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Weekly MOABB meeting

Sylvain Chevallier edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 24 revisions
  • Thursday 3rd December

  • Thursday 10th December

    1. Open discussions:
    • Making a leaderboard, publicly available on the wiki, as in paper with code. What process to report score? see The Ladder paper
    1. Enhancements

  • Thursday 14th January
    1. Blocking issues:
    1. Enhancements
    • Adding SSVEP datasets: almost okay, 2 datasets ok. Need to update classes for MAMEM datasets (200+ electrodes)
    • Additional information in results (PR #127): almost ok, need review
    • Learning curve: evaluate accuracy while varying the number of trials. First draft.
    • Transfer learning: discussions in issue.
    1. Open discussions:
    • Google summer of code
    • Sebastien: run ML/autoML competitions, interest in transfer learning, few shot learning, cross-dataset, cross-hardware, cross-paradigm. Could be interesting to run a meta-learning challenge, in a RAMP like fashion maybe.
    • How to compare fairly different tasks, with different number of class, research questions close to meta-learning

  • Thursday 21st January
    1. Open discussion:
      • Morgan Hough: asking financial support from a company to support cloud computing time for processing data. Also computational power available to run evaluations soon.
      • New techniques in ML: evaluation on EEG
      • BCI society meeting on ML, check for recording available online
      • Adding support to affective computing, and emotion recognition, as more and more databases are available such as DEAP or GAMEEMO datasets (with GAMEEMO paper)
    2. Code update:
      • Additional columns PR # 127: last review and merge
      • Learning curve on various trial number: cross validation first, select subset of trials (in percentage or in number of sample per classes), repeat multiple times (permutation)
      • open a PR on MNE for FTP download
    3. Issues
      • Explain MOABB philosophy, regarding the idea to restrict the number of parameters to ease the comparison of algorithm. For example, the number of k-fold validation is set to 5 to ensure reproducible and accurate results.
      • Divyesh: open a new discussion for cVEP paradigm, as there is data available
      • How to start contributing: adding examples and running some pipelines to contribute on the leaderboard
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