- Register provider:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.NetApp
- Dynamic tier change:
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.NetApp --name ANFTierChange
- Unix permission:
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.NetApp --name ANFUnixPermissions
- Unix chown:
az feature register --namespace Microsoft.NetApp --name ANFChownMode
- Resource Group name: anfdemo01-rg
- Location: Japan East
az group create -n anfdemo-rg -l japaneast
GUI: Create Resource Group
- VNet name: anfjpe-vnet
- Location: Japan East
- Address Space:
- Subnet name: vm-subnet
- Subnet:
az network vnet create -g anfdemo-rg -n anfjpe-vnet \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-name vm-subnet --subnet-prefix
GUI: Create VNet
GUI: Create VNet and Subnet
- ANF subnet name: anf-subnet
- ANF subnet:
- ANF delegation: Microsoft.Netapp/volumes
az network vnet subnet create \ --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --vnet-name anfjpe-vnet \ --name anf-subnet \ --delegations "Microsoft.NetApp/volumes" \ --address-prefixes
GUI: Create VNet
GUI: Create VNet and Subnet
- Name: anfjpe-vnet-bastion
- Tier: Standard
- Virtual Network: anfjpe-vnet
- New public IP name : anfjpe-vnet-ip
- Public IP address SKU: Standard
- Procedure: Execute these command lines and create bastion on GUI portal
az network vnet subnet create \ --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --name AzureBastionSubnet \ --vnet-name anfjpe-vnet \ --address-prefixes az network public-ip create --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --name anfjpe-vnet-ip \ --sku Standard
- Virtual machine name: suse01
- Region: Japan East
- Image: SUSE linux 15 SP3
- VM type: Standard_D2s_v3
- Authentication type: Password
- Username: anfadmin
- Password: ---- (min length is 12)
- OS disk type: Standard HDD
- VNet: anfjpe-vnet
- Subnet: vm-subnet
- Public IP: None
- ANF account name: anfjpe
- Location: Japan East
az netappfiles account create \ -g anfdemo-rg \ --name anfjpe -l japaneast
- Capacity pool: pool1
- Service level: standard
- Size: 4TiB
- QoS Type: auto (default)
az netappfiles pool create \ --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --location japaneast \ --account-name anfjpe \ --pool-name pool1 \ --size 4 \ --service-level Standard
Maximum size of a single capacity pool: 500 TiB
Maximum number of capacity pools per NetApp account: 25
- Volume name: nfsvol1
- NFS 4.1
Note) It take around 4 minutes
az netappfiles volume create \ --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --location japaneast \ --account-name anfjpe \ --pool-name pool1 \ --name nfsvol1 \ --service-level Standard \ --vnet anfjpe-vnet \ --subnet anf-subnet \ --usage-threshold 1024 \ --file-path nfsvol1 \ --allowed-clients \ --rule-index 1 \ --protocol-types NFSv4.1
Maximum size of a single volume: 100 TiB
Maximum number of volumes per capacity pool: 500
- Login as root
sudo su -
orsudo -i
- Verify login as root
- Mount path: /mnt/nfsvol1/
- Follow Mount Instruction
Note) Not necesssry to install NFS utilities
df -h
Change to ANF mounted directory and create test file
cd nfsvol1
echo "aaaaa" > test.txt
zypper install fio
fio -rw=randwrite -bs=8k -size=2000m -numjobs=40 -runtime=180 -direct=1 -invalidate=1 -ioengine=libaio -iodepth=32 -iodepth_batch=32 -group_reporting -name=FioDiskThroughputTest
- Expected value: Thougthput to be changed to 32Mbps from 16Mbps
- See realtime change of throughput
az netappfiles volume update -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe --pool-name pool1 \ --name nfsvol1 --service-level Standard \ --usage-threshold 2048
- Create a test file named test.txt under /mnt/nfsvol1/
echo "this is the test" > test.txt
- Create one-time snapshot: snapshot01
- Create clone volume from the snapshot
- Revert
- Create one-time snapshot: snapshot01 Note) Max number of snapshot per volume is 255
az netappfiles snapshot create -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe \ --pool-name pool1 \ --volume-name nfsvol1 \ -l japaneast \ --name snapshot01
cd /mnt/nfsvol1/
ls -la
cd .snapshot
ls -la
cd snapshot01
- Restore test.txt as
test2.txt: cp test.txt ../../test2.txt
- Verify:
cd ../../
andcat test2.txt
Note) Timezone is UTC. Japan Standard time is UTC +9
az netappfiles snapshot policy create -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe \ --snapshot-policy-name hourly-pol01 \ -l japaneast \ --hourly-snapshots 8 \ --hourly-minute 59 \ --enabled true
az netappfiles pool update -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe --name pool1 \ --qos-type Manual
And change throughput manually to 50Mbps
az netappfiles volume update -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe --pool-name pool1 \ --name nfsvol1 --service-level standard \ --throughput-mibps 50
Extend pool size to 6 TiB
az netappfiles pool update -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe \ --name pool1 \ --size 6
And change throughput manually to 80Mbps
az netappfiles volume update -g anfdemo-rg \ --account-name anfjpe --pool-name pool1 \ --name nfsvol1 --service-level standard \ --throughput-mibps 80
- Create 4TiB one more pool pool2 as Premium Service Level
- Move the current volumes to pool2
- Remove pool1
az netappfiles pool create \ --resource-group anfdemo-rg \ --location japaneast \ --account-name anfjpe \ --pool-name pool2 \ --size 4 \ --qos-type Manual \ --service-level Premium
And after moving all volumes to pool2, delete pool1
az netappfiles pool delete -g anfdemo-rg -a anfjpe -n pool1
git clone https://github.com/maysay1999/anfdemo02.git AnfHandson
chmod 711 japanwest-create.sh
Execute japanwest-create.sh- Briefing on Cross Region Replicaiton (DR)
- Create a new VNet, anfjpw-vnet
- Address space is
- Location: Japan West (pair region).
- Create a new subnet, vm-sub.
- Create a new subnet, anf-sub.
- ANF netapp account: anfjpw (location: Japan West)
- Capacity pool name: pooldr (4TiB, Standard)
- Replication volume name: voldr (througput 16Mbps)
- Replication frequency: once a day
- Price of Cross Region Replication
Price of Cross Region Replication (Japanese) - Limitatoin of ANF
Limitatoin of ANF (Japanese)