diff --git a/Gnoll Mods/ExpLuaIntegration/README.md b/Gnoll Mods/ExpLuaIntegration/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7b4ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gnoll Mods/ExpLuaIntegration/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Experimental mod showcasing how to mod the game via Lua.
+As an example, the mod randomizes the wood material values (between 1 and 10, by default all wood has a value of 1) on start of a new game. Additionally it shows how to save the newly generated values. Since Gnomoria itself only saves strictly Gnomoria stuff, then we need a side-channel to save Gnoll stuff. This is shown as well. There is also some code that show using the _GNOMORIA global table which has a few helpful functions.
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diff --git a/Gnoll Mods/LuaSupport/README.md b/Gnoll Mods/LuaSupport/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4015a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gnoll Mods/LuaSupport/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Toggle mod for enabling/disabling Lua integration. Enable this mod to enable Lua integration.
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diff --git a/Gnoll Mods/README.md b/Gnoll Mods/README.md
index b1075f5..9e674f2 100644
--- a/Gnoll Mods/README.md
+++ b/Gnoll Mods/README.md
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ Currently those mods are:
- BuildListCache - Build dialogs show the last items used in buiding, for faster access
- Challenges - Adds a game type with a specific task or objective
- FasterEntityProcessing - An enhancement on entity processing, gives FPS boost
-- FixStuckWheelbarrow - A fix for when a gnomes/automata gets stuck, because the wheelbarrow is full
- FixDisableNewGameModdedMobs - This fixes situation where new game start would only disable vanilla enemis and leave modded enemies enabled
+- FixFullscreenAltTab - Trying to fix the crash that happens when alt-tabbing out of fullscreen
+- FixStuckWheelbarrow - A fix for when a gnomes/automata gets stuck, because the wheelbarrow is full
- FreezeEntitiesOnPause - Pauses the thinking process for characters when the game itself is paused, gives FPS boost during game pause
- GoblinRaidsFpsBoost - Slows down the thinking process for goblins who are outside of the gates or otherwise stuck and cannot reach their target, gives FPS boost
+- HigherZoom - Allows 2 more levels of zooming out
- IdleTrackerMod - Tracks and show idle gnomes
- ImportExportTrackedItemsMod - Allows to export and import the tracked item list, that is shown in the main HUD
- MantRaidFpsBoost - Helps in situations where Mants cannot get into your fortress, gives FPS boost
@@ -17,5 +19,7 @@ Currently those mods are:
- SeasonalChange - Switches the environment graphics according to current season
- TrackedItemsSizeLimitMod - Removes the limit on how many items can be tracked in the main HUD
- VeinMiner - Enhances mining in a way that gnomes digg out the mineral/gem veins by themselves
-- HigherZoom - Allows 2 more levels of zooming out
-- FixFullscreenAltTab - Trying to fix the crash that happens when alt-tabbing out of fullscreen
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+And a few that are experimental or otherwise different
+- LuaSupport - Enables/Disables Gnoll's Lua integration. Enable this mod to enable Lua integration
+- ExpLuaIntegration - Experimental Lua mod. More-or-less meant to show how to mod the game via Lua
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diff --git a/Installer/InstallerGUI/InstallerGUI.csproj b/Installer/InstallerGUI/InstallerGUI.csproj
index f5acf34..6431ab6 100644
--- a/Installer/InstallerGUI/InstallerGUI.csproj
+++ b/Installer/InstallerGUI/InstallerGUI.csproj
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- 0
+ 1