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180 lines (147 loc) · 5.27 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (147 loc) · 5.27 KB

The coffee shop

This is a small demo of a coffee shop application for practicing Golang code and technologies. In this project, I aim to separate it into microservices and design features using various technologies.

1. How to run

    1. `cd deployments/` open cmd: `docker-compose up`
    2. `cd ../` to root directory
    3. run counter-service `make run-counter`
    4. run kitchen-service `make run-kitchen`
    5. run product-service `make run-product`
    6. run authorization-service `make run-authorization`
    7. run batch-service `make run-batch`
    8. run html code in: ./web/ (cmd: `start index.html`)


Accounts and passwords is:
    - admin: admin
    - counter: counter
    - kitchen: kitchen

This is demo alt text

2. Technical stack

    0. Docker + go verson 1.22.2
    1. routes - ""
    2. gRPC - "" and protobuf
    3. redis - ""
    4. cron job - ""
    5. kafka - ""
    6. minio - ""
    7. gorp_migration - ""
    8. goqu - ""
    9. google wire - ""
    10. ratelimit - ""
    11. bycrypt - ""
    12. gofpdf - ""
    13. golangci-lint

3. Flow

Project structure

    1. authorization-service: for login/register authen, author
    2. counter-service: for receptionist to make order, find items and payment
    3. kitchen-service: kitchen process (in here I made it easily to view order and update finished order)
    4. product-service: manage all product of coffee store
    5. batch-service: to run end of day to make report (you can trigger it by manual)
    6. FE: html code to demostration how does APIs work?

alt text

Sequence diagram

alt text

4. How's it work

Please import coffee-project.postman_collection.json to your postman and run it

5. Authorization

When you call login the API will response 2 token:

  • token (main token)
  • refreshToken (token with longer expired time. It can help renew token when the main token is expired)

I you meet httpCode = 407 please call API /api/v1/renewToken

    "code": 200,
    "message": {
        "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTczMDMzMDksInJvbGVzIjpbIm1lbWJlciJdLCJ1c2VySWQiOiJuYW1udiJ9.PX7DvULwCDwYsy_0UdUx21AXLBS4WV-x--E1wFv-LtI",
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MTcyOTYzMzksImlhdCI6MTcxNzI5NjMwOSwicm9sZXMiOlsibWVtYmVyIl0sInVzZXJJZCI6Im5hbW52In0.TEH-1oX5PrXpCNBWf4EoPVpCGVAkb1DVezzMtYEC8fU"
    "status": "OK"


│   └───grpcpb
│       ├───gen
│       └───swagger
│   ├───authorization
│   ├───batch
│   ├───counter
│   ├───kitchen
│   └───product
│   ├───authorization
│   │   ├───app
│   │   ├───domain
│   │   ├───repo
│   │   └───service
│   ├───batch
│   │   ├───app
│   │   ├───domain
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │   └───jobs
│   │   ├───repo
│   │   └───service
│   ├───counter
│   │   ├───app
│   │   ├───domain
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │   └───router
│   │   ├───repo
│   │   └───service
│   ├───kitchen
│   │   ├───app
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │   └───consumers
│   │   └───service
│   └───product
│       ├───app
│       ├───domain
│       ├───handler
│       │   └───router
│       ├───repo
│       └───service
│   ├───cache
│   ├───configs
│   ├───data_access
│   │   ├───enums
│   │   └───migrations
│   │       └───mysql
│   ├───mq
│   │   ├───consumer
│   │   └───producer
│   ├───ratelimit
│   ├───s3
│   ├───security
│   └───utils