers

    You need to extract drivers for your device here, check README.

  4. Download Windows 10 arm64 iso

    UUP dump

  5. Download UEFI

    Releases · edk2-porting/edk2-sdm845 · GitHub

  6. Download parted


  7. Create a text file, you may need it to copy-paste commands on the phone

    select disk 0
    list part
    select part 17    # 17 is the number of your ESP partition
    assign letter=Y
    bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} testsigning on
    bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} nointegritychecks on
    shutdown -s -t 0


Some devices may need additional steps. Before you proceed, please check your device page at Devices section.

Create Partitions

Enter TWRP Recovery on your phone and connect it to PC.

Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run:

adb push parted /sdcard/
adb shell
  1. Repartition device

    The following partition layout commands is example for OnePlus 6T 128GB. You may need to change the ranges for your own device or your own preferences.

    !> This may damage your device if done wrong. Please use 9008 to restore your device if it becomes bricked accidentally.

    WARNING: Ignore the text after the #, it's just a comment.

    cp /sdcard/parted /sbin/ && chmod 755 /sbin/parted
    umount /data && umount /sdcard
    parted /dev/block/sda
    rm 17                           # remove userdata
    mkpart esp fat32 6559MB 7000MB    # 441 MB
    mkpart pe fat32 7000MB 10000MB    # 3 GB
    mkpart win ntfs 10000MB 70GB      # 61,680 MB ( 61.68 GB )
    mkpart userdata ext4 70GB 125GB   # 56,320 MB ( 56.32 GB )
    set 17 esp on                   # mark as active partition
  2. Format new partitions

    mkfs.fat -F32 -s1 /dev/block/by-name/pe
    mkfs.fat -F32 -s1 /dev/block/by-name/esp
    mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/block/by-name/win
    mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/block/by-name/userdata
  3. Mount PE partition as /mnt

    mount /dev/block/by-name/pe /mnt
  4. Connect USB flash drive to device's OTG and copy PE

    cp -r /usbstorage/20h2pe_new/* /mnt
  5. Reboot to system with TWRP

    Try to boot Android first. If it works, Android is ok and we can proceed.

Install Windows

Reboot device to fastboot mode.

  1. Boot UEFI

    fastboot boot boot-DEVICE.img
  2. Enter Windows PE

    Assign Y letter to your ESP partition:

    select disk 0
    list part
    select part 17    # 17 is the number of your ESP partition
    assign letter=Y
  3. Install Windows ARM64

    Open dism++ and install Windows:

    1. Open File > Apply Image
    2. Select iso where that is located
    3. Select the C:\ root (or D:\ if C:\ is the PE partition), the destination disk where windows will be applied
    4. Check Add Boot
    5. Press OK and wait untill image applied

    Install drivers:

    1. Select new Windows installation on top and click Open session
    2. Enter Drivers section under Control Panel
    3. Click Add and select SDM845 Drivers folder
    4. Wait untill drivers installed
  4. Enable Test-Signing mode

    bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} testsigning on
    bcdedit /store Y:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {Default} nointegritychecks on
  5. Reboot to UEFI again, enjoy your Windows!

    shutdown -s -t 0